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Merkel : Putin Is Out Of Touch With Reality

This is not a clear situation where u can say clearly someone is the aggressor.Its basically an ethnic mess.Its very true that west ukraine and kiev people want nothing to do with russia and had enough of corrupt yanukovich.On the other hand it can't be denied that crimean people don't want ukraine and consider themselves by and large russian.East ukraine seems disputed.So one can't really generalize here on what 'ukraine' wants..coz right now 'ukraine' is one giant ethnic clusterfuck created 20 yrs ago with absolutely contrasting viewpoints on 2 sides of the country.
Janukovitch legitimates the russian humanitarian mission. nuff said!

Move along people, nothing to see here!
LOL shut your mouth stupid
Yankee puppet. This stupid pig looking woman has been a slave to the Yankees since she came to power.

Russia has not and will not ever kowtow to Yankee thuggery and imperialism.
Reminds me from old Finnish song from 1940s called "Kremlins Dream".
In Kremlin father Stalin saw a dream that every Finns name was a Vasili, they farmed cabbage land and played balalaika and were singing happily, that's right.

Molotov said fighting will end when everyone is danging tropak and speaks Russian, a real paradise,
who doesn't believe, head off, there must be a order, that's right.

Stalin had a sickle and hammer in he's flag and both of them had their knowledge, sickle cuts throats and hammer hits nails to peasant's coffins, that's right.

There was a peace and everyone was well-off when you don't have any other jobs than liquidation,
this is a paradise and those who don't believe, head off, there must be a order, that's right.

But Kremlins dreams are disappearing into smoke and when he wakes up father Joseph can notice
how Finnish boy has already come over the border like a madman and plans to take Karelia.

Where does he now put he's head, it's like a trapped rat and there is no help anywhere,
perhaps it would be best to commit self liquidation, there must be a order, that's right.
Poor Ukraine....

U.S, China, Islamic World, and India are armed to teeth....time for Germans to re-arm themselves, too. This world is a crazy place.

Expect more preparations for defence/war by countries around the world after Putin's move.
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