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Merkel calls for 'real, true' European army


Nov 17, 2017
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Merkel applauded and booed after calling for 'real, true' European army

19:56, UK, Tuesday 13 November 2018


Video:German chancellor Angela Merkel was applauded and booed in the European parliament after calling for a "real, true" European army.
EU is controlled by France and Germany. EU challenge America's position. EU, China, Russia, America, the four tigers.
China has deep business control over EU. An EU with its own Army (and Air Force and Navy) free of american influence means an ally of China (and Russia) glaring at america across the Atlantic Ocean.
Go for it EU

they have to stand on their own feet sooner or later

cant trust a U.S run by a moron
Unlikely without Uncle Sam's approval. There is too much at stake and the US won't allow a seperate European security umbrella.
When it's the West vs the West, it turns out to be very ugly!!!!

China has deep business control over EU. An EU with its own Army (and Air Force and Navy) free of american influence means an ally of China (and Russia) glaring at america across the Atlantic Ocean.
Hence, the EU needs to be divided and then ruled if the USA wants to continue as the Super Power; otherwise, it looks like the game over!!!! If they can't put the energy for the domestic positive development then it'll be the time to panic....

Interestingly, it's not the Muslims but the fellow Christians who are pushing the dagger deep into the US's heart....
When it's the West vs the West, it turns out to be very ugly!!!!

Hence, the EU needs to be divided and then ruled if the USA wants to continue as the Super Power; otherwise, it looks like the game over!!!! If they can't put the energy for the domestic positive development then it'll be the time to panic....
hopefully the europeans won't be as stupid...
The US position in Europe during the Cold war was "Keep the Americans In, Germans Down and Russians Out"
The Europeans don't want to jeopardize their economic activity nor social services for a "European Army". This is probably the politicians drumming up Anti-Americanism to get the public to support their national governments.

The public just has to ask the EU Governments how they plan to pay for the EU Military?

Another possibility is this is a roundabout way of tricking Europeans to pay more taxes to meet the Nato goal of 2% of GDP and placate the Americans, so America does not impose penalties on the Europeans, such as the German Auto Industry or French Luxury goods
Merkel-Macron has backing from Russia. With Brexit Brit's are already out. Putin's dream, kick the yank's out of mainland Europe. Paris-Berlin-Moscow triad dominating Europe.....
A full European Army, with 100,000 Troops from the US ... first at least remove US soldiers from Italy , Germany and many other EU nations .
Well to be honest. If European becomes a true independent Union Projecting its forces for its on sphere of interest. And ignore the Americans interests. What really is the true enemy of europe?
EU is not a reactive World policeman like USA so it does not have a problem with china like USA does.

Russia is the only real Formiddable Foe for EU.
But even more severe problem is the Problems within European countries.
What will you do with Tukish Greece Conflict? Choose your Fellow Greece against the Historical Ottoman Enemy? And Give Russia a Formidable Ally and a permanent Flank to Europe?
What about British concern over such United Europe model who have already withdrawn from existing EU framework?

If all these problems are sorted out.I believe a Combined Europe in a single united entity have even more potential then United States even to this day. Imagine a Combined military industrial complex of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Czeck Republic, Serbia, Poland etc.
Russia is the only real Formiddable Foe for EU.

Not really. EU has several times the population of Russia. Russia is the northern giant, but very little actual power other than mouth. France alone almost occupied Russia in the 1800s. Germany alone almost occupied Russia in the 1900s.

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