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Mehdi Hasan: an unlikely new ally


Dec 12, 2008
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Somehow, I’m agreeing with Mehdi Hasan

Douglas Murray 21 March 2013 17:59

Mehdi Hasan: an unlikely new ally.

I won’t often say this, but there is a must-read article at the Huffington Post today. Titled ‘The Sorry Truth Is That the Virus of Anti-Semitism Has Infected the British Muslim Community’ it is a reflection on the recent anti-Semitic outburst by Lord Ahmed of Rotherham. It an admirably honest piece of writing the author says:

‘It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace
Sounds like the writing of some terrible ‘Islamophobe’ doesn’t it? Except that you’ll be relived to know that as author goes on he writes:

‘Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret.’​

Phew! ‘Our dirty little secret.’ Thank goodness the author is a Muslim. He goes on to say:

‘I can’t keep count of the number of Muslims I have come across – from close friends and relatives to perfect strangers – for whom weird and wacky anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are the default explanation for a range of national and international events. Who killed Diana and Dodi? The Mossad, say many Muslims. They didn’t want the British heir to the throne having an Arab stepfather. What about 9/11? Definitely those damn Yehudis. I mean, why else were 4,000 Jews in New York told to stay home from work on the morning of 11 September 2001? How about the financial crisis? Er, Jewish bankers. Obviously. Oh, and the Holocaust? Don’t be silly. Never happened.

‘Growing up, I always assumed that this obsession with ‘the Jews’ was a hallmark of the ‘first-generation’ immigrants from the subcontinent. In recent years, I’ve been depressed to discover that there are plenty of ‘second-generation’ Muslim youths, born and bred in multiracial Britain, who have drunk the anti-Semitic Kool-Aid. I’m often attacked by them for working in the “Jewish owned media”.

‘The truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected members of the British Muslim community, both young and old. No, the on-going Israel-Palestine conflict hasn’t helped matters. But this goes beyond the Middle East. How else to explain why British Pakistanis are so often the most ardent advocates of anti-Semitic conspiracies, even though there are so few Jews living in Pakistan?

The author writes:

‘To be honest, I’ve always been reluctant to write a column such as this. To accuse my fellow Muslims of being soft on the scourge of anti-Semitism isn’t easy; I feel as if I am ‘dobbing in’ the community.’
And he continues:

‘We’re not all anti-Semites. But, as a community, we do have a ‘Jewish problem’. There is no point pretending otherwise.’

Adding that ‘anti-Semitism passed the dinner-table test in polite British Muslim society long ago,’ he concludes:

‘Oh, and I’m well aware that this column will also be held up by some of my fellow Muslims as “proof” that “Mehdi Hasan has sold out to the Jews”.’​

Because yes – the author of this astonishing piece is none other than the Huffington Post’s very own Mehdi Hasan.

I didn’t think I would ever agree with so much of an article written by Mehdi. But this is no time for gloating. Mehdi should be congratulated for breaking the silence on this subject. It might have been broken a long time ago, but every time somebody tried to make these same points they kept getting dismissed as a racist or ‘Islamophobe’

Why are you so worried about anti semitic behaviour of Pakistanis, while your own media is so full of anti muslim propaganda all the time.
Can you point to specific items in the U.S. major media to support your statement?
Can you point to specific items in the U.S. major media to support your statement?

Really? How about bringing Islamophobes as "expert" on Islam? Robert Spencer for one. Also, that jewish ****** Pamella Geller too...

I can post links/videos if you want....

American Media is full of Islamophobia..don't even come to internet, where ALL anti-Islamic websites are based in USA and they get majority of their traffic from U.S.A ...
Really? How about bringing Islamophobes as "expert" on Islam? Robert Spencer for one. Also, that jewish ****** Pamella Geller too...
A "phobia" denotes and unreasonable fear of something. If a prominent Pakistani fears being assassinated tomorrow by an Islamic extremist that strikes you as reasonable. So if Spencer fears an attack by Islamic extremists in the next year or two how does that make him more of an "Islamophobe" than the average Pakistani governor or PM?

I can post links/videos if you want....
You'll have to, but you see they'll have to be pretty biased to back up your case, and I'm pretty sure now you don't think you can find such material.
I can understand why Arabs hate jews but could never understand why other muslims do.

We don't hate Jews. In fact as long as a Jew is a decent person most Muslims will have no problem with them.

The issue is that vast majority of Muslims do not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land.

Personally, I am not in favour of BD recognising the Jewish state ever.

Btw, that Mehdi is an idiot as he is pandering to Islamophobia.
The issue is that vast majority of Muslims do not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land.
And that disagreement is rooted in what, exactly? That the Arabs want to kick Jews out of land fairly bought by Jews from Arabs? That Muslims believe Jews must always be subservient to them and can never exist in a country of their own? That Arabs who revolted with the purpose of destroying nascent Jewish State somehow have the right - to reclaim their civil and property rights while maintaining hostile purpose against the Jews?

It's more than that....not only do "not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land" they don't agree that Jews have the right to live on Muslim land. That's the demographic lesson of the middle east and south asia.

So as long as Muslims like yourself do not work to change the attitude of their "vast majority" is there any doubt they will remain deluded and angry peoples devoted to injustice, racism, and tyranny?
And that disagreement is rooted in what, exactly? That the Arabs want to kick Jews out of land fairly bought by Jews from Arabs? That Muslims believe Jews must always be subservient to them and can never exist in a country of their own? That Arabs who revolted with the purpose of destroying nascent Jewish State somehow have the right - to reclaim their civil and property rights while maintaining hostile purpose against the Jews?

It's more than that....not only do "not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land" they don't agree that Jews have the right to live on Muslim land. That's the demographic lesson of the middle east and south asia.

So as long as Muslims like yourself do not work to change the attitude of their "vast majority" is there any doubt they will remain deluded and angry peoples devoted to injustice, racism, and tyranny?

Jews should give Palestinians their own state and then they will find that Muslims will be more willing to engage with them.

Most Palestinians are willing to make peace for only 22% of Palestine so I do not understand why they cannot even get this?
And that disagreement is rooted in what, exactly? That the Arabs want to kick Jews out of land fairly bought by Jews from Arabs? That Muslims believe Jews must always be subservient to them and can never exist in a country of their own? That Arabs who revolted with the purpose of destroying nascent Jewish State somehow have the right - to reclaim their civil and property rights while maintaining hostile purpose against the Jews?

It's more than that....not only do "not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land" they don't agree that Jews have the right to live on Muslim land. That's the demographic lesson of the middle east and south asia.

So as long as Muslims like yourself do not work to change the attitude of their "vast majority" is there any doubt they will remain deluded and angry peoples devoted to injustice, racism, and tyranny?

Even in the US after so much time has passed the term " carpetbagger" has resilience, does it not? Fair and square they may have been but that is not the impression desperate people were left with. Look keep the focus, and that was that the UK Muslim community, mainly the Pakistani and Bangladeshi have a what Mr. Hassan calls a "Jewish problem" and that it is in fact true and factual -- similarly that not just Israel but the West at large have a "Muslim Problem" -- I'm not suggesting that either is OK or justification for the other, but rather that they are both true and factual.
A "phobia" denotes and unreasonable fear of something. If a prominent Pakistani fears being assassinated tomorrow by an Islamic extremist that strikes you as reasonable. So if Spencer fears an attack by Islamic extremists in the next year or two how does that make him more of an "Islamophobe" than the average Pakistani governor or PM?

Don't play with English translation of the word. Aint nobody got time no for that..

*Specifically* Robert Spencer isn't concerned about radical Islam but he perpetrates anti-Islamic propaganda against Islam/Muslims in general (Just like what Nazis used to do against Jews)...

You, as a Jew, must be the last person defending vile propaganda against a certain community...I thought the slogan was "Never again for anybody"?

Robert Spencer says that one can not trust Muslims cuz they lie, there is no moderate Islam, you can not know which Muslim is moderate and which is radical because it is in nature of Islam (read Muslims) to conquer the world and impose Shari'a ..and Pamella Geller, Jewish a*s-slutt, claims while on NATIONAL TELEVISION (Millions Watching) "The last chapter of Qur'an, which supersedes all other chapters, is extremely violent and calls for killing of all non-Muslims"

Her this statement doesn't even have 1% truth...pure and utter propaganda against Muslims..a campaign of dehumanizing the Muslims...but hey, you'll defend it, right? (Btw, go here and read last chapter of Qur'an (just 5 verses) and see yourself if it fulfills Pamella's statement or not)

You'll have to, but you see they'll have to be pretty biased to back up your case, and I'm pretty sure now you don't think you can find such material.

Bias? What? I'll give you videos from American Media without any commentary..Just plain videos..and you can see the anti-Islamic/Anti-Muslim hatred in them...For example : There was one program on fox discussing how there should be special compartments in Airports for "Muslims" and how we need to profile "Muslims" ...

This is just one example...There was one another 'terror expert' on Hannity show claiming "15% of ALL Muslims are radical/Al Qaeda guys" ..so 190 million Muslims are *radical* or Al Qaeda affiliates?

Again, these are just things out there..no commentary no nothing...so take your this 'bias' video thing outa here...

And before I give you all those links... Here's something for you. A Jewish **** star talking about different things..see what she has to say about "Muslims" ...

JEWISH RACIST **** star AIDS ***** ashley blue loves KKK - HATES MUSLIMS - YouTube

A rant from a man who defends a country thats racist, predatory and is worse than apartheid that anyone has seen.

Mehdi Hassan is a very balanced writer. He has said this in the context of British environment and it cant be generalized to be true for all Muslims. Not even for all in Britain. So your reason to rejoice stops right there.

You dont have to be anti-Semitic to denounce Israel and its terror policies. And by the way, why Jews have completely manipulated this term 'Semite'? Muslim, Chrisitian and Jews are all Semitic people. Jews dont have monopoly on this term.

Being against Israel policies is not being anti-Semitic. Israel is not a victim. Those people whose lands you have forcefully occupied are victims, not you.
Even in the US after so much time has passed the term " carpetbagger" has resilience, does it not? Fair and square they may have been but that is not the impression desperate people were left with. Look keep the focus, and that was that the UK Muslim community, mainly the Pakistani and Bangladeshi have a what Mr. Hassan calls a "Jewish problem" and that it is in fact true and factual -- similarly that not just Israel but the West at large have a "Muslim Problem" -- I'm not suggesting that either is OK or justification for the other, but rather that they are both true and factual.

Americans faced the biggest terrorist attack on their soil by muslims. Hence the islamophobia by rightwingers. But British muslims were never attached by jews or Israelis.

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