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Mehdi Hasan: an unlikely new ally

And that disagreement is rooted in what, exactly? That the Arabs want to kick Jews out of land fairly bought by Jews from Arabs? That Muslims believe Jews must always be subservient to them and can never exist in a country of their own? That Arabs who revolted with the purpose of destroying nascent Jewish State somehow have the right - to reclaim their civil and property rights while maintaining hostile purpose against the Jews?

It's more than that....not only do "not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land" they don't agree that Jews have the right to live on Muslim land. That's the demographic lesson of the middle east and south asia.

So as long as Muslims like yourself do not work to change the attitude of their "vast majority" is there any doubt they will remain deluded and angry peoples devoted to injustice, racism, and tyranny?

I disagree with Mehdi Hasan. There is no such thing as Anti-Semitism in the World, today. This is just a label invented by the Zionist to deflect any criticism for their inhumane and oppressive behavior and policies. In a World ruled by the Zionist, Anti-Semistism cannot exist. Jewish people are like any other people, some good some bad, as any other Human Being.

Anytime the World condemns the act of a Tyrant or an Oppressor who happens to be Jewish, they throw this label of Anti-Semite. This kind of mentality comes from their complex of being the so-called “Chosen People “. Guess what guys, God has no CHOSEN PEOPLE. God created all Human Beings equal. Get off your high horse. You will be judged and punished for your oppression and cruelty in this World as well as hereafter.
Mehdi Hasan might even understate the facts. A few years back Pew did a survey in some Islamic countries about the 9/11 attacks and the results were quite staggering. The overwhelming majority of the Muslim respondents did not believe the terrorists to be Arabs. The study did not clarify further who they thought to be responsible for these acts of terrorism, but given the amount of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in the Islamic media, papers and on internet fora, it's not so hard to imagine.


The bottom line is that in the Muslim world there is this accustomed practice of blaming others for your own problems. Normally, the group that is the most hated (Jews) is blamed, but there is always a scapegoat (Westerners most notably) other than them around to blame for every inability, misgiving or calamity that falls upon the Muslims.
This lack of rationality and self-criticism is a fundamental weakness in the Muslim societies and communities, and as time goes on, it will become even more of an obstacle to peaceful and meaningful, intercultural relations between Islam and the rest, if the Muslim masses do no adjust their views in line with the modern world, and take personal responsibility.
And that disagreement is rooted in what, exactly? That the Arabs want to kick Jews out of land fairly bought by Jews from Arabs? That Muslims believe Jews must always be subservient to them and can never exist in a country of their own? That Arabs who revolted with the purpose of destroying nascent Jewish State somehow have the right - to reclaim their civil and property rights while maintaining hostile purpose against the Jews?

It's more than that....not only do "not agree that the Jews had any right to occupy Palestinian land" they don't agree that Jews have the right to live on Muslim land. That's the demographic lesson of the middle east and south asia.

So as long as Muslims like yourself do not work to change the attitude of their "vast majority" is there any doubt they will remain deluded and angry peoples devoted to injustice, racism, and tyranny?

Land bought fairly you say, so if Muslims all over the USA get together and purchase lets say land which would make about half of texas I am sure that the US gov will have no objection to them claiming it as an independent country.

And go read the history of your fathers that how we the evil Muslims saved them from inquisition, or your race would have died in europe a long long time ago.
And go read the history of your fathers that how we the evil Muslims saved them from inquisition, or your race would have died in europe a long long time ago.
Even if I accept your version of history as true - which I don't - the fact that you have to go back hundreds of years to find a good turn carried out by Muslims to the benefit of Jews speaks volumes about you and your culture, yes?
Don't play with English translation of the word. Aint nobody got time no for that..
Deal with it. You don't have the right to re-define the words of others as you wish.

You, as a Jew, must be the last person defending vile propaganda against a certain community...
I am open-minded enough to admit that not every group of people is equally good as another - and if you don't believe me, why don't you camp out for a night or two at your local maximum-security prison?

Truth is a sufficient defense against libel.

I thought the slogan was "Never again for anybody"?
"Never again" - as in never again another Holocaust. Justly labeling a group of people as criminals doesn't cut it.

Robert Spencer says that one can not trust Muslims cuz they lie, there is no moderate Islam, you can not know which Muslim is moderate and which is radical because it is in nature of Islam (read Muslims) to conquer the world and impose Shari'a ..and Pamella Geller, Jewish a*s-slutt, claims while on NATIONAL TELEVISION (Millions Watching) "The last chapter of Qur'an, which supersedes all other chapters, is extremely violent and calls for killing of all non-Muslims"
Spencer is sane while Pamela is paranoid, for the first makes serious charges he can often back up while the second need not be listened to - most of the time.

Pamela is at her most sane when she teams with Spencer. Neither qualifies as mainstream media, save for their brief scream over the "Ground-Zero mosque" affair.

Bias? What? I'll give you videos from American Media without any commentary..Just plain videos..and you can see the anti-Islamic/Anti-Muslim hatred in them...For example : There was one program on fox discussing how there should be special compartments in Airports for "Muslims" and how we need to profile "Muslims" ...
Links, please.

Here's something for you. A Jewish **** star talking about different things..see what she has to say about "Muslims" ...
More important and relevant (because she's more mainstream) has been Madonna's support of Malala.
Can you point to specific items in the U.S. major media to support your statement?

It seems this guy doesnt watch TV:rofl::rofl:

And now the immediate thing that should come in the minds of PDF members when seeing a thread by him should be Another Anti Islam Propaganda.
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Even if I accept your version of history as true -

Well your acceptance or denial dont count for chit, as you are not an author of history, just a student. So your or my verdict over anything will not change the events that had come to past. And also what happens now with Muslims and jews has its own history, engraved into the cloak of time.
Well your acceptance or denial dont count for chit, as you are not an author of history, just a student.
You mean the worth of an author's product should be judged by his title, rather than the arguments and proofs he or she can muster? What, were you beaten by your teachers with a stick or something?

And also what happens now with Muslims and jews has its own history, engraved into the cloak of time.
In other words, once a Muslim is injected with an evil lie it lives on forever and fighting that is useless. Truly, antisemitism is a disease, but your utter surrender to the forces of wickedness can only serve to empower tyranny, yes?
You mean the worth of an author's product should be judged by his title, rather than the arguments and proofs he or she can muster? What, were you beaten by your teachers with a stick or something?

In other words, once a Muslim is injected with an evil lie it lives on forever and fighting that is useless. Truly, antisemitism is a disease, but your utter surrender to the forces of wickedness can only serve to empower tyranny, yes?

This is the way I see it, you Zionists have a talent. its called twisting and denying the facts. And then presenting them not only in a way it suits you, but also getting people to believe in the garbage that you post. But you are one of the few zionists who suck at it, and I am really sorry that you feel left out.

Now if you had read what I had written boy, you had figured it out that I was talking about you and not the clown who wrote that garbage. And you are not an author of history, your version of events or the way you want us to believe them dont count for chit, as it is what it is. It had happened in the past, and your way of looking at it, or telling us how it is or was dont change the facts. But then well then you and many like you have convinced your self that some how you are right, and it is your royal responsibility that you have to save us from the fire. Now what was that Muslims injected with an evil lie u said. hmmm quite amusing that was, if you were not so stupid really dont be offended its not a disease but a state of mind. It can be fixed, really. All you have to do is stop the denial pull your head out of your @$$ and smell the real world. It does not really, and trust me it does not smell like Chit, contrary to what you have made to believe so far. So I was saying that do you even know the meaning of Semitic people. Let me enlighten you before I move forward:

In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם‎, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ‎) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Ahlamu, Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian), Amharic, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic/Syriac, Canaanite/Phoenician/Carthaginian, Chaldean, Eblaite, Edomite, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Moabite, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others.

Oh God did I see alot of other races mentioned in there along with the mighty jews, oops. Oh cr@p the arabs are semitic as well, so you were telling me that I was anti Semitic, well how, what did I really say to earn that tag. You by virtue of following Judaism are labeling me an anti Semite, where as I bet you are some white boy who have no connection to the children of Juda, or the Semitic family.

Now I will say your words with a bit of amending to you which do apply perfectly here, Hallucination is a state of mind, but your utter surrender to the forces of stupidity can only serve to empower your dumbness, yes?

Oh and if any apologist is going to come along asking me to chill, tell ya what buddy take a hike.

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