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Medvedev says on Twitter: after Ukraine falls, Russia will build a eurasian empire from Lisbon to Vladivostok

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Definitely reminds me of Saddam' spokeman when the Americans were on the door steps of Bagdad.

Must be a mentanol laced vodka side effects of delusional grandious.
I made this :P

I agree. Evrything russian regime say is bullshit
You misspelled American imperialist propaganda

Definitely reminds me of Saddam' spokeman when the Americans were on the door steps of Bagdad.

Must be a mentanol laced vodka side effects of delusional grandious.
Couldn't have said it any better
I hope Russia takes Europe.
PROPHECY OF Saint Lavrenty of Chernigov

"The Russian people will repent of deadly sins: that they allowed Jewish impiety [to hold sway] in Russia; that they did not defend God's Anointed Tsar', the Orthodox churches and monasteries, and all that is holy and sacred in Russia. They despised piety and came to love demonic impiety. But there will be a spiritual upheaval! And Russia, together with all the Slavic nations and lands, will constitute a mighty Tsardom. She will be governed by an Orthodox Tsar', by God's Anointed One. Because of him, all schisms and heresies will vanish away in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because the dreadful time preceding that of antichrist has already taken place in her.

16. Elder Anatolius (Potapov) of Optina (+1922):​

"There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. Yes, it will happen, but, you know, people can be saved on splinters and wreckage. Not all, not all will perish..." But he also prophesied that canonical unity would be restored: "A great miracle of God will be revealed. And all the splinters and wreckage will, by the will of God and His might, be gathered together and united, and the ship will be recreated in its beauty and will go along the path foreordained for it by God. That's how it will be, a miracle manifest to all..."[14]

13. Elder Aristocles of Moscow (+1918):
"The end will come through China. There will be an extraordinary outburst and a miracle of God will be manifested. And there will be an entirely different life, but all this will not be for long."

"God will remove all leaders, so that Russian people should look only at Him. Everyone will reject Russia, other states will renounce her, delivering her to herself.“ This is so that Russian people should hope on the help of the Lord. You will hear that in other countries disorders have begun similar to those in Russia. You will hear of war, and there will be wars. But wait until the Germans take up arms, for they are chosen as God's weapon to punish Russia - but also as a weapon of deliverance later. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world and our Homeland will be magnified and will become as a lighthouse in the darkness for all."
You misspelled American imperialist propaganda

Couldn't have said it any better

I have friends in Ukraine who go through this horror. Luckily their future does not depend on people from countries with no international influence or power.
Haha, somebody has been drinking too much vodka.

Russia may be strong, but not as strong as USSR days.
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