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Mediation Between Saudi and Iran Going Slowly

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May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
I`m curious as to what the other members of this forum make of the claim of us requested pakistani mediation between iran and saudi,not to mention any chances of it succeeding should it turnout to actually be for real.
Personally I`m inclined to call total bullsh!t on the whole thing.The chump regime which has eschewed any kind of political negotiations with iran in favor of rejections of previously negotiated agreements,ultimatums,threats,blackmail,economic warfare,support for terrorism,direct attacks on iranian allies,oh and assassination of course,cant forget that one....,is now going to suddenly turn around and request one of its vassals[pakistan] to mediate between iran and another of its vassals[saudi].....Hmmmmo_O
I would think that if this is actually the case,and that is a very big IF,then I would be very surprised if the mediation is proceeding as fast as "slowly",I would think a more accurate assessment would be positively glacial.....at least as long as that deluded vicious little psycho mbs is left running the show.
Probably best to check out this thread in the middle east&africa section before replying.

Pakistan shares cordial relations with both countries. The talks are in the context of Yemen only. Pakistan is trying to help them reach a consensus.

Well done IK. The success of the dialogue lies with Iran and SA. Pakistan brought the two together. As a responsible nation Pakistan wants peace in the region. Pakistan also helped in bringing Talibans to the negotiation tables that ended the longest US war in Afghanistan.
The doors for talking are never closed. Pakistan is just trying to do its part as it always has. Ofcourse, many others are also trying to help out. On this particular news item, it's not a surprise. It's only natural to keep in touch with both parties and make ourselves available wherever we can help them.
Saudi Arabia is a cancer to the world. All Sunni terrorist groups follow the Saudi Brand of religion. Saudi Arabia is exporting whabbism all across the world by opening mosques everywhere to brainwash poor uneducated youth into waging pointless attacks against minorities and Shiites.

Any country whose main religion calls Shiites heretics that deserve to be killed, can not be reasoned with. House of Saud must go.

Please also stop misrepresenting religion in Saudi Arabia. Even if there are hate preachers, by and large, Shias have never been prevented from Hajj.

There are plenty of Shia leaders who say the same or worse about Saudis and Emirati Muslims.

Middle ground is the best way, to keep takfir in check on both sides.
None of my concern, but sectarian Mullah should never be allowed to bark against Pakistan on this forum. Who gave this shitty Mullah pig right to call Pakistan a vassel state? I know their pariah state official propaganda brainwash them about Pakistani being Zionist, Wahhabi, American, Martian slaves and all that due to sectarian issues.

I think most of them have evolve into human after having independent discussion here with Pakistanis and have changed their sectarian world views but some still remain sectarian Mullah subhumans who refuse to evolve. They should be banned.

Personally I think Pakistan should not put it's hands in sectarian Persian Arab tribal barbarian wars. Let them kill each other as long and they don't bother us.
Personally I think Pakistan should not put it's hands in sectarian Persian Arab tribal barbarian wars. Let them kill each other as long and they don't bother us.

Our role may be necessary to bring peace in Yemen.

None of my concern, but sectarian Mullah should never be allowed to bark against Pakistan on this forum. Who gave this shitty Mullah pig right to call Pakistan a vassel state? I know their pariah state official propaganda brainwash them about Pakistani being Zionist, Wahhabi, American, Martian slaves and all that due to sectarian issues.

I think most of them have evolve into human after having independent discussion here with Pakistanis and have changed their sectarian world views but some still remain sectarian Mullah subhumans who refuse to evolve. They should be banned.

@Sineva You still have time to edit your post. You are just needlessly creating divisions and earning ire of Pakistanis with your remark.

I feel like respect for Pakistan should be a prerequisite to joining this forum.

Buddy , your regime is on quest form modern Persian empire and the so called struggle against US and Israel isn't real, it's a marketing shtick for gullible and naive population of ME. So remember that before calling others vassal states of US. And also remember you are vassal state of Russia, China and North Korea. And even US which handed over Iraq to you and you cooperated with in Afghanistan.

I've always told people you guys are Persian nationalists who are anti Muslim. You are anti Sunni narrative is really anti Muslim one. But since you can't do anti Muslim narrative as zorastrians you make up Twelver Shia sect to turn Islam into one that calls for worshipping Persian civilization. You got no qualms with US or Israel but they will compete with anyone over interests in region. Nothing less or more. Don't blow it out of proportion.
None of my concern, but sectarian Mullah should never be allowed to bark against Pakistan on this forum. Who gave this shitty Mullah pig right to call Pakistan a vassel state? I know their pariah state official propaganda brainwash them about Pakistani being Zionist, Wahhabi, American, Martian slaves and all that due to sectarian issues.

I think most of them have evolve into human after having independent discussion here with Pakistanis and have changed their sectarian world views but some still remain sectarian Mullah subhumans who refuse to evolve. They should be banned.

Personally I think Pakistan should not put it's hands in sectarian Persian Arab tribal barbarian wars. Let them kill each other as long and they don't bother us.

They are clowns, they ramble against US and Israel 24/7 while their mullahs enrich themselves and sit comfortably in Iran while making non Iranian Shia for their interests.

Everyday Israel strike them in Syria and their resistance disappears as they come up with new story everytime to make excuse to not respond. Like they shot down all Israeli missiles with their air defense or Israel is nervous or other nonsense. They blow hit air and when push come to shove they are like everyone else they accuse of being vassals to US.

Israel is literally striking them now. It's a weekly thing. But they avoid posting threads on that here because they won't be able to abuse Arab states or call Sunni states like Turkey and Pakistan as vassal states. Im thinking of starting thread to show all the attacks and shut these clowns that ramble about resistance up
I`m curious as to what the other members of this forum make of the claim of us requested pakistani mediation between iran and saudi,not to mention any chances of it succeeding should it turnout to actually be for real.
Personally I`m inclined to call total bullsh!t on the whole thing.The chump regime which has eschewed any kind of political negotiations with iran in favor of rejections of previously negotiated agreements,ultimatums,threats,blackmail,economic warfare,support for terrorism,direct attacks on iranian allies,oh and assassination of course,cant forget that one....,is now going to suddenly turn around and request one of its vassals[pakistan] to mediate between iran and another of its vassals[saudi].....Hmmmmo_O
I would think that if this is actually the case,and that is a very big IF,then I would be very surprised if the mediation is proceeding as fast as "slowly",I would think a more accurate assessment would be positively glacial.....at least as long as that deluded vicious little psycho mbs is left running the show.
Probably best to check out this thread in the middle east&africa section before replying.


Oh wow u really couldnt hide typical persian arrogance. Calling us vassals while ur countrymen begs at our borders, ur country is a vassal of an idiot like india. Oh not to forget all that licking of russian feet. And now getting a new sugar daddy china. Please dont bother urself, no one cares much if u talk with saudi or not.
request one of its vassals[pakistan] to mediate between iran and another of its vassals[saudi].....Hmmmmo_O

Watch your lose tounge you Persian turd.

Your solmani was known to keep his CIA handlers informed most of Afghan and gulf wars. Until he lost his utility and got squashed eventually. Vassal you said?? HAA.

Educated yourself Persian moron. America is in shite with respect to Afghanistan because of Pakistan. While you shitholes do your chest thumping on streets of Tehran, with down with America nonsense, we let our action do the talking.

Hang from Putin testicles till your utility last as a nation.
Please also stop misrepresenting religion in Saudi Arabia. Even if there are hate preachers, by and large, Shias have never been prevented from Hajj.

There are plenty of Shia leaders who say the same or worse about Saudis and Emirati Muslims.

Middle ground is the best way, to keep takfir in check on both sides.

What are you talking about? Whabbism does not accept Shiites and calls them heretics. Their philosophy preaches extermination of Shiites and other religions.

The Hajj is done because House of Saud is not religious and is mostly secular when compared to the religious institution. And if they were to deny other sects of Islam the right to worship at Mecca, the west would steal Mecca and Vaticanize it. Or there would be war.

So let’s not make Saudi Arabia some saint country. There Petro dollars have been spent on mayhem and murder and exporting their ideology all across the world.

It’s good Pakistan has distanced themselves from Saudi Arabia in recent years and taken more neutral stance.
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