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Mechanised Divisions Pakistan Army

Played the first game in 2000 as ww2 western campaign. Loved the desert scenarios. Was always trying to save the HQs. 88mm gun was a killer.

Very difficult games, you have sacrifice a lot of unit’s to accomplish your mission.
@PanzerKiel you played one of this 3 at-least try the last one (takes not much MB -free download in App Store..)
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@PanzerKiel not much changed in tanks design other than incremental improvements?
Actually we have reached a plateau in terms of military hardware, especially in tanks and rifles. Yet the US invasion of Iraq showed that these incremental improvements actually mean the difference. Modern fcs,TI, NVDs, comms,data links, EW are more important and more useful and op swift retort is a testament to that.
any modern good games like these?
„Flashpoint campaigned red storm „ is absolutely modern, all units are modern. I have ca.50 games in my inventory and playing history. But this ones was the most realistic, without thinking and respecting military theory you can’t play or even win it.
I would say world of tanks great game but in the game you only have control of one tank and you cannot control other units.
World of tanks is just for fun, not to prepare for real war.
Rommels of PA. Looks like a LAT( before being re-equipped with APCs).

Fun Fact:
Rommel got his famous goggles from a British POW, Major General Michael Gambier-Parry. After having dinner with the POW, the British general complained that his hat had been taken by a German soldier and Rommel took it upon himself to retrieve the hat. Later, he found those goggles in the Britisher's staff car and asked if he could keep them. The British general agreed and they became a part of the legendary general's attire.
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Yes, you constantly see videos of tanks being blown by IEDs or ATGMs in Syria etc and wonder how Pakistan managed to lose only 3.

The way tanks are used in Libya and Syria is wrong even to layman...

Your infantry needs to b sweeping areas in front of tank and tank shud supply fire support...

In Middle East infantry is hiding behind the tank which leaves tank exposed to attack

U can have alien tach but without proper insight of how to use it will still b blown away
The way tanks are used in Libya and Syria is wrong even to layman...

Your infantry needs to b sweeping areas in front of tank and tank shud supply fire support...

In Middle East infantry is hiding behind the tank which leaves tank exposed to attack

U can have alien tach but without proper insight of how to use it will still b blown away
I doubt if TTP and other other factions had access to ATGM and for that matter even SAMs to shoot down helis. They had RPGs, similar caliber weapons, IEDs etc.
In case of infantry, it was FC which took a lot of casualties going in first. PA's regular infantry was converted for COIN Ops while paramilitary like FC were given tools of the trade to gain edge in COIN/AT ops against terrorists. FC in early 2000s is very different from FC of now.
I doubt if TTP and other other factions had access to ATGM and for that matter even SAMs to shoot down helis. They had RPGs, similar caliber weapons, IEDs etc.
In case of infantry, it was FC which took a lot of casualties going in first. PA's regular infantry was converted for COIN Ops while paramilitary like FC were given tools of the trade to gain edge in COIN/AT ops against terrorists. FC in early 2000s is very different from FC of now.
I read somewhere that TTP had atgms but they mostly used it for IEDs.
The recent Turkish ops in Syria and Karabag have shown how ineffective the enemy armored and the associated AD are if you win the EM spectrum via EW, and then employ cost-effective UAVs en masse, which makes your armored, AD, infantry etc. even more effective....
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