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McCain: confident of easing Vietnam arms embargo

Even if you lower your target like what your PM said, you're still not goin to achieve it:

Let's say your GDP per cap will be $1900 by the end of this year.

To achieve the $3900 target for 2015, you would need an annual growth rate of over 90%. :cheesy:

To achieve the $5000 target for year 2020, you would need an average annual growth of +20% over the next five years. :cheesy: Even China can never achieve this 20% growth rate.

So even with the lowered goal set by your PM, it's not going to happen. You will still fail.
He said it before we had a serious oil rig conflict with China in SCS(east sea). Things changed again. Defeat big bad China in the conflict zone in SCS is the top priority mission for VN leader. No need GDP up to $ 5000 any more :pop:

Black Flag said:
The US economists said it. And they said it during this year in 2014 not 2010.

They say if your country did A, B, C before 2010, then you would have $7000 now. So they say you must do A, B, C now if you want growth for the future.

If you say they are BS before, then it means they are BS now, because they are telling you to do the same thing they want you to do before 2010.

If you say they are not BS now, that they are now friend and helping you, then it means they didn't tell BS about your govt failed achievement. What they telling you now, is the same what they told you before.

So it means either the US is BS, or your govt is BS.

Source: McCain: confident of easing Vietnam arms embargo | Page 13
Enough for US economist writing some BS abt our economy. Technically, VN and US r still enemies until Mr. Mc Cain help VN to remove completely the US's weapon embargo.

pls answer me by ur own knowledge : is it acceptable for VN GDP in 2013 abt $ 1,300, not up to $ 7,000 ??

If it too low , then pls tell me how to get a better GDP for VN ??
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I also support this move. Helps to see how Amercan weapons performed in combat against the Chinese. Could earn its legacy like American Stingers that shot down the Soviet helicopters. We are eager for results in China's military capabilities since its last fight against Vietnam.
But there are at least two points here: 1. Viet is too weak to fight against China, and it is totally decided by China that when, where, and how to kick their S, if we feel like that is necessary. It is not easy to make a dog to attack a lion, unless you make it crazy first. 2. Do you prepare to support for no economic benefits? I don't think Viets could afford your expensive arms and Lockheed Martin or Boeing are not-for-profit charity organizations. If you are so determined and support Viets with American taxpayer's money, we could not be happier to see that.
And they will force VN to accept a collar ( like China must accept TW under US control ) if we wanna have gdp per capita of over $7000 .

So, we just simply say :No ! No US style 'democracy, no free religious , no multi-parties system etc'.

Unlike big fat China accept TW under US control , we r free wolf and never wear any collars :pop:

Oh, really, it seems like you got many dissidents among your countrymen just here in PDF.:dance3:
Oh, really, it seems like you got many dissidents among your countrymen just here in PDF.:dance3:
@NiceGuy is an extremist alright. But despite having different bilief on serveral matters, we Viet mems here all agree on one thing: say NO to foreign masters. We adapt our policies to best suit our country, not to rip off other because we see it benifits them, not because other countries tell us to do so.
@NiceGuy is an extremist alright. But despite having different bilief on serveral matters, we Viet mems here all agree on one thing: say NO to foreign masters. We adapt our policies to best suit our country, not to rip off other because we see it benifits them, not because other countries tell us to do so.

NiceGuy wanna see Vietnam to duplicate China's geopolitical success, but he remains as a big day dreamer in the reality.
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Oh, really, it seems like you got many dissidents among your countrymen just here in PDF.:dance3:
No use for dissident when all I say r the Truth and The Truth can not be changed just by some words of them :pop:

NiceGuy wanna see Vietnam to duplicate China's geopolitical success, but he remains a big day dreamer in the reality.
Our dream would become true in 1979 if US didnt support China to stop VN to unite with Thailand to creater a greater sub-Meong region

US dont help China again, a Thai general also turn to support VN , greater sub-Mekong is becoming true now:pop:
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Vietnamese member are so excited you would have thought they are getting F-22.
pls answer me by ur own knowledge : is it acceptable for VN GDP in 2013 abt $ 1,300, not up to $ 7,000 ?

I already said it in another thread, no it is not acceptable. $1300 is a joke for a country with a young literate population and plenty of resources. Put it this way, even your PM used to say that your Gdp per cap should aim to be $5000 by 2015. Next year, it's gona be only 1/3 of that.

If it too low , then pls tell me how to get a better GDP for VN ??

You want me to show you how? first make me your leader and call me Mr. President, then I'll show you. :coffee:

Enough for US economist writing some BS abt our economy.

That US economist was speaking on behalf of USAID. And USAID belongs to the US government. So now you calling the US govt BS? then you need to be consistent and call McCain and US gen. Dempsey BS as well. They both also work under the US govt. :pop:

My friend, you cannot escape your dilemma. US govt accused your govt for producing BS economy results. So either admit your govt is BS or admit the US govt is BS and ask their gen. Dempsey to leave. :cheesy:

He said it before we had a serious oil rig conflict with China in SCS(east sea). Things changed again. Defeat big bad China in the conflict zone in SCS is the top priority mission for VN leader. No need GDP up to $ 5000 any more :pop:

Indeed your PM mentioned those gdp target a long time ago. Now he wants your country to focus on SCS instead because he realised that those target can never be achieved. In other words, use the SCS dispute to hide from the public your govt failed economic policy. :pop:

Thank you for confirming my theory, your words expressed it better than mine. :cheers:

Anyway, I'm gonna give you Viets some break now. It's getting boring arguing with you guys, and I don't want you to get in too much trouble from your officer. :coffee:

I'm now more interested about the ISIS. They are a more serious pawn and threat than VN. Now I realise Viets can only talk but cannot make any actions. bye :wave:
I already said it in another thread, no it is not acceptable. $1300 is a joke for a country with a young literate population and plenty of resources. Put it this way, even your PM used to say that your Gdp per cap should aim to be $5000 by 2015. Next year, it's gona be only 1/3 of that.

You want me to show you how? first make me your leader and call me Mr. President, then I'll show you. :coffee:
See , as I said, ur IQ is quite low, thats why u only know abt criticizing our PM, but u dont have any better solution to increase VN GDP. If u were a PM, then u would be as bad as Mr. Gaddafi or Mr. Sadam Hussein .:pop:
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But there are at least two points here: 1. Viet is too weak to fight against China, and it is totally decided by China that when, where, and how to kick their S, if we feel like that is necessary. It is not easy to make a dog to attack a lion, unless you make it crazy first. 2. Do you prepare to support for no economic benefits? I don't think Viets could afford your expensive arms and Lockheed Martin or Boeing are not-for-profit charity organizations. If you are so determined and support Viets with American taxpayer's money, we could not be happier to see that.

Vietnam has proven in the past capable of taking on powerful nations including Japan, France, U.S. and recently China.
Vietnam has proven in the past capable of taking on powerful nations including Japan, France, U.S. and recently China.
Then why need the help of US now? Btw don't forget it was China's contribution for kicking the French and the Americans out something these Vietcongs don't like to mention.
Then why need the help of US now? Btw don't forget it was China's contribution for kicking the French and the Americans out something these Vietcongs don't like to mention.
Bcz if we dont make friend with US, China will come to US-JP and beg for friendship again like in 1978-1979:pop:.

And we dont beg for US like CHina begged for US-JP help in 1978-1979. China rob the international water in SCS(east sea), so US come and ask VN to join the anti-China coalition to protect the international water .

US doesnt protect islands for VN.
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Then why need the help of US now? Btw don't forget it was China's contribution for kicking the French and the Americans out something these Vietcongs don't like to mention.

You tell me. What was is that China contributed that helped kicked out the French and the U.S.? Perhaps Vietnam learned from that and is asking for American help?o_O Vietnam must be smarter than we thought.
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