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Max PM, minimum pay: Modi at No. 12 among top 15 world leaders


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
AHMEDABAD: Narendra Modi has had his nose to the grindstone since taking over as PM. But the annual salary for his 'job' is among the lowest for leaders globally.

As leaders of large democracies, Barack Obama and Narendra Modi may have much in common. But when it comes to their salaries, India's Prime Minister is among the most modestly paid political leaders in the world.

At Rs 1.6 lakh per month (Rs 19.2 lakh annually), Modi takes home a far smaller pay packet as compared to his political counterparts worldwide, including Obama and our neighbour, China's Xi Jinping.

Paycheck India, a website managed by Prof Biju Varkkey of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, has listed the salaries of most influential political leaders around the world.


The salary checker is based on a 5-day working week and two weeks' holiday per year.

According to the list, Russia's prime minister earns the highest — a whopping Rs 1.6 crore per month, which is higher than Obama's Rs 19 lakh per month.

The president of France takes home a humble Rs 14,910 monthly (Rs 715 daily).

In pics: Paychecks of world leaders

Stupid comparison. All other countries bar Afghanistan outclass India in economy. To top it off, the president of France seems to be setting up an example for our PM! China, an economy more than 4 times bigger than India barely pay its head more than Indian PM. Also, all this figures don't indicate how much truly each head costs to the country. I doubt overall expenditure on the PM of Netherlands is even half that of Indian PM.
Annual salary by itself is useless without context as to the cost of living.

In reality, you do not want a leader who is there for the money.
Prime Minister of Russia gets more than President of Russia????

Annual salary by itself is useless without context as to the cost of living.

In reality, you do not want a leader who is there for the money.

Bulls-eye :tup:

If anyone can become a PM/President of a country like US, Russia or India......

He/she can earn as much money as he/she wants by working in any other job.
Prime Minister of Russia gets more than President of Russia????

Bulls-eye :tup:

If anyone can become a PM/President of a country like US, Russia or India......

He/she can earn as much money as he/she wants by working in any other job.

More than his income. A huge amount is spend on his security, staff, travel etc. Indian president's salary is not even fraction of the cost to maintain his villa, let alone other costs. Same is true for all other country heads.
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