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‘Maverick’: Pakistani engineer designs meticulous wall-painting robot

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‘Maverick’: Pakistani engineer designs meticulous wall-painting robot
by Nozair Hanif Mirza | Published on April 28, 2018 (Edited April 28, 2018)

MISSISSAUGA – A Pakistani-Canadian engineer has introduced an autonomous gadget that can paint walls evenly and with striking accuracy.

Hammad Mirza, along with his four team members of MIST (mobile Intelligent Spraying Technologies) has designed Maverick that uses mapping technology and a sort of elevator-like shaft to spray up and down the walls.

The robot is fitted with a platform, arm and spray system that allows even coating, without any fear of a spill.


These engineers have an experience of working with Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Uber, but their latest innovation has sent shock waves across the thriving paint industry.

“We believe that the home painter industry is ripe for disruption, noting that there are over 5,000 painting-related injuries each year, with $1.5 billion spent on painters annually in North America only,” Hammad told Daily Pakistan.

Revealing the future plans, the team divulged that they were planning to mount a camera behind the sprayer so it moves in synchronisation with the sprayer and hence can use image processing to decide whether to spray the surface or not.

The Waterloo graduates continued that they had already implemented this logic in software and even had a paint quality detection algorithm.

The team has made headlines across the tech-world but Maverick’s initial design is not the final destination as the group plans on adding other features to the robot for making it more user-friendly.
Waterloo is a wonderful university for engineering that focuses on practical, hands-on engineering while most other universities are stuck in archaic theoretical studies. Not surprised that these boys are Waterloo grads. I've worked with a few graduates from Waterloo, a couple are under my supervision right now and they are sharp af!

Excellent achievement by the guys and hope they improve on their designs and take it to industrial level.

Please update the title of this thread. The guy is a Canadian educated person of Pakistani ethnicity. Not Pakistani.

Oh before I forget, you want to know the funniest part?


Shubham Aggarwal
Mechanical Lead

Utkarsh Saini
Electrical Lead

Baraa Hamodi
Software Lead

Hammad Mirza
Embedded Lead

Dhruv Sharma
Autonomous Lead

This project is truely Canadian. All of the members are immigrants. Its what India-Pakistan should have been. A good and productive team. We PDFers keep on fighting on India-Paksitan while real ethnic Pakistani and Indian scientists and engineers work hard together and achieve greatness.

Please update the title of this thread. The guy is a Canadian educated person of Pakistani ethnicity. Not Pakistani.

Oh before I forget, you want to know the funniest part?


Shubham Aggarwal
Mechanical Lead

Utkarsh Saini
Electrical Lead

Baraa Hamodi
Software Lead

Hammad Mirza
Embedded Lead

Dhruv Sharma
Autonomous Lead

This project is truely Canadian. All of the members are immigrants. Its what India-Pakistan should have been. A good and productive team. We PDFers keep on fighting on India-Paksitan while real ethnic Pakistani and Indian scientists and engineers work hard together and achieve greatness.


Do you want to qualify your post now ?

Please update the title of this thread. The guy is a Canadian educated person of Pakistani ethnicity. Not Pakistani.

Oh before I forget, you want to know the funniest part?


Shubham Aggarwal
Mechanical Lead

Utkarsh Saini
Electrical Lead

Baraa Hamodi
Software Lead

Hammad Mirza
Embedded Lead

Dhruv Sharma
Autonomous Lead

This project is truely Canadian. All of the members are immigrants. Its what India-Pakistan should have been. A good and productive team. We PDFers keep on fighting on India-Paksitan while real ethnic Pakistani and Indian scientists and engineers work hard together and achieve greatness.

You have a point .
A true Pakistani Muslims ,Shouldnt work with Indian Hindus
Instead work with Indian Muslims
Pakistanis are Muslims ,
Most Indians are genocidal Hindus.
Not all Pakistani are Muslim. You certainly don't know what white in Pakistan's flag represents.

BTW, what proof do you have that Most Indians are genocidal Hindus. To be able to commit a genocide, you need to command a serious amount of power. About 90% of Indians Hindus or otherwise earn less than 30 dollars a day. How can they even commit anything close to a genocide?

That said, you have still not answered.

Are Tomatoes Hindu or Muslim?
Is a dollar Hindu or Muslim?
Is cotton Hindu or Muslim?
Is business Hindu or Muslim?
Not all Pakistani are Muslim. You certainly don't know what white in Pakistan's flag represents.

BTW, what proof do you have that Most Indians are genocidal Hindus. To be able to commit a genocide, you need to command a serious amount of power. About 90% of Indians Hindus or otherwise earn less than 30 dollars a day. How can they even commit anything close to a genocide?

That said, you have still not answered.

Are Tomatoes Hindu or Muslim?
Is a dollar Hindu or Muslim?
Is cotton Hindu or Muslim?
Is business Hindu or Muslim?

From Kashmir to North East states to Tribals Lands (Red corridors )
Is is not genocide ?

From Gujarat to Muzzafarnagar to Bombay to Bhagalpur to Hashimpura to Meerut to Assam Nellie etc etc
These arent genocides of Muslims ?

Like 1984 Sikh genocide to 2008 Orissa Chrisitian genocide
From Kashmir to North East states to Tribals Lands (Red corridors )
Is is not genocide ?
Tell me, is population of Kashmiri rising or falling?
Is population of North East states rising or falling?
Is population of Tribals rising or falling?

In genocide, population does not rises.

Like 1984 Sikh genocide to 2008 Orissa Chrisitian genocide
Again, did population of Sikhs rose or fell?
Or did population of Oriya Christians rose or fell?
Tell me, is population of Kashmiri rising or falling?
Is population of North East states rising or falling?
Is population of Tribals rising or falling?

In genocide, population does not rises.

You dont know the meaning of venomous slow genocide

Tell me, is population of Kashmiri rising or falling?
Is population of North East states rising or falling?
Is population of Tribals rising or falling?

In genocide, population does not rises.

Again, did population of Sikhs rose or fell?
Or did population of Oriya Christians rose or fell?

Denial is part of genocide
And genocidal apologist like ur are active participants & accomplice in genocide
You dont know the meaning of venomous slow genocide
Slow? How slow? So slow that Kashmiri Muslims population actually increased? Thats not called slow. Thats called absent. If there were a genocide, Kashmiri Muslim's population would have not increased over time.

Compare it with Jewish genocide and you will know what does the word mean.

Denial is part of genocide
And genocidal apologist like ur are active participants & accomplice in genocide
So you want to be taken at face value? Whats you qualification for being taken at face value? Just because you are a Muslim?

Prove me that there is a genocide and Kashmiri are being eliminated as a community.

The venom is inside you and it is making you blind.

Please update the title of this thread. The guy is a Canadian educated person of Pakistani ethnicity. Not Pakistani.

Oh before I forget, you want to know the funniest part?


Shubham Aggarwal
Mechanical Lead

Utkarsh Saini
Electrical Lead

Baraa Hamodi
Software Lead

Hammad Mirza
Embedded Lead

Dhruv Sharma
Autonomous Lead

This project is truely Canadian. All of the members are immigrants. Its what India-Pakistan should have been. A good and productive team. We PDFers keep on fighting on India-Paksitan while real ethnic Pakistani and Indian scientists and engineers work hard together and achieve greatness.

Try convincing Modi before handing out lectures on PDF.

LOL at the attempt to take his Pakistani ethnicity out of the discussion. Stop showing your Indian side.
Last edited:
Try convincing Modi before handing out lectures on PDF.

LOL at the attempt to take his Pakistani ethnicity out of the discussion. Stop showing your Indian side.
Can you string together two sensible sentences? You are more retarded than the avataar you are carrying.
BTW, 'LOL' is a sign of defeated person. You are indeed a dalit. A down-trodden -- mentally speaking that is.
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