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Mattis says will try to work with Pakistan 'one more time'

They are just fooling around. They know they can do more damages being a friend than being an enemy.... I smell another treason... another sting from same hole
Do pakistan have any options?

If yes then pakistan already moved from but Chinese alone can't help.

Russia and India already have good relationship so i m not seeing much from Russia.

Reality is pakistan needs more good relationship with us then us needs pakistan
The real target of Afghan war was Pakistan and it's nukes. U.S and string pullers over in Israel will never accept that reality.

There are a few cards close to Pakistan's chest in terms of insurance. Showing these will be a last minute decision depending on how suicidal everyone is feeling.

Until then, hold out and be on it 24/7 and let NK take the limelight.
The real target of Afghan war was Pakistan and it's nukes. U.S and string pullers over in Israel will never accept that reality.

There are a few cards close to Pakistan's chest in terms of insurance. Showing these will be a last minute decision depending on how suicidal everyone is feeling.

Until then, hold out and be on it 24/7 and let NK take the limelight.
and ............ they can't enough said
The real target of Afghan war was Pakistan and it's nukes. U.S and string pullers over in Israel will never accept that reality.

There are a few cards close to Pakistan's chest in terms of insurance. Showing these will be a last minute decision depending on how suicidal everyone is feeling.

Until then, hold out and be on it 24/7 and let NK take the limelight.
There are a few cards close to Pakistan's chest in terms of insurance. Showing these will be a last minute decision depending on how suicidal everyone is feeling.
The vegetarian card first please! :lol::partay:

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The United States will try to work with Pakistan on terrorism “one more time” before taking punitive action to pressure them to do more, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Tuesday.

“We need to try one more time to make this strategy work with them, by, with and through the Pakistanis, and if our best efforts fail, President Trump is prepared to take whatever steps are necessary," Mattis said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing.

Mattis was testifying in front of the committee alongside Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, the pair’s second hearing of the day on the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan.

The U.S. relationship with Pakistan has ebbed and flowed over the course of the 16-year war in Afghanistan, getting most tense after U.S. special forces killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011.

In his August speech outlining his new strategy for Afghanistan, President Trump said the United States would do more to pressure Pakistan to combat terrorist safe havens in its borders.

But he did not provide any details on how.

Pakistan denies that it provides safe haven to terrorists, often pointing to the operation launched in 2014 to clear groups such as the Haqqanis from the Waziristan border region with Afghanistan.

But at the Tuesday morning Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Dunford said he believes Pakistan’s main spy agency has ties to terrorist groups.

“It is clear to me that the [Inter-Services Intelligence] has connections with terrorist groups,” Dunford said.

Reported options for pressuring Pakistan to do more include curtailing or conditioning aid, sanctioning Pakistani officials, stepping up drone strikes inside the country, taking away its status as a major non-NATO ally or naming it as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Asked Tuesday at the House hearing whether taking away Pakistan’s status as a major non-NATO ally is an option on the table, Mattis said he’s “sure it will be.”

Mattis said assistant secretaries and national security staff will visit Pakistan to discuss the issue, followed by himself and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Mattis said he’d “like to think we will be successful,” but that the United States has an “enormously powerful number of options” if not.

“I think that right now with the growing consensus against terrorism, they’ll find themselves diplomatically isolated, they’ll find themselves economically in increasing trouble as countries that are damaged by this terrorism coming out of there say enough is enough and take steps,” he said. “There’s an awful lot of advantage to Pakistan coming on line with the international community.”
Do more? wtf and blaming pak for terror which usa created for israel pleasure and agenda.

"Pakistan denies that it provides safe haven to terrorists, often pointing to the operation launched in 2014 to clear groups such as the Haqqanis from the Waziristan border region with Afghanistan."
It might be a tacit admission that losing Pak isn't an option....

I personaly think pak should prepare real statistics of how much they lost in terms of billions in economy and statistics on death of civilians and soldiers. Also to prepare photographic/video/etc of *** ole cia and others who are funding,training, providing weopens to these terror gangs. Shoot down that drone too.
Nobody even believes these governments anymore, even americans dont believe their government. false flags, crisis actors and operation gladio etc.
yeah who says you are Chinese cheerleader? you are american boot licker and cheerleaders of Afghans:lol:
we dont need to ask anyone on some malnourished indian wishes mind your own ****!ng business and and do your boot licking job you might get some more low level donkey work from your daddy america:enjoy:.

U didn't get.ok let me unlike Chinese cheerleader.:china:
It is clear to me that the [Inter-Services Intelligence] has connections with terrorist groups,” Dunford said.

Asked Tuesday at the House hearing whether taking away Pakistan’s status as a major non-NATO ally is an option on the table, Mattis said he’s “sure it will be.”

Mattis said he’d “like to think we will be successful,” but that the United States has an “enormously powerful number of options” if not

There’s an awful lot of advantage to Pakistan coming on line with the international community.”

What else is remained to be deciphered ???

Writing is on the wall

Only blind can't see it :coffee:
Unless India and Afghanistan join forces to attack Pakistan on behalf of the USA, Uncle Sam can't do jacksquat to Pakistan
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