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Massive protest in London, thousands of Afghans come out against Taliban

there were bigger protest against israel only couple of months back. What happened? palestine is freed? Israel is sanctioned? Afghans will gain nothing and lose goodwill of local people. most of them are working for pakistanis in restaurants and car washes and still hating on them and they are playing in hands of those who wont even let them touch their water. it'll all be forgotten as soon as media gets a new story.
Looks like a 100x bigger crowd than the last anti-modi protest in london.
Everybody who ran to Britain,now nags about what happened in Afghanistan. Where were they the last 20 years? Why didn't they stay in Afghanistan? Look at all those men of fighting age.
The majority get on with us, and we are also 1.6 million (estimate 2021 census will reveal figure) strong. We are the largest minority group here aside Indians.

I know the statistics Waz; the fact remains ethnic Paks remain a highly discriminated group in the UK, and adding an uncertain number of deluded afghans will not help. I'm more concerned about those Paks that do not have the ability and/or resources to defend themselves rather than myself.
Some Afghan nationalists think that in order to show their loyalty to their country, they have to piss on their neighbours. Instead of finding the main culprit, they are antagonizing their potential friends.

We are sure of the fact that Taliban has changed but Afghan nationalists never changed. They still hink that USA is a savior, the same savages that wear T-Shirts showing the falling Afghans from sky.

Taliban is currently engaged with insurgency inside the country. If they stabilize the country then their neighbours will help with open arms.

They suffer from a severe case of delusion. All problems are because of others, they are apparently Gods chosen people. Why did these people not protest when the former Afghan government was engaged in massive corruption and not providing justice + economic growth to the people of Afghanistan? These ultimately were the main reasons why the Taliban were able to gain support again.

Sad and pathetic that they prefer a foreign occupation of their lands rather than engaging their neighbors with some basic civility.
Indian Fraudsters at it again. Look at the pictures carefully. There are only about 500 people. These are NOT thousands.

By the way, why are the people sitting in UK protesting with their air conditioned cars and houses. Just go to A-stan and fight the Taliban.
I know the statistics Waz; the fact remains ethnic Paks remain a highly discriminated group in the UK, and adding an uncertain number of deluded afghans will not help. I'm more concerned about those Paks that do not have the ability and/or resources to defend themselves rather than myself.
I'm in Canada. Personally, I think discrimination is everywhere. As long as you behave professionally, you will get hired.
Whaaa ... not even one placard with 'COWARD AFGHAN ARMY' written on it??!
I'm in Canada. Personally, I think discrimination is everywhere. As long as you behave professionally, you will get hired.


I have worked in upper management level for various global brands for over 17 years - and I can categorically state discrimination is as big a problem as it's always been, specifically, within the British job market towards Muslim/Paks post 2001 in the private sector. I have fought and crawled my way up throughout my career, but not everyone has the type of personality required to do that and handle adversity. Not long ago I was part of an investigative team at my last employer - based on the findings of an investigation, I summary dismissed two Indian origin employees cause there was a pattern of discrimination towards qualified Muslim candidates.

And from what I have heard from Paks - Canada is far more progressive and inclusive.

Back to Afghans - they are now a problem to all Paks, globally - something our enemy made sure of.
Thousands of protestors have descended on central London today to demonstrate against Britain's response to the Afghanistan crisis.
Marchers rallied outside Downing Street and took over Oxford Circus and Hyde Park as they criticised the government's handling of the Taliban seizing the Middle East nation.
Men and women let off green and red flares in the street, waved the country's flag and held up huge banners during the protest.

The Taliban launched their final assault on Kabul on Sunday and seized power after President Ashraf Ghani fled to Dubai, reportedly with a wad of cash and luxury cars.
The West's immediate response has been widely criticised as it evacuates citizens but largely leaves Afghans in the hands of the brutal Islamists.
Scroll down for video.
Thousands of protestors have today descended on central London to demonstrate against Britain's response to the Afghanistan crisis's response to the Afghanistan crisis

Thousands of protestors have today descended on central London to demonstrate against Britain's response to the Afghanistan crisis
Marchers rallied outside Downing Street and took over Oxford Circus and Hyde Park as they criticised the government's handling of the Taliban seizing the Middle East nation's handling of the Taliban seizing the Middle East nation

Marchers rallied outside Downing Street and took over Oxford Circus and Hyde Park as they criticised the government's handling of the Taliban seizing the Middle East nation
Men and women let off green and red flares in the street, waved the country's flag and held up huge banners during the protest's flag and held up huge banners during the protest

Men and women let off green and red flares in the street, waved the country's flag and held up huge banners during the protest
Protesters demonstrate against government's handling of Afghanistan.

The Taliban launched their final assault on Kabul on Sunday and seized power after President Ashraf Ghani fled to Dubai, reportedly with a wad of cash and luxury cars

The Taliban launched their final assault on Kabul on Sunday and seized power after President Ashraf Ghani fled to Dubai, reportedly with a wad of cash and luxury cars
The West's immediate response has been widely criticised as it evacuates citizens but largely leaves Afghans in the hands of the brutal Islamists's immediate response has been widely criticised as it evacuates citizens but largely leaves Afghans in the hands of the brutal Islamists

The West's immediate response has been widely criticised as it evacuates citizens but largely leaves Afghans in the hands of the brutal Islamists

Protesters today braved the rain as they took to central London to call for Britain to do more to help stranded civilians and stand up to the terror group.
They walked down the road in a blur of red and green - two of the colours in the Afghanistan flag - after setting off flares.
One banner said: 'Stop oppression of Afghan women.' Another read: 'Talib has not changed.' While one more added: 'We want peace.' The Metropolitan Police has been approached for comment.
Nato countries have been flying their citizens out of Afghanistan this week and it is believed 12,000 have so far been rescued.
But there have been raised eyebrows about the approach to Afghan civilians, with the criteria to get on an evacuation plane being widely questioned.
Protesters wielded numerous banners, one of which read 'We Want Peace'. Another said: 'Stop killing Afghans''We Want Peace'. Another said: 'Stop killing Afghans'

Protesters wielded numerous banners, one of which read 'We Want Peace'. Another said: 'Stop killing Afghans'
Pictured near Downing Street, the protesters called for an end to the bloodshed in Afghanistan as evacuations continued from Kabul airport

Pictured near Downing Street, the protesters called for an end to the bloodshed in Afghanistan as evacuations continued from Kabul airport
A woman waves an Afghan flag from a car window as protestors march in solidarity with the people of Afganistan

A woman waves an Afghan flag from a car window as protestors march in solidarity with the people of Afganistan
As they marched through Central London, another protesters held a poster which simply read: 'Afghanistan is bleeding''Afghanistan is bleeding'

As they marched through Central London, another protesters held a poster which simply read: 'Afghanistan is bleeding'
Some of those who gathered also wielded coloured smoke grenades which let off plumes of red and green into the air

Some of those who gathered also wielded coloured smoke grenades which let off plumes of red and green into the air
Protesters today braved the rain as they took to central London to call for Britain to do more to help stranded civilians and stand up to the terror group

Protesters today braved the rain as they took to central London to call for Britain to do more to help stranded civilians and stand up to the terror group
They walked down the road in a blur of red and green - two of the colours in the Afghanistan flag - after setting off flares

The Mail revealed on Thursday that Mr Raab had been advised by senior officials to call Afghan foreign minister Hanif Atmar to help get Afghan translators out of the country
Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy said: 'There is no defence for Dominic Raab's shameful negligence and his failure to act may have cost lives. It is unbelievable that even now the Foreign Secretary is wasting time making excuses when a catastrophe is still unfolding in front of our eyes.'
Earlier, Lord Robertson, who was Nato secretary general on 9/11, accused Mr Raab of 'a dereliction of duty of major consequence'. Asked if the Foreign Secretary's statement had satisfactorily answered questions about his actions, the former defence secretary replied: 'No, it doesn't at all.'
He told BBC Radio 4's World At One: 'Foreign ministers only talk to foreign ministers – they don't talk to junior ministers.
'So he should have been talking to the foreign minister of Afghanistan much earlier than last Friday anyway.
'Common sense would have suggested that the Foreign Secretary should have been trying to sort out the exit of our vulnerable people before that.'
The former Labour foreign secretary Jack Straw said he would never delegate a call with his Afghan counterpart to another minister and he was 'surprised' that Mr Raab did so.
But the Prime Minister last night dismissed calls to sack his Foreign Secretary. Asked if he had full confidence in Mr Raab, Mr Johnson said: 'Absolutely.'
Asked if people had been left in Afghanistan as a result of Mr Raab not making the phone call, he said: 'No, I don't think that's the case.'
Residents of Kabul return to street markets.

Very few anti-Pakistani slogans (a handful), no flag burning like we saw in Brussels etc. They seem to be more focussed on the IEA. Out of a community of around 100,000 many came, I'd estimate at last 12,000.
Anyway the comments were again eye opening and there is no sympathy at all anywhere for that matter from the British people.

Top rated comment;

"Maybe they should go back to Afghanistan and fight for their own country instead of demonstrating against the very people who helped them".

I don't think they realise the damage these demos are doing to their cause.
This is how they will get papers there..
They suffer from a severe case of delusion. All problems are because of others, they are apparently Gods chosen people. Why did these people not protest when the former Afghan government was engaged in massive corruption and not providing justice + economic growth to the people of Afghanistan? These ultimately were the main reasons why the Taliban were able to gain support again.

Sad and pathetic that they prefer a foreign occupation of their lands rather than engaging their neighbors with some basic civility.
I exactly Remember when they celebrated drying agricultural fields of Iran's Sistan as a consequence of closing Helmand river to Zabul.

Ghani refused to act based upon international law denying Iranian right of water in Helmand River. They closed the water and hundreds of thousands of Wild lives were destroyed. Zabul which was being called grainwarehouse of Iranians dried in front of our eyes. Ghani continued violating international laws and asked oil in Exchange of water. The piece of shit forgot that nearly 3 to 4.5 million Afghan refugees rsided in Iran.

Dishonesty at its highest, they shouldnt forget that pissing on your neighbors with backing of invading forces is not called love for nationality but as i said, Dishonesty at its highest level.

Now they blame every Single thing on others instead of sitting with their own countrymen around a table to solve the internal issues. Smh
Man we just want good relationship with em, there's no beef from our side

Despite shit talking consistently, saying nasty things about Pak, our government always called em a brother country,

At some point, people are going to get angry at you, which'll result in a policy shift

We want to be friends but not like this where you insult us and we keep going out of our ways to accommodate you
Most of these afghans received asylum because of their homosexuality. And all of them have passed the grand medical test with DISTINCTION if u know what I mean :cheesy::bunny::bunny::nana::moil:
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