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Mass protests as Hong Kong marks 15 years under China

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he meant bright future = "Shiny" like india's one!

After the on coming EURO crisis, I bet their country is going too be even more "Shiny" than now! LOLOL.
Why bringing on India into this ??
he meant bright future = "Shiny" like india's one!

After the on coming EURO crisis, I bet their country is going too be even more "Shiny" than now! LOLOL.

This is even more comedy... If dollar falls Singapore falls...
I visited Xinhua english site and put Hongkong and protests as search words.

And And And yes, you guessed it right, there are no news articles about the todays protests.
`low IQed indians trying to be smart again```demonstration happening in China all the time, some people like the govt, and some dont`big deal`? happens in every single country

but in the primitive India's case, their slave mentality will dancing around their the world most corrupted government and lettin it killing thousands of innocent people daily and not gonna do anything about that````god, have to admire those Maoists in India, they are the real people have brains, knowing what is justice in civilized world``

The BBC's Juliana Liu and legislator Albert Chan Wai-yip explain why the protests are taking place

Thousands of pro-democracy marchers are on the streets of Hong Kong as the former British colony marks 15 years since the return to Chinese rule.

The rally takes place annually in support of human rights, but has been bolstered by anger towards Beijing.

Earlier, China's visiting President Hu Jintao swore in businessman CY Leung as the territory's new leader.

During the ceremony, a lone heckler tried to interrupt Mr Hu's speech.

On the streets outside, massive crowds beat drums and waved flags as they marched though the city to call for full democracy and express their frustration with the mainland.

One of the main complaints is that the system used to choose Hong Kong's leader is designed to install Beijing's choice.

A so-called electoral college of 1,200 business leaders and other influential citizens, mostly loyal to Beijing, selects the leader.

"China's way of thinking is totally different from ours," 46-year-old protester Bono Lay told the Associated Press.

Choreographed visit

At the swearing-in ceremony, Mr Hu offered "warm congratulations" to the 57-year-old Mr Leung and his team and described the 15th anniversary as a "joyous occasion".

He reiterated Beijing's commitment to the "one country, two systems" policy whereby Hong Kongers are allowed many more political freedoms than Chinese people on the mainland.

Mr Hu continued the address despite an interruption by a member of the crowd, who was heard calling for a condemnation of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and an end to one-party rule in China.

The man, who was a guest at the inauguration ceremony, was quickly bundled out of the harbourfront building by security.(poor guy)

The BBC's Juliana Liu, in Hong Kong, says Mr Hu's visit has been carefully choreographed.

But on Saturday police had to shield the president from demonstrators, and officers used pepper spray to disperse crowds who were demanding an investigation into the death in China of a Tiananmen activist, Li Wangyang, last month.

Our correspondent says the expression of discontent is a far cry from Mr Hu's last visit five years ago, when he toured Hong Kong in a blaze of pre-Olympic glory.

His visit comes as public confidence in the Beijing government has fallen to a new low.

People are unhappy with record property prices, an increasing wealth gap, a lack of democracy and a string of political scandals, our correspondent says.

Hong Kong, a British colony until 1997, has a comparatively high degree of autonomy from Beijing.

But China's leaders in Beijing have resisted public pressure for full democracy in the city.

Mr Leung replaces Donald Tsang, who took office in 2005.

BBC News - Mass protests as Hong Kong marks 15 years under China

i m not surpised western democracy only look after 10% of ellite rich no wonder they are really pisss off with democray
Imran bhai , have lot of respect to u , but u didnt discuss the topic at hand !!
In short u too were trolling here :)

my dear i have same feelings for every member here . in fact we all know in any ceremony in asia we have same situation few go protest and others enjoy . in our countries we have same few black days if you remember . i just show that it was nice big event then protests show .anywhere your or mine prime ministers go they face few lauds of protests its new ?if i was trolling sorry to say not on indian topic nor i harm feelings of you guys its matter of far far away from us :lol:
You keep going off topic. If you want to talk about the failings of the Rupee, open a new thread.

For the meantime stay on topic and enjoy the glorious day that belong to Hong Kong. Be a man and wish us well.

Pls answer me on post 28.. :)
Why bringing on India into this ??

No we didn't bring Indians into our celebrations, you invited yourself in. Anyway since you are here, might as well stay and enjoy with us.

I must ask u though.. How exactly HK select their leaders? who are them in electoral collage?
Original Posted By Rajaraj Chola

See my post #52, open a new thread. We're in a celebratory mood and don't want to talk about heavy stuff just as yet. You're welcome to stay for fun though.
my dear i have same feelings for every member here . in fact we all know in any ceremony in asia we have same situation few go protest and others enjoy . in our countries we have same few black days if you remember . i just show that it was nice big event then protests show .anywhere your or mine prime ministers go they face few lauds of protests its new ?if i was trolling sorry to say not on indian topic nor i harm feelings of you guys its matter of far far away from us :lol:

I am not going to say there are no protestors... Even in India there are protestors who protest on festival days...
But As u said there are 2 kinds of people... When we discuss one kind of people , what about the other type?
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