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Mass Mobilization against the Taliban or just a Propaganda Stunt.

Why don't you send an email to that woman and find out her opinion on the Taliban i.e. if she has recovered ?

Why don't you ask Kabul government that consists of war lords that have committed same kind of crimes and even more

Why don't you stop eulogizing for criminals like Najeebullah who has tortured and killed thousands in his rule?
Why don't you stop eulogizing for criminals like Najeebullah who has tortured and killed thousands in his rule?

Sorry, are you eulogizing the so-called Afghan Mujahideen who were mostly criminals from all over the world brought together by money and a South Asian origined perverted understanding of Islam and all arranged jollily by Western governments and a post-Mao China ? What did Najeebullah do to them ?

BTW didn't Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's sons live in Najeebullah's Afghanistan for some time ?
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Power sharing is the only solution. Kabul government is not up to the task of facing up to reality. They seem happy to kick the ball down the road, but doing so they are banking on the US sticking around. Or until they are overwhelmed by the Taliban.

Useless Afghan government is too power hungry to work seriously on a peace process. Dogs like Amrullah Saleh will continue barking until they’re forced to flee Afghanistan.

The current Kabul Regime ego will prevent them from coming to a power sharing agreement. This is a fault line among many Asian countries and Afghan is no different.

Now the countryside is well within Taliban control you think they’ll gain access to Mazar I Sharif, Kabul some of the major cities. Considering the population density is much more and better infrastructure than the rest of the country.
I so no point in you dragging up there past for it was the Taliban who were attacked and invaded falsely, and they fought for it and won it back. to me these guys were thr real patriots you only cry for the collaborators loss. and Afghan woman yeah sure ! how about you indian males go defend Indian Muslim ladies from your Hindu neighbours.
As for the Muslims in Hindutva India, the least said the better! Quite surprising to see they have also an opinion on the geo-strategic matters!!! Their primary objectives is like: “Hindutva, are you satisfied with our services?”
The question that everyone should be asking the Kabul administration is, who is paying for these extra armed people? Or does it mean Kabul is back to its old ways of more bachabazi and armed thievery?
The current Kabul Regime ego will prevent them from coming to a power sharing agreement. This is a fault line among many Asian countries and Afghan is no different.

Now the countryside is well within Taliban control you think they’ll gain access to Mazar I Sharif, Kabul some of the major cities. Considering the population density is much more and better infrastructure than the rest of the country.
With Mazar, I’m not sure. Too early to say. That province is not their historic stronghold, but last civil war they captured it through might alone. But it probably took a lot of build up and a string of victories and control.

I hope they all arrive at some sort of deal before it comes to that. The 90s were hell for Afghanistan.
Sorry, are you eulogizing the so-called Afghan Mujahideen who were mostly criminals from all over the world brought together by money and a South Asian origined perverted understanding of Islam and all arranged jollily by Western governments and a post-Mao China ? What did Najeebullah do to them ?

I am just giving you example. The guys you love in Afghanistan are / were no better than Taliban

BTW didn't Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's sons live in Mujeebullah's Afghanistan for some time ?


It was before that. And they were living in Afghanistan to commit acts of terror in Pakistan
Since much of the Afghan army has just melted away against the Taliban, the Afghan media is busy showing local Militia Gunmen vowing to fight against the Taliban in their numbers. How credible these images are and how potent these forces are is yet to be determined.
1) General mobilization against Taliban in Laghman and Nangarhar.
View attachment 755885

2) Afghan women taking part in general mobilization against Taliban. IMAGES from Sheberghan, Jawzjan.
View attachment 755886

3) General mobilization against Taliban - under the leadership of a former jihadi commander - in Koh Daman, Kabul.
View attachment 755887

4) General mobilization against the Taliban in Herat province
View attachment 755888

5) Deputy Speaker of the Afghan Parliamen, Abbas Ibrahimzada has armed dozens of his supporters in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh against the Taliban.
View attachment 755889

Are these people really determined to fight against the Taliban or these are just photoshoots. Recently similar groups just fled to neighbouring Tajikistan, to spare themselves from the Taliban.
Going to be 1996 like picture
Four regional splits.
With war going on for next decade
Afghanistan isnt a single country should be split four ways
personaly I have always been neutral on the Aghan issue (because it doesn't affect me), but if I was an Afghan I would definitly support any one over the Taliban any day.
I mean the Taliban stone women to death! they are savage people unfit for the 21st century.
unfortunately for the Afghans who don't want to live under a group that sones women to death the Taliban is a reality exactly because they have a lot of popular support from people who do want to be ruled by these savage cave men.

however since I'm not an Afghan I do have the luxury to just be anti-NATO regardless of the human right situation under the Taliban.
personaly I have always been neutral on the Aghan issue (because it doesn't affect me), but if I was an Afghan I would definitly support any one over the Taliban any day.
I mean the Taliban stone women to death! they are savage people unfit for the 21st century.
unfortunately for the Afghans who don't want to live under a group that sones women to death the Taliban is a reality exactly because they have a lot of popular support from people who do want to be ruled by these savage cave men.

however since I'm not an Afghan I do have the luxury to just be anti-NATO regardless of the human right situation under the Taliban.
I guess u dont know about 1990s then
How about dividing Afghans into two countries on the basis of ethnicity? Pashtuns with Talibans and non Pashtuns governed by Tajiks or Persians or whoever.

Is that nota viable solution? Divide the country into two or three slices and see if it works.

I think in the long run the solution is not division but
I wonder if they’ve learnt their experience from the 90s to prevent that from happening again.

There also could be a possibility that they prepared this beforehand to avoid that situation. It’s a no wonder why they’re always forgiving to soldiers who surrended to get them into their side.

Time well tell but I don't think they want things to pan out the way it did in the 90s but there are some things they won't compromise on which could escalate if no agreement is reached.
personaly I have always been neutral on the Aghan issue (because it doesn't affect me), but if I was an Afghan I would definitly support any one over the Taliban any day.
I mean the Taliban stone women to death! they are savage people unfit for the 21st century.
unfortunately for the Afghans who don't want to live under a group that sones women to death the Taliban is a reality exactly because they have a lot of popular support from people who do want to be ruled by these savage cave men.

however since I'm not an Afghan I do have the luxury to just be anti-NATO regardless of the human right situation under the Taliban.
Are you of the impression that women were stonned by the Taliban just for fun?
No one I repeat no one can claim victory over Talibans untill they remain committed to the deen/shariah.
Comon in what world killing innocent civilians and raising underaged children's as suicide bombers is part of Islam? Taliban are nothing more than an ethnic cult at best the follow their own culture not Islam. There is a reason Northern alliance was formed against these Racist Mofos bcz they were literally wiping them out of existence. To this date Taliban didn't recognize Durand line. They didnt take action against ISIS/TTP/Indians sitting inside their controlled territories and attacking Pakistan. Best thing that can happen for Pakistan is these racist ethno fascist starting a civil war and keeping each other busy. Otherwise we will go back into pre 70 era where these rodents were busy attacking our tribal areas.

Problem with us Pakistanis is that we dont read history.
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