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Mass demonstrations in Libya against Turkish interference

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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6th July 2020


Thousands of Libyans went out yesterday, Sunday, in mass demonstrations in Benghazi and other Libyan cities to denounce the blatant Turkish interference in their country, which they described as "occupation".

The demonstrators raised slogans against the Turkish presence in Libya, banners of "Libya did not and will not bow to the Turkish regime", "No to Libya's sale of the Turkish system" and "Libya, the cemetery of the Ottoman Turkish invaders" and other slogans supporting the Libyan army.


These demonstrations came as a popular response to the visit of Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and Turkish Chief of Staff Yasar Gular to Tripoli and Misrata, during which they inspected Turkish forces there, as well as to the minister's provocative statements in which he talked about the survival of Turki in Libya forever.


The scene of the Turkish Minister of Defense meeting with his country's soldiers in Tripoli and Misrata without the presence of any Libyan official, and his coming out with statements in which he talked about "Turkish sovereignty and return after the ancestors' withdrawal and staying forever in Libya", was shocking and provocative to many Libyans, as the speech carried threatening and threatening messages Clear to national sovereignty, as well as an arrogant tone, according to Libyan officials.

In this context, the Libyan MP Ali Al-Takbali said in a statement to "Al-Arabiya.net" yesterday that "the scene of the Turkish minister and his chief of staff inside the Libyan military bases and headquarters and among his country's officers and in front of them the maps of Libya, shaped what looked like the steps studied by Ankara in order to accustom the Libyan people On the Turkish presence and the necessity to deal with it, "criticizing" the Turkish superiority that was demonstrated during that visit. "


Not in Libya, it's in Benghazi :D Most probably organised by Egyptian intelligence...

Anyway these are pro-GNA people here ;


So as you see there always anti and pro.

Both sides are against colonization.

Answer is clear actually, who are the colonisers in Libya;

Turkey v Russia/France ?
6th July 2020


Thousands of Libyans went out yesterday, Sunday, in mass demonstrations in Benghazi and other Libyan cities to denounce the blatant Turkish interference in their country, which they described as "occupation".

The demonstrators raised slogans against the Turkish presence in Libya, banners of "Libya did not and will not bow to the Turkish regime", "No to Libya's sale of the Turkish system" and "Libya, the cemetery of the Ottoman Turkish invaders" and other slogans supporting the Libyan army.


These demonstrations came as a popular response to the visit of Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and Turkish Chief of Staff Yasar Gular to Tripoli and Misrata, during which they inspected Turkish forces there, as well as to the minister's provocative statements in which he talked about the survival of Turki in Libya forever.


The scene of the Turkish Minister of Defense meeting with his country's soldiers in Tripoli and Misrata without the presence of any Libyan official, and his coming out with statements in which he talked about "Turkish sovereignty and return after the ancestors' withdrawal and staying forever in Libya", was shocking and provocative to many Libyans, as the speech carried threatening and threatening messages Clear to national sovereignty, as well as an arrogant tone, according to Libyan officials.

In this context, the Libyan MP Ali Al-Takbali said in a statement to "Al-Arabiya.net" yesterday that "the scene of the Turkish minister and his chief of staff inside the Libyan military bases and headquarters and among his country's officers and in front of them the maps of Libya, shaped what looked like the steps studied by Ankara in order to accustom the Libyan people On the Turkish presence and the necessity to deal with it, "criticizing" the Turkish superiority that was demonstrated during that visit. "



Yeah only the U.S, Europeans, Russians all with the blessing of GCC Arabs should be allowed to interfere

How dare a Muslim country like Turkey try to interfere
Another issue is, Haftar is a war criminal...



Even when they retreat, they set booby traps in civilian residents...



Yeah only the U.S, Europeans, Russians all with the blessing of GCC Arabs should be allowed to interfere

How dare a Muslim country like Turkey try to interfere

Sideeffects of being spineless puppets...
You see this is fitan.

The Egyptians will find their proxies cheering for them.
The Turks same.
Libyans will continue to die.
Israelis/Non-muslims will cheer the death of muslims and not able to say anything on annexation of Quds.

But to be fair to Turks. Libya was in complete chaos. Only when Turks try to step in does the honor of habibis in UAE and Egypt wake up.

Doesn't look like a lot... BTW Majority of Libyans are in Libyan government controlled territories and are greatful for Turkey’s intervention. We love Libya :wub:and its people. It doesn't deserve to be threatened by a putchists ex CIA general backed by russian Sudanese Egyptian mercenaries. :no:
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