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Maryam Safdar Nawaz - From Matric Fail to MBBS Fail

Everything starts from the top. I hate it when people use the argument "everybody is corrupt in Pakistan" therefore there is no hope. Unfortunately in Pakistans case it was hijacked by corrupt traitor army jernails long ago. In order for change to occur, law and order is key.
read the second para of his reply. i have worked for the government and can tell you that this is indeed the case. the competent are sidelined, and the corrupt ball-lickers get promoted. the competent arent hired but the sifarishi of MNAs/MPAs and the raashis are. and then, because they have contacts in high places, no one can ask them to show any performance. their incompetence and corruption is covered up, they are deliberately posted as bosses of hardworking sections to fill up their ACR, and have them promoted. these are the type of people who rise up in the ministries, and departments and end up leading them and the country.
Everything starts from the top. I hate it when people use the argument "everybody is corrupt in Pakistan" therefore there is no hope. Unfortunately in Pakistans case it was hijacked by corrupt traitor army jernails long ago. In order for change to occur, law and order is key.
"Your leadership will be a reflection of you" (the people)

“As you are you so will your leaders be.”
read the second para of his reply. i have worked for the government and can tell you that this is indeed the case. the competent are sidelined, and the corrupt ball-lickers get promoted. the competent arent hired but the sifarishi of MNAs/MPAs and the raashis are. and then, because they have contacts in high places, no one can ask them to show any performance. their incompetence and corruption is covered up, they are deliberately posted as bosses of hardworking sections to fill up their ACR, and have them promoted. these are the type of people who rise up in the ministries, and departments and end up leading them and the country.
You will be more shocked when you see the same chawal people getting respect from the awaam and saying hamara leader aagaya, then you will think I remember this guy who rose to the top due to safarish. He was a failure but now respected by the people, you yourself is an average guy who tried to lead the honest life, you are more capable but not corrupt. The people also know this but they want the corrupt so the law could be bent, the corrupt have connections with the judges, police, nadra people, airport people, lawyers, mafias so if you want anything done then pay up. The safarishi corrupt will be addressed as Chaudary sahib, Raja sahib and you will be called as a small person. If you then speak to the people, they will say don't be stupid, he has connections, he is bigger man.
You will be more shocked when you see the same chawal people getting respect from the awaam and saying hamara leader aagaya, then you will think I remember this guy who rose to the top due to safarish. He was a failure but now respected by the people, you yourself is an average guy who tried to lead the honest life, you are more capable but not corrupt. The people also know this but they want the corrupt so the law could be bent, the corrupt have connections with the judges, police, nadra people, airport people, lawyers, mafias so if you want anything done then pay up. The safarishi corrupt will be addressed as Chaudary sahib, Raja sahib and you will be called as a small person. If you then speak to the people, they will say don't be stupid, he has connections, he is bigger man.
this is the sad reality.
She got 580 Out of 850 in matriculation and in F.Sc, I 767 marks out of 1100,
Along with Ms. Maryam Safdar who failed in the first year after enrolling in MBBS class in Army Medical College Rawalpindi.
Today She is owner of Sharif Medical College.
Capitalism system shows similar charms.

Skunt invented a coffee cup and is so proud of herself. Lmfao she thinks this is the way to connect to the youth.
This filthy Amritsari wh**e is CM
This filthy Amritsari wh**e is CM
Wonders of askari kela
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