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Marvi Sirmed-Zaid Hamid showdown: Safma issues clarification


Mar 23, 2011
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SAFMA clarifies debate between Hamid, Sirmed

LAHORE: This is with reference to a recent debate between Zaid Hamid and Marvi Sirmed that we are constrained to issue the following clarification on behalf of the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA):
a) The debate in a programme aired by a private TV channel was against some professional ethics as the “accused” (SAFMA) was not represented in the said programme, despite the facts that the whole debate was focused on the association. This is unfortunate and against professional ethics that despite SAFMA’s caution against hurling of malicious and defamatory allegations by Hamid in the absence of a SAFMA representative, some allegations of a highly grave nature were levelled by the accused against whom the association had issued a legal notice.
b) Whatever Hamid said against SAFMA was atrocious and unfounded and is libel.
c) On the other hand, despite her clarification that she is not a member of SAFMA, whatever Marvi had said was being treated wrongly as if they were views of the association. She neither had any right to represent SAFMA nor had any briefing from the media association to defend or represent it. She is entitled to her own views just like Hamid. This is utterly wrong to say that SAFMA or the anchor person of another private news channel sent Marvi to the debate, even though it has a lot of senior journalists to defend itself and is capable of doing at any forum and at any level.
d) A lot of debate is going on in various kinds of media on SAFMA, We welcome difference of opinion and its diversity. But can neither indulge in mud slinging nor take it lying down. We have been advised by our senior colleagues to firmly keep on the legal course against defamation that we have taken and not to give much importance to the accused. In this regard whatever is being expressed by even various SAFMA members in their individual columns and comments are their personal views they are entitled to have.
e)SAFMA both at the national and regional levels have journalists from various backgrounds and viewpoints, including hawks and doves pro or against this party and ideology or the other. In Pakistan and India we have both doves and hawks who agree to have talks. In Bangladesh we have journalists from both the contending parties and groups of journalists’ bodies. In Sir Lanka we have both Sinhala and Tamil journalists. The same is true about Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Afghanistan.
f) SAFMA has focused on two issues: a) Media its freedom and development: b) Conflict resolution, peace and regional cooperation while strengthening the SAARC process. SAFMA and its affiliates, such as South Asia Media Commission, have been in the forefront of the struggle for media freedom and will remain steadfast whatever the price. SAFMA is for peaceful settlement of all bilateral disputes, including Kashmir and various border disputes between other countries of the region, water and trade issues between the member countries of SAARC. Indeed SAFMA National Chapters do and must represent their views on various national issues, they are not bound to follow the viewpoint of their governments if they are not conducive to peace. SAFMA has often been caught in the crossfire of the wars of various agencies and conflicting nationalistic rhetoric and have been accused of being an agent of this agency or that. But we are proud to claim that we are agent of none other than the larger interests of our people and the cause of peace and a free media that we are firmly committed to. All our audits of accounts are available for anyone interested in our sources of revenues.
g) On various issues facing Pakistan, our SAFMA national chapter is strongly committed to a prosperous, strong, peaceful, democratic and federal Pakistan, even though its members are entitled to have their respective views.
h) At the regional level SAFMA has played a significant role in building confidence between Pakistan and India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, India and Bangladesh and Bhutan and Nepal, etc. SAFMA is the only body in the region which undertook exchange of journalists across the LoC and helped evolve a consensus on travel documents across the LOC which resulted in people to people contacts and trade between the divided Kashmir. SAFMA recognises differences between the two neighbours and is consistent in supporting peaceful means to resolve all differences between the two countries. (At his personal level the secretary general is determined to help bring peace in the subcontinent regardless of opposition from various quarters in the two countries. He is also committed to the right to self-determination of all the people, including Kashmiris, which also includes Azadi from both not acceptable to India and Pakistan.
i) Lastly SAFMA office bearers do not need any certification from any one for their patriotism and love for their motherland. They will remain steadfast against extremism, jingoism, and terrorism and cannot be pressurised by anyone however powerful. Notions of peace, progress and democracy will continue to be the motivating emblems in our efforts for a better South Asia and a democratic Pakistan. pr

LAHORE: The South Asian Free Media Association (Safma) has sent defamation notices to a TV channel officials and analyst Zaid Hamid over malicious accusations made in a show.

Sent by Safma Secretary General Imtiaz Alam and Safma Punjab President Anjum Rashid through senior advocate Abid Hasan Minto, the legal notices under Section 8 of Defamation Ordinance 2002 quoted the “defamatory and inflammatory remarks” Zaid Hamid made in the show on August 16, 2011 and repeated on August 17 and 18.

The remarks have caused resentment among leading media persons and civil society. Safma branches in other provinces will also issue libel notices. “By representing through your conduct, gestures and words that you promoted and supplemented the unfounded, false, baseless and defamatory remarks of Mr. Hamid against Safma, you have caused an irreparable harm to my clients and furthered his accusations against a worthy media body that is recognized by SAARC for its good work as its associated body,” the notices to the TV officials said.

The Rs 100 million damages, which the South Asian Free Media Association sought to be paid within seven days, will be “spent on media education and promotion of media ethics”, the notices said. If the respondents fail to respond to the notices, the South Asian Free Media Associationwill initiate civil and criminal proceedings against them, the notices said.


LAHORE: The South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) will be completing 10 years of its existence on July 2. SAFMA was established at the 1st South Asia Free Media Conference in Islamabad on July 2, 2000.

Since then, it has spread to all eight member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). So far, SAFMA has held seven regional South Asian Free Media Conferences, five SAARC Journalists’ Summits and various sub-regional exchanges to promote free media, peace and regional cooperation.

SAFMA has eight elected national chapters and a regional executive body. It is recognised by SAARC as an associated body. It has established its central secretariat in Lahore. The Action Plan approved by the information ministers of SAARC has been implemented by SAFMA, through establishing the South Asian Media Centre, the South Asian Media Net, the South Asian Journal, the South Asia Media School, journalists’ exchanges and editors’ conferences.

SAFMA has helped establish the South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) in all member countries at the regional level to monitor attacks on the press and audit media content. It has also played a crucial role in establishing the South Asia Women in Media (SAWM) association to mainstream gender issues and ensure greater participation of female journalists. A virtual think-tank and network of experts, academics and researchers has been created which has produced a high-quality research-based South Asian Media series consisting of 13 books on major policy issues facing South Asia. Another set of research-based series consisting of 10 books on important issues is under preparation and is expected to be published by the end of this year and beginning of the next year.

SAFMA has established a South Asia Media Centre in Lahore, besides other national media centres in some countries. In the last SAARC Journalists’ Summit in Bhutan, it proposed the creation of a South Asia Free Media Endowment Fund with possible contribution from the SAARC Development Fund and SAARC member countries. SAFMA has also proposed the creation of scholarships worth $336,000 annually from the respective SAARC countries for young journalists to be trained at the South Asian Media School. The government of Norway has now agreed to support SAFMA until 2013, providing assistance of over $1 million per year. Every chapter must help create the South Asia Media Endowment Fund, besides raising their own funds to meet their expenditures.

The 14th SAARC Summit in April 2007 stressed the need for closer regional cooperation in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). It also directed to take steps on other ICT-enabled fields. The 15th SAARC Summit in August 2008 recognised the importance of connectivity for realising the objectives of SAARC. Things have not moved on these tracks and the SAARC visa exemption scheme has not worked. Media and information remain the most neglected areas despite SAFMA’s persistent efforts and the commitments made by the foreign ministers at SAARC Journalists Summits since 2004. The SAARC visa quota for journalists remains unimplemented in India and Pakistan.

Generally, the issues of connectivity, communication, routes, cross-border linkages, free movement of people, goods and information still remain un-addressed, despite various declarations and recommendations put forward on the relevant forums of SAARC.

Source: Daily Times – 02.07.2010
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Dude.......Good Job!

so what is the action plan of your government ? When is the arrest happening? Any suo-motto case from your judiciary?

Or is it that as always, anybody sepaking truth and sharing not your views is a RAW Agent?
i think it was the "raw agent " who got the better of ZH in the debate.:)
Epic!!!! :woot: Hamid's unusual jokes are busted in similar way!!!! :lol:
Haha - The Organization who supposedly promotes freedom of speech want's to ensure that other side's point of view is not aired on TV.Funny how every tom dick and harry becomes CounterTerrorism Expert these days (Referring to Marvi Sirmed's twitter profile).
Mr Masoon seems to be the only sane person in that panel. The question he asks is valid. Why are people quick to label other people?
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