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Martial Law likely if SC rules against Musharraf


Nov 25, 2006
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

MIANWALI: Federal minister for parliamentary affairs Dr. Sher Afghan said Tuesday that the Martial Law was likely to enforced in the country if the Supreme Court rules against the overwhelming victory of President General Pervez Musharraf in recently held presidential election.

“ Martial Law cannot be ruled out if the Supreme Court rules against the reelection of President General Pervez Musharraf,” he said while talking to Geo News here.

He was of the view that neither Benazir’s sentences would be forgiven nor Nawaz Sharif would take any benefit from the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).
Yeh i was also thinking so

martial law is to be the last thing

But let it be what we ordinary people lose ??
nothing all who will lose anything will be the politicians.

BTW Let the Media rule with Musharraf chacha :P
In case of Martial Law will Mush take over command from General Kiani?
In case of Martial Law will Mush take over command from General Kiani?

hmmm good question

But if kiyani is on his side than unlikely

Rather i believe there will be presidential form of government and i would love it lets rock with Musharraf chacha

{time to go for prayers for me :) see you all in morning}
ya he will,during martial law theres only one head called head administrator or something.
ps:general kiyani is stil vice chief musharaf is still Chief
Mushrraf cant remove Kiani....he will remain the vice chief of army staff...the only thing would happen is that kiani will look into army matters and mushy will look into political issues
In case of Martial Law will Mush take over command from General Kiani?

Kiani is just a puppet like our PM and other minister. Their heads can roll any given day. Musharraf is still the head of army. He still has a lot of hold on Brigadiers and Major generals of SSG as well as loyal generals from Punjab.

eg Nadeem Taj is a relative.

Its in Kiani's interest to be in Presidents good books. Unless he turns against Musharraf his chair is safe. Come what may
I don't understand how a general can impose martial law just like that on a whim? What is the law regarding "martial law"? under what conditions is a general allowed to take control of the government? Only time a martial law is acceptable is during a civil war or a great calamity, neither of which is the case right now.
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