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Mark Zuckerberg spreading propoganda against Pakistan and muslims

A few years ago, an extremist in Pakistan fought to have me sentenced to death because Facebook refused to ban content about Mohammed that offended him.

We stood up for this because different voices -- even if they're sometimes offensive -- can make the world a better and more interesting place.

Facebook has always been a place where people across the world share their views and ideas. We follow the laws in each country, but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world.

Yet as I reflect on yesterday's attack and my own experience with extremism, this is what we all need to reject -- a group of extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world.

I won't let that happen on Facebook. I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence.

My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the people of France and the people all over the world who choose to share their views and ideas, even when that takes courage. ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬
Mark Zuckerberg - A few years ago, an extremist in... | Facebook
Double standard speaking bastard.
Wow, speak of comprehension FAIL!!!!

Yeah make world a better place. By deliberately hurting sentiments and offending a billion plus people. RIP logic.
No one has a gun pointed on your head to log on to Facebook , or youtube, or read magazines that offend you.

It it hurts your sentiments, go do somehting else instead of buying/subscribing to offending material.
Mark Zuckerberg is full of it | PandoDaily

It would be one thing for Zuckerberg to express support for those most affected by the Charlie Hebdo killings. No one should be killed for their beliefs. But it’s another thing entirely to use this tragedy to white-wash Facebook’s murky relationship with numerous governments and pretend it’s not the least free social service available.

Je Suis Facebook? Mark Zuckerberg's Post Raises Free Speech Questions - NBC News

When Mark Zuckerberg says that, he doesn't mean it," York told NBC News from Berlin. "I don't think Facebook stands for free speech at all."

She pointed specifically to Pakistan.

As a result of government requests, Facebook removed 1,773 pieces of content in Pakistan in the first half of 2014, according to the company's most recent transparency report. That trails only India and Turkey, where 4,960 and 1,893 pieces of content were removed, respectively, in the same time period.

Facebook declined to comment for this story.
Exactly, and why not. Nationalism is the glue that bonds nations.

LMAO his Bond a$$ is on fire. Prove otherwise. We need an ID. Concrete proof.

PS. I'm a riddle you will never solve. Want to have me banned? Try harder!
You are Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai of PDF. Riddle solved.

I have no problem with his post i will ignore him but you know when extremist does things like they did in Paris then they start blaming whole muslims . like that tweet trend killallmuslims

Wow, speak of comprehension FAIL!!!!

No one has a gun pointed on your head to log on to Facebook , or youtube, or read magazines that offend you.

It it hurts your sentiments, go do somehting else instead of buying/subscribing to offending material.
See my above post.

[QUOTE="root, post: 6638669, member: 142940"Facebook has always been a place where people across the world share their views and ideas. We follow the laws in each country, but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world.

See my above post
huh? some muslim threatens to kill Zuckerbeg and you are saying Z is hurting muslim feelins? how about telling your fellow muslims to stop killing people for cartoons? you guys want the electricity, tv, **** and everything else west makes; these algerians couldn't make it in their country and ran to France for asylum....but you can't live by the rules of the country that ypu ran to? pathetic.

sure...the west does it by themselves and have no issues if you create cartoons making fun of anybody. It is you guys who cannot take anything pointed at you .... 90% of terrorism in the world happens in the name of islam but you can't take it when somebody pokes fun at it!
See my above post
I think its about time that Muslims should start freedom of speech, all Muslim countries should allow full access to insulting anyone in the world, put it in the law that insulting is Kosher. Take French, German, British heros and show a side of them to the world, allow it in the text books...lets just play this game by their rules, lets make Hilter our national hero and celebrate his birthdays, lets use N word for Black people and always refer Indians as Pee drinkers...its all freedom of speech.
This week's episode of the Big Bang Theory took a few jabs at Hinduism, I dont think any of the actors or any crew member related to the show is facing death threats.
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Did facebook allow posts and cartoons against holocaust?? West don't allow people to talk about Holocaust specially against it, but they insult Prophets and call it freedom of expression, hypocrisy at its best.
people are allowed to talk about holocaust everywhere in the world. It is a part of recent history...
So much butthurt over a Facebook post. :lol:

I am sure he's not targeting the whole nation so just relax fellas.
May be its just me . But where are the double standards you speak of?

Facebook censors cartoons against racism, capitalism | +972 Magazine

Edit: One of the cartoon Facebook censored

The Hebrew on the back of the muscular man has all kinds of popular racist slogans: “A good Arab is a dead Arab;” “Death to the Sudanese,” “Run over the Dosim (degrading name for Orthodox Jews);”Russians to Russia, Ethiopians to Ethiopia,” and more.
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I wish Pakistan government someday ban FB and twitter like youtube. There are lot of minus to use them rather than plus.
sure...the west does it by themselves and have no issues if you create cartoons making fun of anybody. It is you guys who cannot take anything pointed at you .... 90% of terrorism in the world happens in the name of islam but you can't take it when somebody pokes fun at it!

Okay first thing world wars did not happen in the name of Islam and US did not drop atomic bombs in the name of Islam. Your today's terrorists were your yesterday's Rambo style holy warriors to fight your war against Russia.

Second thing now there is lots of this thing going on as "Freedom of Speech" may be you already know or not but let me explain the difference how this freedom of speech affects Muslims.

1. Suppose you do not like Muslims and you start saying in Public places or on media addressed to masses that "Islam is no religion of peace or Muslims are liars, terrorists or they smell bad or use Muslim showers in toilets or they have funny names, or they are monkeys, make whole lot of cartoons showing Muslims in underwear with beards or mock any religious leader of present day or say similar stuff etc etc........ I will ignore your views and won't get offended at all no problem.

2. But if you use your freedom of speech in a way that results in insulting or mocking any of the following
  • God
  • All of his Prophets, Angels, Books (Quran, Bible, Torah) and companions of the Prophets
Then that is something different, there you have crossed a red line. And this is what has been happening Freedom of Speech has been used to attack core beliefs and most Holiest personality of Muslims. The reaction you have seen it.

So now you tell me is it ethical to use freedom of speech in manner that is depicted in scenario 1 above or you still believe it is necessary to still go with scenario 2 and keep hurting more than 1 billion people? And then out of those 1 billion when some go violent your reaction is you can't take it when somebody pokes fun at it.
He also allows Talibs to have FB accounts, buddy. FB is a weapon, it has no loyalty. We must use it to our own advantage not cry that it's unfair. The Prophet (pbuh) was so magnanimous that his heart even tendered the woman who threw garbage at him to open her heart to the Deen.
A few years ago, an extremist in Pakistan fought to have me sentenced to death because Facebook refused to ban content about Mohammed that offended him.

We stood up for this because different voices -- even if they're sometimes offensive -- can make the world a better and more interesting place.

Facebook has always been a place where people across the world share their views and ideas. We follow the laws in each country, but we never let one country or group of people dictate what people can share across the world.

Yet as I reflect on yesterday's attack and my own experience with extremism, this is what we all need to reject -- a group of extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world.

I won't let that happen on Facebook. I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence.

My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the people of France and the people all over the world who choose to share their views and ideas, even when that takes courage. ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬
Mark Zuckerberg - A few years ago, an extremist in... | Facebook
Double standard speaking bastard.
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