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Marco Rubio: We can't point to an area China doesn't challenge US


Nov 4, 2011
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Marco Rubio: We can't point to an area China doesn't challenge US
Florida Senator warns if we lose battle with China 'we will live in a world dominated by an oppressive regime'

Why can't these people stick to a topic for five minutes straight? Half the segment is about their border.

The problem isn't the US-Mexico border, the problem is the Canada-US border. We don't need these sickies bringing the virus here.
US imperialism must be countered at every opportunity. Biggest menace to the human race.

The real question to ask here is whether the world is better off under US "imperialism" or under Chinese Communist Party rule?
China has no interest in global domination, it's totally a western mentality, China just likes to do business with the world.

Yeah, right! :D

We all believe that, honestly. If only.
Or option 3: A bi-polar world without one hegemon

No such option may exist. All nations are equally entitled to vie for the best top spot they can achieve. It is a fare game that the ones who play it the best win.
The real question to ask here is whether the world is better off under US "imperialism" or under Chinese Communist Party rule?

The world is much better off without white supremacy. White supremacy is the greatest threat facing the human race. Collapse of the American empire will be the crowning achievement for the human race in the 21st century. It can’t come soon enough.
The world is much better off without white supremacy. White supremacy is the greatest threat facing the human race. Collapse of the American empire will be the crowning achievement for the human race in the 21st century. It can’t come soon enough.

You forgot to say whatever the Chinese equivalent of InshAllah is.
China biggest by population. Russia biggest by area. The US somewhere in between. So 3 polar is best.

The size of the economy is above area and population in importance, and it will remain so for all countries.
The size of the economy is above area and population in importance, and it will remain so for all countries.

Economy can change. Size cannot. Population can change slowly over decades. China can pass US in economy with a 20 trillion USD stimulus. Sure it cause inflation but it can be done if needed.
The real question to ask here is whether the world is better off under US "imperialism" or under Chinese Communist Party rule?
Neither! because we wont have to choose one of the other, so this is a false narrative argument. We wil have a multipolar world where US and CHina prevent each other from being a full menace to the world. Thats better than either of them dominating completely the global system.

China will soon start regular military operations and violence, because u cant be a big global power without military might.
No such option may exist. All nations are equally entitled to vie for the best top spot they can achieve. It is a fare game that the ones who play it the best win.

False the option has existed in the past from after WWII-1990s USSR - US were in competition for the top spot but neither could comfortably claim it. If you're saying there will be 1 winner eventually then thats just an empty statement.
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