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Maoists want to overthrow Indian state by 2050: Pillai

I know you did not blam Pakistan neither you can.

I am interested in knowing the origion of the White people, as the word suggests either they are from US, UK or any western country.

By the claim of Indian/s if foreigners are involved then why white people support maoists???????????

Idealogy is not limited by boundaries. There can be followers of Communist ideology in West.. Is it hard to believe?
Idealogy is not limited by boundaries. There can be followers of Communist ideology in West.. Is it hard to believe?

what is indian ideology?
Why do indian members troll?

No Indian member talked a word about China before your post. You brought China to the discussion......

Sounds interesting...

indians blamed China... now they should realize blaming China is not going to help them.
Maoist leader Kishanji said in an interview Maoists are against China.

The Home Secretary recently alluded to China giving you arms. Is this true?

Clearly, he doesn’t know the basics of our philosophy. To win a war, you need to know your enemy. Our position is diametrically opposite to China. I thought Chidambaram and Pillai were my competition, but never imagined I have such low-standard enemies. They are flashing swords in the air. Victory will be ours.

I Am The Real Desh Bhakt: Interview- Kishanji Indian Vanguard

You can believe in what a maoist say!!!

There must be some evidence that lead the Home minister to say that. One can't just blame other foreign country without any evidence.
No Indian member talked a word about China before your post. You brought China to the discussion......

You can believe in what a maoist say!!!

There must be some evidence that lead the Home minister to say that. One can't just blame other foreign country without any evidence.

Link beta...
what is indian ideology?

Indian Ideology is to remain democratic and defeat any communist forces trying to hold grounds in India. BTW I am not blaming china I said followers of Maoism can be anywhere? What's wrong in that can you please tell me?
Why do indian members troll?

Maoist leader Kishanji said in an interview Maoists are against China.

The Home Secretary recently alluded to China giving you arms. Is this true?

Clearly, he doesn’t know the basics of our philosophy. To win a war, you need to know your enemy. Our position is diametrically opposite to China. I thought Chidambaram and Pillai were my competition, but never imagined I have such low-standard enemies. They are flashing swords in the air. Victory will be ours.

I Am The Real Desh Bhakt: Interview- Kishanji Indian Vanguard

Listen dude there are two side of Coin. I am believing what Indian Home seceratary has said and you are believing what Maoist leader has said. It can not prove that you are right and I am wrong..
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Idealogy is not limited by boundaries. There can be followers of Communist ideology in West.. Is it hard to believe?

Can be but mostly they dont take part physically to get involved in case of Communism i dint see any
Link beta...

yes , you are right RAW has created an online repository of all the proofs they have and we can just google it and find it..

Do you really think Home secretary of a country will say something without any proofs that too against a country as big and powerful as China?

I am sure it's been raised at the right level in China's CCP. For me my Home Secretaries statement is more than a proof.

I know one thing for sure that Indian govt needs to take appropriate steps for the upliftment of poor villagers who are falling prey to these maoists..
Can be but mostly they dont take part physically to get involved in case of Communism i dint see any

I agree that there is no evidence to suggest they involve in it physically but what can stop them to support Maoists if they believe in them. Nobody is claiming that whites are fighting along side Maoists against Indian forces. The claim was for support moral, monetary whatever..
yes , you are right RAW has created an online repository of all the proofs they have and we can just google it and find it..

Do you really think Home secretary of a country will say something without any proofs that too against a country as big and powerful as China?

I am sure it's been raised at the right level in China's CCP. For me my Home Secretaries statement is more than a proof.

I know one thing for sure that Indian govt needs to take appropriate steps for the upliftment of poor villagers who are falling prey to these maoists..

Post the link. Another indian told chidambram accused China. Post the link to show chidnambram's accusation.

:rofl::rofl: allegations made against Khalida Zia by Pro-Indian Dalal of Pro-India Hussina Wajid. Which he failed to prove when Khalida Zia had asked for the Proofs.

Lets check the false allegations from the link you had posted.

Dhaka has evidence on Musharraf-ULFA leader meeting
January 10, 2010 19:09 IST
Tags: BNP, ULFA, Syed Ashraful Islam, Dhaka, Parvez Musharraf
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CommentBangladesh government has "evidence" that ex-prime minister Khaleda Zia's administration had arranged a "secret meeting" in Dhaka between former Pakistan president Parvez Musharraf with jailed ULFA leader Anup Chetia, a separatist leader wanted by India [ Images ].

Defending his claim that Musharraf had met Chetia, Local Government Minister and ruling Awami League's general secretary Syed Ashraful Islam said, "We've the evidence. We've not made any statement without evidence. I am aware that no comment should be made about a president without any evidence."

His renewed claim came a day after BNP denied the charge and demanded the proof that United Liberation Front of Assam leader Chetia held a meeting with the visiting Pakistani president for some one and half hours as he was brought to his hotel suit at Dhaka's Sheraton Hotel from Dhaka Central Jail.

"This is an irresponsible allegation. Come up with the proof if you have any," BNP secretary general Khandakar Delwar Hossain earlier said adding that in no way such comments were expected from a "responsible person like him (Islam)" and "he should not make such hollow remarks."

Islam made the allegation on Friday at a round-table on Bangladesh-India relations saying, "You can guess what was discussed in such a long meeting."

Although he did not say when the meeting took place, Musharraf had visited Dhaka in July 2002.

Chetia was arrested in Bangladesh during the past 1996-2001 Awami League regime and still is in "security custody" despite the expiry of his jail term for cross-border intrusion.

Islam made the allegation three days ahead of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's [ Images ] first official visit to India, while investigators reportedly found alleged links between ULFA and the Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence (ISI).

The allegation came as a probe is underway into the country's biggest ever weapon haul in 2004 when Bangladesh police seized 10 truck loads of weapons believed to be destined to ULFA hideouts in northeastern India.

New Delhi [ Images ] have long been alleging that the separatist outfit was using Bangladesh territory to carryout subversive activities, an allegation which Dhaka all through rejected even when Zia's BNP-led government was in power.

But Hasina and several government leaders since assuming office after the December 29, 2008 general elections on several occasions expressed firm pledges not to allow anybody to use Bangladesh territory.

Dhaka is believed to have extended hands in arresting the ULFA chief Arbinda Rajkhowa along with several accomplices last month as he was hiding in Bangladesh.

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni recently said the ULFA leader was unlikely to be repatriated under a proposed Dhaka-New Delhi treaty for exchange of sentenced persons, a deal which is expected to be inked during Hasina's New Delhi visit. The bilateral ties is said to have witnessed its lowest ebb during the 2001-2006 tenure of BNP-led coalition.

:rofl::rofl: "You can guess what was discussed in such a long meeting"

lolzz Musharraf was so rangila may be he wanted some beauties from India
Communist;709751]Post the link. accusation.

about the Home seceratary allegations - the link of Maoist interview that you posted had the reference and I thought you were stressing on that itself and now you want me to provide a link.. come on dude, get a life..

Another indian told chidambram accused China. Post the link to show chidnambram's accusation..

Either google it or ask the so called another Indian about it.
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