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Maoists have stocked over 6,000 rocket launchers

The question isn't of taking them seriously. It is of political will, something that our politicians sorely lack. But you are right. These bastard$ need to be taken care of ASAP.

The question is to do this and create minimum effect and losses in innocent lives. To sweep under the carpet or deny is in itself giving them opportunity to gather strength.
I don't believe illusion8's theory that its shrinking by the day. Glad to see honesty as this is the best policy!
If they have rocket launchers why aren't they using it, as far I know they still use landmines to attack our police.
so moisit are getting stronger day by day. Good for them.


Do u know that Moist are run by the central committee which have 15 members and out of these 12 members are dead or in prison.

They have lost public support and police forces are eliminating them day by day.

A flame tries to raise before it get extinct.
India uses police forces against the maoist correct not military ? otherwise there would be backlash.

Correct- this is an internal security situation where police and federal agencies are used only. The Indian military has already stated they are not comfortable with being used against their own citizens.
How the heck did they manage to get 6000 of these across the border without anybody noticing?

How the heck did they manage to get 6000 of these across the border without anybody noticing?


They are making them apparently.

The Hindu : News / National : Security forces worried as Maoists make rocket launchers, RPGs

The seizure of vanloads of parts, which could be assembled into thousands of RLs, RPGs, APMs and hand grenades, in Raipur and other places indicated that the first priority of the Maoists was to improve their striking capabilities. The spares, fabricated in Kolkata and Mumbai, are sent to Raipur through truck operators. The Maoists are suspected to be taking the help of some businessmen in Raipur to transport them to Bastar, intelligence sources told The Hindu.

What is confirmed now is that the Maoists have set up heavy workshops in the Bastar forests, where all the detached parts are assembled to make the area weapons. Earlier, intelligence agencies were puzzled over claims that those venturing into Abuz Maad heard a constant drone of heavy duty generators. Now sleuths suspect that these could be weapon-making units. Their belief is based on the seizure of aluminium and zinc castings in the raids.
How the heck did they manage to get 6000 of these across the border without anybody noticing?


From reading the article it seems they have made these crude RLs in-house. It is thus unlikely they will be too effective or deadly.
While the rest of India has been involved with corruption, infatuated with money at the expense of the poor, care little about human rights, etc......the Maoists have for close to 40 yrs been cunningly devising tactics and strategy to counter India every step of the way. India be warned....these guys are not chumps....they will give you a good bashing.....you tke out one leader you have mnay others to take that place...

From reading the article it seems they have made these crude RLs in-house. It is thus unlikely they will be too effective or deadly.

Thats the problem first and foremost.....you keep on underestimating them yet they keep on surprising India.....How did such backward illerate corrupt ppl make all this.....from AK's to RPG;s........fools never give credit....Though I am against violence, I got to give these guys Kudos....

Fund flow to Naxals under NIA scanner

Dalip Singh, New Delhi, May 28, 2012, DHNS:
The extremists are developing indigenous weaponry
The Union Home Ministry on Monday instructed the National Investigation agency (NIA) to probe into the flow of funds and arms to the red rebels across the country.

To facilitate the probe, the states are required to hand over sensitive Naxal-related cases to the NIA. The Naxals have spread their wings across ten states, the latest being Punjab, parts of the north east and south India.

Last week, the NIA filed a charge sheet against a Manipur-based outfit for its alleged links with the rebels. They will now ascertain how the Naxals source funds, apart from proven methods like extortion and kidnap. Till date, neither the Centre nor the states have an approximation of funds available with the red rebels.

In case of the Manipur-based organisation, its Kolkata office played a key role in accumulating funds and coordinating with the Maoists, the NIA said in the chargesheet filed in a Guwahati court. Though some intelligence reports claim the Naxals acquire arms from foreign countries, the rebels continually improvise with indigenous weapons. This became apparent following the arrest of Maoist leader Sadanala Ramakrishna and four others from Kolkata in February.

During interrogation, Ramakrishna, a mechanical engineering graduate from the Warangal Regional Engineering College, reportedly confessed to heading the Technical Research and Arms Manufacturing (TRAM).

Back in 1989, he instituted a technical development committee in Bangalore. TRAM, with centres in Kolkata and Mumbai, procures spare parts for rocket launchers and rocket propelled grenades (RPGs).

According to reports, the spare parts are sourced from various suppliers. At times, local workshops are ordered to manufacture units which are then transported to the Dandkaranya area, a vast stretch of forest bordering Chhattisgarh, AP, Maharashtra and Odisha. These units are then assembled into smoking weapons, security officials handling Naxal issues said.

According to them, the Naxals have improvised the indigenous rockets with repeated field trials in Dandakaranya. Around Rs 5 crore were spent for manufacturing the rockets, they added.

Fund flow to Naxals under NIA scanner
NEW DELHI: The Maoists are believed to be churning out low cost rocket launchers from makeshift workshops, with parts sourced from industrial tool manufacturing units in Kolkata and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) reckons the ultras may have stockpiled 6,000 of these in the jungles of Chhattisgarh. The NIA believes the operation was being overseen by Sadanala Ramakrishna, who was recently arrested from Kolkata and was said to be slain Maoist leader Kishenji's successor.

The agency, which is investigating Ramakrishna's case, found that the chief of CPI (Maoist) Technical Research and Arms Management Unit may have already managed to send over 6,000 rocket launchers to Chhattisgarh.

The agency found evidence that in his seven-month clandestine stay in Kolkata, the trained engineer from Warangal spent close to Rs 2 crore manufacturing ultra-low cost rocket launchers whose designs and assembling techniques were formulated by him.

Pegged back by security forces across the country and having lost several senior functionaries to either encounters or arrests, sources said the CPI (Maoist) has been on the offensive and has sought to drastically improve its military capability.

It was with this focus that Ramkrishna, known as RK in Maoist circles, replaced Kishenji in the party hierarchy and was entrusted with spreading Maoist activity in eastern India.

Reds kept aside Rs 200 crore for arms: NIA

The National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is investigating Sadanala Ramakrishna's case, found that the chief of CPI (Maoist) Technical Research and Arms Management Unit may have already managed to send over 6,000 rocket launchers to Chhattisgarh. The agency found evidence that in his seven-month clandestine stay in Kolkata, the trained engineer from Warangal spent close to Rs 2 crore manufacturing ultra-low cost rocket launchers whose designs and assembling techniques were formulated by him.

Pegged back by security forces across the country and having lost several senior functionaries to either encounters or arrests, sources said the CPI(M) has been on the offensive and has sought to drastically improve its military capability.

It was with this focus that Ramkrishna, known as RK in Maoist circles, replaced Kishanji in the party hierarchy and was entrusted with spreading Maoist activity in eastern India. "There is information that CPI (Maoist) has earmarked about Rs 200 crore for weaponry and ammunition. We are trying to verify this," an officer privy to investigation details said

WTF are they preparing for some kind of war.... like Moist in Nepal or Hezbollah
Wow, they have better manufacturing capability than the government itself. I understand india must import even bullets.
Wow, they have better manufacturing capability than the government itself. I understand india must import even bullets.

Wow you learn in new class? They are sure strict to make out of full money they pay you for each poo. poor souls.
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