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Mao ordered 1962 war to regain CPC control, reveals Chinese strategist


Sep 20, 2009
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Mao ordered 1962 war to regain CPC control, reveals Chinese strategist

BEIJING: China's late strongman Mao Zedong had launched the 1962 war with India to regain control of the ruling Communist Party after the debacle of his 'Great Leap Forward' movement in which millions had perished.

This was stated by top Chinese strategist Wang Jisi, adding a new dimension to the conflict ahead of the 50th anniversary of the war on Saturday.

"The war was a tragedy. It was not necessary," Wang, Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University and member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told PTI here.

Wang said he differed with the perception of many Chinese political and strategic analysts that the Chinese victory ended India's claims on the border and brought about long-term peace.

"I think we need to do some research. One anecdotal story I heard was because of Mao's own fear of his position in China in 1962 that he launched a war," said Wang, who according to senior Indian diplomats was often consulted by the Chinese leadership.

"In 1962, three years after the Great Leap Forward (GLF), Mao lost power and authority. He was no longer the head of the state and he went back to the so-called second line. The explanation given to us at that time was that he was more interested in ... revolution and so on," he said ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Sino-India conflict on October 20.

GLF was a mass campaign launched by Mao to use China's vast population to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy to a modern Communist society.

The movement turned out to be a catastrophe for China as millions of people perished in violent purges weakening Mao's position as supreme leader of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and he was sidelined.

Mao ordered 1962 war to regain CPC control, reveals Chinese strategist - The Times of India
Every other day there is a new thread on 1962 War. Mod's should Merge All Thread's and Create A Sticky for it
This only reestablishes the fact that,India should prepare fr another war if the statusquoists find themselves threatened owning to the recent shrink in Economic activity.

One can see its effects with the recent China japan fiasco. Classic diversionary tactics to keep the ppl pacified.
It is the 50th anniversary , so we will keep seeing this. Situation is also now similar. If US escapes downturn its assembler will escape otherwise it has to send its giant army somewhere to pacify its own people.
The more pressing reason would have been India's act of giving asylum to Dalai Lama, which Chinese perceived as betrayal as well as a threat to Chinese integrity.
Another excuse indian seek for 62 war, "fantastic" indian!
all day, you think china will attack you, maybe you are not bored of this topic, but I am bored of this!
By the way, I am more interesting in Russia Siberia that ever belong to china than Poor India, If you want join china, apply for it individually or in group, leave your land to other indian in need!

what the hell are you trying to say?
Another excuse indian seek for 62 war, "fantastic" indian!
all day, you think china will attack you, maybe you are not bored of this topic, but I am bored of this!
By the way, I am more interesting in Russia Siberia that ever belong to china than Poor India, If you want join china, apply for it individually or in group, leave your land to other indian in need!

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Although this is a possibility, the major reason is still the forward policy.

Maybe Mao saw this as an opportunity to knock off two birds with one shot
Although this is a possibility, the major reason is still the forward policy.

Maybe Mao saw this as an opportunity to knock off two birds with one shot

"Forward policy" was coined by an India-hater brit called "Neville Chamberlain".

Ladakh was never a part of Tibet ... leave alone china.

India only started setting up border posts, when China unilaterally entered Aksai Chin (which is a part of Ladakh .. not Tibet).

There was no "forward policy", but only a "too-late policy". Anyway, even later.. and china would have ingressed further.

Chinese are known to lick up british boots when it suits them, be it Neville Chamberlain or Winstorn Churchill (both India-haters).

Anyway, China itself admits there has been no agree border ever in history between India and China. In fact, India and China never treated each other as neighbours .... so a question of border never arose. Further, there was no India-Tibet border agreed by everyone, ever.

If there is no border, how can there be "forward policy"?

It's china which made an ingression into Ladakh (well before 1962.. in 1959) into Aksai Chin.

India was only a reaction .. a bit too late... betrayed by a misplaced trust in dubious chinese.

Anyway, history be history .... India got a cheap wake-up call. And china ended up doing a strategic blunder for itself.
the backstabber chinese are looking for opportunity always to backstab... India should be very careful always.. letting the guard down or trusting them is like putting milk in front of cat to guard...

Also ccp is the biggest factory of lies in the world
the backstabber chinese are looking for opportunity always to backstab... India should be very careful always.. letting the guard down or trusting them is like putting milk in front of cat to guard...

Also ccp is the biggest factory of lies in the world

The Chinese PPL may be good ,but i dont thing there opinion is even worth anything to there own leadership.

The problem with a 1 party aka dictatorship is tht they live in relative isolation and when making decisions about war would not factor in the cost of lives like the common Chinese would.

Chinese would like to deny its but its human nature and i bet when they protest its this thought tht comes to the forefront every time .

China has more than half of its budget funded towards homeland security....tht means in case of war they have contingencies to take out as many rebel rouser as they see fit and (harvest some organ while there at it).

the lesson here is that the PPl of China might be a good variety with the peace loving, warmongering and the delusional similar to what u find across the globe ,but thats not even the problem.
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