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Many rich Chinese are emigrating

Most rich Chinese want to send their kids abroad so they can have go to a better school way easily due to the relative lack of competition in Western countries. Most of them mostly likely return home once they've gathered a degree and foreign work experience from what I've see here in Canada.
They live abroad, but nowadays many of them come back to China after a while.
Happening all over Asia even in my country.

Asians have this impression that western lifestyle is the best, hence don't mind earning their money here but settling in the west to raise their kids.

Chinese can't buy home in their country, an average man can pay for a hyper inflated money, and CHINA DOESNT understand supply and demand... 65 million apartments are unfilled
having permanent residency does not equal emigrating..........it's more like a backup plan in case something bad happened, you never knows. Only idiot would put everything on one basket. It could also be for investment purposes, property ownership etc. This hardly unique for Chinese, rich people are known to be global citizen.......
Chinese can't buy home in their country, an average man can pay for a hyper inflated money, and CHINA DOESNT understand supply and demand... 65 million apartments are unfilled

Haha Indian talking to me about inflation.

India knows supply and demand real well: Supply food to the rich, don't supply food to the poor, and demand more taxes from the poor.

I think India's "poverty" is just a huge eugenics campaign from the Indian government to kill off the low IQ scum of the country so India can be "truly Aryan". A racial scheme so evil and horrendous it makes the nazis look like daycare nannies.
Haha Indian talking to me about inflation.

India knows supply and demand real well: Supply food to the rich, don't supply food to the poor, and demand more taxes from the poor.

I think India's "poverty" is just a huge eugenics campaign from the Indian government to kill off the low IQ scum of the country so India can be "truly Aryan". A racial scheme so evil and horrendous it makes the nazis look like daycare nannies.

I am not aware if you are in the Indian Council of Ministers.

Notwithstanding, is that what is being said in China.

If so, you are welcome to it, if it makes you happy!

If you feel it is racial and Aryan domination (suggesting Nazi), then I think your are widely off the mark.

We could once again re-visit Han Imperialism if you wish to talk about racial arrogance.

We are aware of subnationalism visiting China to defeat the farce of cooked 'barbarians' (shufan).

It was discussed at length in the Tibet issue of this very forum!

We are also aware of the problems and why it happened in Inner Mongolia as also in city of Guangzhou, Lichuan in central China, Xintang and so on.

Let us maintain mental stability and not go on external assisted hallucinatory mental aberrations.
I am not aware if you are in the Indian Council of Ministers.

Notwithstanding, is that what is being said in China.

If so, you are welcome to it, if it makes you happy!

If you feel it is racial and Aryan domination (suggesting Nazi), then I think your are widely off the mark.

We could once again re-visit Han Imperialism if you wish to talk about racial arrogance.

We are aware of subnationalism visiting China to defeat the farce of cooked 'barbarians' (shufan).

It was discussed at length in the Tibet issue of this very forum!

We are also aware of the problems and why it happened in Inner Mongolia as also in city of Guangzhou, Lichuan in central China, Xintang and so on.

Let us maintain mental stability and not go on external assisted hallucinatory mental aberrations.

Actions speak louder than words. India is culling 6000 children per day. We can be sure those are not the children of high IQ professionals, but of the malnourished poor that make up 40% of India's population. By a deliberate policy of starving the poor to death, India is steadily increasing its average IQ. Well done!
Actions speak louder than words. India is culling 6000 children per day. We can be sure those are not the children of high IQ professionals, but of the malnourished poor that make up 40% of India's population. By a deliberate policy of starving the poor to death, India is steadily increasing its average IQ. Well done!


Is that what is being spread in China by your good Govt?

I am sure you lack medical knowledge.

Are you aware what are the causes of malnutrition?

Are you aware that the droughts in China has brought in food scarcity?

Don't believe me.

Believe your beloved China Daily.

Hunger adds to drought's woes

MUYANG, Yunnan - Besides thirst, Yunnan farmer He Zhongcai has to battle another basic need - hunger.

After a seemingly endless drought in Xiaowanshan village since August, the daily dish for He's family is a kind of green grass, called Eyangcao - it means last choice for a starving sheep.

Even after it is soaked in water for a week, the grass has a strong mouth-puckering taste.

On the menu for special days are the few cabbages and asparagus lettuce, stored like treasure in the family's only basket........

In Jindang village of Muyang town, not far from Xiaowanshan, most residents have not had a bath for more than six months. (unfortunate lack of hygiene that can lead to disease that nature is causing!)....

The severe drought has left more than 93,000 hectares of cropland in the town unproductive, about 30 percent of the total planted area, and also pushed up vegetable prices by 40 percent...........

According to official figures, the severe drought since last autumn has hit Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing in the southwest of the country and affected more than 50 million people, leaving about 16 million without adequate drinking water, China News Service reported on Sunday.

The direct losses reached more than 19 billion yuan as of March 17 and nearly 1 million hectares of cropland has become unproductive.

The drought is forecast to continue in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi until next month.

According to the Guizhou government, more than 3 million people in the province are suffering from hunger and thirst.....

Xinhua contributed to this story.

Hunger adds to drought's woes

By your standard of human disrespect, I should be gloating and mirthful with unabated glee.

But gloating over misfortunes of the human race is sub human and so I do not stoop to that level. You can rejoice at the plight of others in the world, for after all, you are you!

I do hope things work out for the poor in China.

And a bountiful rain falls to revive the land so that millions do not die of thirst or food.
Why do they need to go abroad to get a good education

same reason why you don't get your PHD in the same university as your undergrad. it prevents academic inbreeding. going abroad gives you exposure to new ideas and methodologies.

and build a nest egg?

why not? tech companies here are willing to pay me alot to stay.
same reason why you don't get your PHD in the same university as your undergrad. it prevents academic inbreeding. going abroad gives you exposure to new ideas and methodologies.

In regards to not getting your PHD from the same university where you get you get your bachelor's, that is obviously not the primary reason because in that case they could go to other Chinese universities.

Although, I agree going abroad gives you exposure to new ideas and methodologies.

The primary reason, whether people accept it or not, that Chinese students or any international students for that matter go to U.S. universities is because of the respect, reputation, praise etc. they get throughout the world.

Most rich Chinese want to send their kids abroad so they can have go to a better school way easily due to the relative lack of competition in Western countries. Most of them mostly likely return home once they've gathered a degree and foreign work experience from what I've see here in Canada.

Competition at the top U.S. universities is just as fierce or even more so than universities around the world.
For China’s Rich, Paris Is Calling

By Jason Chow,June 16, 2011, 2:51 PM HKT
The richest Chinese travelers take an average of 15 vacation days a year; they prefer the Shangri-La Hotels brand above others and for a holiday, they would rather visit France than the U.S.

One reason they’re traveling overseas is to sort out their kid’s education. Four out of five millionaires are going abroad to find a suitable school for their children, according to a recent Hurun Report study on the travel and vacation patterns of China’s wealthy. The firm, which also compiles the closely watched annual China Rich List, surveyed 463 millionares with more than 10 million yuan in assets (US$1.5 million); 45 of those interviewed had more than 100 million yuan in assets.

U.S. schools topped the list for places to send their kids, but schools in the U.K. and Canada followed as second and third picks. And those decisions are driving overseas real-estate purchases: In Vancouver, where mainland Chinese buyers have driven up property values to record highs, access to quality schools is often mentioned as a reason for their decision to buy.

China’s wealthy class — almost entirely self-made — is relatively young. The average millionaire in China is 39 years old, younger than the global average of 54, according to Hurun. Although most take 15 days off every year, 30% take more than 20 days. Women generally go on vacation more often than their male peers, and billionaires, when they travel, tend to stay away longer. Golf is far and away the most favored sport for the Chinese rich. Hurun even compiled stats: The average millionaire’s handicap is 26.

With increasing wealth comes a desire to travel further afar and to spend more of their vacations in foreign lands. International travel has risen 10% in the past two years, with China’s rich going overseas three times a year on average; 20% of these millionaires go abroad more than five times a year. They’re doing so more for leisure than for business—holiday time abroad was up 10% compared with 2009, Hurun said.

The most popular foreign destination was France, surpassing the U.S. for the first time. Australia, Japan and the Maldives ranked third through fifth, respectively. Domestically, Sanya—China’s equivalent to Hawaii — ranked No. 1, with Hong Kong and the southwestern province of Yunnan coming in second and third.

Of course, shopping is another reason these millionaires are traveling. Chinese tourists are now the world’s biggest spenders, according to statistics compiled by Global Blue, a financial-services firm that specializes in managing tax-free purchases between merchants and foreign customers world-wide. For the year ending March 2011, travelers from China made up 17% of sales among the 270,000 shops tracked by Global Blue, more than those from Russia (16%) and far more than tourists from the U.S. (5%).

No wonder Burberry has been reporting such strong profits as of late.

For China's Rich, Paris Is Calling - Scene Asia - WSJ
Competition at the top U.S. universities is just as fierce or even more so than universities around the world.

I can attest to that. UT Austin is only like number 11 in engineering and the course load is already unbearable for many people. 50% of the Engineering school end up dropping out.
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