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MANPADS Blessed With Coconuts & Cow Urine

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With respect, what is the significance of breaking the coconut in your faith.
A coconut is homologous to the individual. According to Hinduism an individual consists of 3 bodies (śarīras)

  1. sthūla śarīra — gross physical body represented by the external husk of the coconut
  2. sūkṣma śarīra — subtle or astral body consisting of the mind, emotions etc. represented by the white kernel
  3. kāraṇa śarīra — causal body consisting of the seeds of subliminal latent impressions (saṁskāras) the cause of rebirth represented by the water inside.
The three eyes on the top represent the 2 physical eyes and the third eye of wisdom (jñāna cakṣuḥ).

Coconuts are broken for two reasons:-

The breaking of the coconut as an act of sacrifice - self-sacrifice for the welfare of all beings. We hope and pray that we may use this human birth to benefit others and for the service of all beings (sarva-bhūta-hita).

As a sacrifice to the elementals (bhūtas) for the removal of negative and obstructing forces of chaos - bhūta-bali
A coconut is homologous to the individual. According to Hinduism an individual consists of 3 bodies (śarīras)

  1. sthūla śarīra — gross physical body represented by the external husk of the coconut
  2. sūkṣma śarīra — subtle or astral body consisting of the mind, emotions etc. represented by the white kernel
  3. kāraṇa śarīra — causal body consisting of the seeds of subliminal latent impressions (saṁskāras) the cause of rebirth represented by the water inside.
The three eyes on the top represent the 2 physical eyes and the third eye of wisdom (jñāna cakṣuḥ).

Coconuts are broken for two reasons:-

The breaking of the coconut as an act of sacrifice - self-sacrifice for the welfare of all beings. We hope and pray that we may use this human birth to benefit others and for the service of all beings (sarva-bhūta-hita).

As a sacrifice to the elementals (bhūtas) for the removal of negative and obstructing forces of chaos - bhūta-bali
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
hey come on gentlemen behave like good fellas dont make fun of others religion our dear prophet pbuh didnot teach us That
I agree completely. We all have our religions and customs. Let's show a bit more class than this
I can see the coconut, can you prove the cow urine part?!

Here read to your heart's content what the original text read.
Indian army deploys shoulder fired SAM missiles on CFL. Entire unit gathered to bless the missiles
Its not the training or the weapon which matters in Indian army dears, its the coconut, voodoo & cow piss....
When they will fire it on incoming JF17s, the MANPAD console will probably report: "moisture detected- cannot engage" or the piss bathed MANPAD will just straight up blow in their face lol.
This is the Indian Army inaugurating Sa-16 Gimlet (Igla) MANPADS.
The weapon is being blessed by smashing a coconut and some Cow urine.
Wonder if that makes the weapon more accurate and deadly.

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then they wonder why their sh!t don't work...THE COW URINE FRIED THE CIRCUITS AND COCONUT BROKE THE SENSORS YOU STUPIDS!!! :lol:
A coconut is homologous to the individual. According to Hinduism an individual consists of 3 bodies (śarīras)

  1. sthūla śarīra — gross physical body represented by the external husk of the coconut
  2. sūkṣma śarīra — subtle or astral body consisting of the mind, emotions etc. represented by the white kernel
  3. kāraṇa śarīra — causal body consisting of the seeds of subliminal latent impressions (saṁskāras) the cause of rebirth represented by the water inside.
The three eyes on the top represent the 2 physical eyes and the third eye of wisdom (jñāna cakṣuḥ).

Coconuts are broken for two reasons:-

The breaking of the coconut as an act of sacrifice - self-sacrifice for the welfare of all beings. We hope and pray that we may use this human birth to benefit others and for the service of all beings (sarva-bhūta-hita).

As a sacrifice to the elementals (bhūtas) for the removal of negative and obstructing forces of chaos - bhūta-bali
Wow I just keep learning new things! But thank you for taking the time to put it out there!
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