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Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’

Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community.
Written by Pavneet Singh Chadha | Gurgaon |
Updated: December 10, 2021 9:38:30 pm
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar (File)
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Friday said that namaz should not be offered in the open and the practice “will not be tolerated”, adding that an earlier decision where some sites had been reserved for the purpose had been withdrawn.
Asked about Friday prayers being disrupted in Gurgaon over the past few weeks, Khattar said: “We have told the police and the Deputy Commissioner that this issue has to be resolved. To resolve it, everyone offers prayers at their own place, someone offers namaz, someone does paath, someone does puja, we have no issue with that. And religious places are built for these purposes only so that prayers are offered there. Such practises should not take place in the open, this practice of offering namaz prayers here in the open, this will not be tolerated.”
The Chief Minister was speaking after chairing a meeting of the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) at PWD rest house in Gurgaon.

Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community. “They have said that they have several places where they should be given permission. Some of their properties or those under Waqf board are encroached upon… how they can be made available to them is being discussed. Or they can offer prayers in their homes. Offering namaz in the open and this confrontation, we will not allow this confrontation to continue,” he said.

“A decision had been taken earlier after consultation, but that decision too where some spots had been reserved, we have withdrawn it. Now, talks will be conducted with a fresh approach again. Everyone should get the facility. No one’s rights should be infringed, but no one will be forced,” he said.
Hours earlier, while the Chief Minister’s meeting was on, some local residents and members of pro-Hindutva groups occupied the area outside the Sector 37 police station, which had been earmarked for namaz prayers.
They conducted a “condolence meet” to mourn the demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and other defence personnel who were killed in a helicopter crash on Wednesday.
Residents and members of various pro-Hindu organisations stage a protest against conducting Namaz (Friday prayers) in an open site at Sector 37, in Gurugram, Friday, Dec. 10, 2021.
(Express Photo By Amit Mehra )
Amid police deployment, the group parked trucks and vehicles at the ground, chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’. An argument ensued after a small group arrived to pray and the local residents — from Khandsa, Mohammadpur Jharsa, Begumpur Khatola and nearby villages — asked them to leave.
These groups had disrupted prayers at the designated sites earlier, too. They conducted a havan ceremony at sector 37 to mark the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, conducted Govardhan Puja in sector 12 A and left dung cakes behind, and showed up to play cricket and played bhajans through speakers in sector 47.
On Friday, prayers were disrupted by these groups at parks in sector 44 and sector 29, too. They included several people who had been arrested on October 29 for allegedly attempting to disrupt Friday prayers.


So they don't allow us to pray in our mosques, don't allow us to build new mosques, and now prevent us from praying.

This depraved society has no problem with lynching Muslims in the open.....no problem with defecating in the open....but a problem when a Muslim prays.

Let me be the first to say on this.....Jinnah was right!

How big is the Chief minister house?
Can they pray there? Inside.

On a separate note, I've come to a conclusions that the Muslims of India are also to blame for their own predicaments.

I have observed the level of debate and quality of intellectual discussions through media and YouTube accessed discussions. And, first hand been involved with many discussions with my Indian friends, in this case the Muslims, they are truly retarded and close minded in the quality of their discussions. I honestly am not trying to be rude, but it is my honest evaluation.

They are educated but blind to an honest open discussion that goes beyond sound bites.
The two most prominent are secularism and constitution, there is no imagination, no openness to have a complete discussion, it is truly retarded. Sorry again, but its my honest observation, happy to expand if anyone so wishes, but within limits as there are few things I would prefer not to divulge, even here.
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Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community.
Written by Pavneet Singh Chadha | Gurgaon |
Updated: December 10, 2021 9:38:30 pm
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar (File)
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Friday said that namaz should not be offered in the open and the practice “will not be tolerated”, adding that an earlier decision where some sites had been reserved for the purpose had been withdrawn.
Asked about Friday prayers being disrupted in Gurgaon over the past few weeks, Khattar said: “We have told the police and the Deputy Commissioner that this issue has to be resolved. To resolve it, everyone offers prayers at their own place, someone offers namaz, someone does paath, someone does puja, we have no issue with that. And religious places are built for these purposes only so that prayers are offered there. Such practises should not take place in the open, this practice of offering namaz prayers here in the open, this will not be tolerated.”
The Chief Minister was speaking after chairing a meeting of the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) at PWD rest house in Gurgaon.

Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community. “They have said that they have several places where they should be given permission. Some of their properties or those under Waqf board are encroached upon… how they can be made available to them is being discussed. Or they can offer prayers in their homes. Offering namaz in the open and this confrontation, we will not allow this confrontation to continue,” he said.

“A decision had been taken earlier after consultation, but that decision too where some spots had been reserved, we have withdrawn it. Now, talks will be conducted with a fresh approach again. Everyone should get the facility. No one’s rights should be infringed, but no one will be forced,” he said.
Hours earlier, while the Chief Minister’s meeting was on, some local residents and members of pro-Hindutva groups occupied the area outside the Sector 37 police station, which had been earmarked for namaz prayers.
They conducted a “condolence meet” to mourn the demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and other defence personnel who were killed in a helicopter crash on Wednesday.
Residents and members of various pro-Hindu organisations stage a protest against conducting Namaz (Friday prayers) in an open site at Sector 37, in Gurugram, Friday, Dec. 10, 2021.
(Express Photo By Amit Mehra )
Amid police deployment, the group parked trucks and vehicles at the ground, chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’. An argument ensued after a small group arrived to pray and the local residents — from Khandsa, Mohammadpur Jharsa, Begumpur Khatola and nearby villages — asked them to leave.
These groups had disrupted prayers at the designated sites earlier, too. They conducted a havan ceremony at sector 37 to mark the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, conducted Govardhan Puja in sector 12 A and left dung cakes behind, and showed up to play cricket and played bhajans through speakers in sector 47.
On Friday, prayers were disrupted by these groups at parks in sector 44 and sector 29, too. They included several people who had been arrested on October 29 for allegedly attempting to disrupt Friday prayers.


So they don't allow us to pray in our mosques, don't allow us to build new mosques, and now prevent us from praying.

This depraved society has no problem with lynching Muslims in the open.....no problem with defecating in the open....but a problem when a Muslim prays.

Let me be the first to say on this.....Jinnah was right!
It is the duty of Indian Muslims to resist using force, arm and train themselves. It will incrementally get worse for them from here on. These tactics are meant to persecute Muslims to the extent that few weak-minded among them begin converting to continue their existence. If Muslims begin using force, only then the Indian deep state will swing into action. Otherwise, they are living on numbered days.
There are so many mosques in the area already why need to pray in open?
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Space constraints and sectarian differences. Do you lot not have temples devoted to different gods and goddesses? Nobody wants to brave harsh weather by praying out in the open. Common sense is not common among Sanghis.
How big is the Chief minister house?
Can they pray there? Inside.

On a separate note, I've come to a conclusions that the Muslims of India are also to blame for their own predicaments.

I have observed the level of debate and quality of intellectual discussions through media and YouTube accessed discussions. And, first hand been involved with many discussions with my Indian friends, in this case the Muslims, they are truly retarded and close minded in the quality of their discussions. I honestly am not trying to be rude, but it is my honest evaluation.

They are educated but blind to an honest open discussion that goes beyond sound bites.
The two most prominent are secularism and constitution, there is no imagination, no openness to have a complete discussion, it is truly retarded. Sorry again, but its my honest observation, happy to expand if anyone so wishes, but within limits as there are few things I would prefer not to divulge, even here.

Can't fight or challenge the stronger and larger enemy? No problem, let's pick on and blame the victims. It easier and more satisfying, and shifts the responsibility from our conscience on to them.

You can find a million faults with the Indian Muslims. But even if they behaved or acted how "you" think they should have, they would still be in the same predicament. Harassed and terrorized by a brute majority that takes joy in unleashing suffering upon them.
Neither are public places for:

- Urinating
- Shitting
- Mandaps
- Visaranjans
- Bursting firecrackers
- Yatras

Tell your depraved community to stop all this first.

The Muslims from Gurgaon had sought, and obtained approval from the district and state administration to pray on Fridays at designated open air spots. The state and district administration identified and gave permission to pray at 19 locations. There was no inconvenience to anyone except members of the intolerant and depraved community.

The state administration has now withdrawn this permission. The state administration has concluded that it has no power to stop a depraved community from harassing and terrorizing a minority.
If they are from Gurgaon locals, Why can't they go to mosque?. They can go back to their home or friends home if not enough space in mosque.
It is good decision on part of administration. If administration allows for few weeks, and later use it for some other purpose. All these muslims up with arms and say that it belongs them.
Neither are public places for:

- Urinating
- Shitting
- Mandaps
- Visaranjans
- Bursting firecrackers
- Yatras

Tell your depraved community to stop all this first.
Visarjan Yatras Firecrackers Mandaps are not daily (or weekly) occurrence.
Other than that you are vomiting your mental state.
My depraved community is telling you what is required. That is why your mind is vomiting. Keep vomiting. It is useful for us to know what is inside you.
You won't have such comprehension problems if you put aside you hindutva lense for a second. My statement is there for everyone to see and i am gonna rewrite it for you to slowly read and digest. Here is my statement again "No one should be allowed to block roads for their personal, religious or cultural practices".

Here is my reply again. Read slowly, it may cause indigestion.
In an ideal world, yes. Neither is India an ideal world nor is rest of the world.
Ah theory ! So genetic mapping is still considered a theory but Maha bharat is a truth. Those silly scientists tsk tsk tsk.

Even the persecuted Hindus from Pakistan who moved to India ran away after you treated them "Well" and Kashmiris are still enjoying your benevolence like no one else. should i mention the IVC people who chose oceans instead of engaging your ancestors or Buddhists who shrunked to a minority in their own land?
The only guy in the world who was banned for 10 years in US and UK for pogrom In Gujrat is most celebrated PM in your country and you want to talk about some shame!!

My last comment is that you can try to "Cleanse" all minorities as much as you want and let us know when it happens, we will be waiting..
Mahabharat? IVC? Buddhism? Modi? Gujarat? You may have lot of complaints, but we were discussing something else.
Please say something about "a point in recent history from where two lands/countries/communities parted ways and where they stand today".
In an ideal world, yes. Neither is India an ideal world nor is rest of the world
Seriously your comprehension problems are severe. You claim that there is no inequality and in next sentence you accept that India is not an ideal country. This is exactly what i am saying that there is inequality and bias against Muslims.

Please say something about "a point in recent history from where two lands/countries/communities parted ways and where they stand today".
Just like Aryans came to this land with their culture and religion, muslims also came to this land. What is your criteria of people claiming to be indigenous? 1000 year? 2000 year? It is not like Muslims crossed into India yesterday and hence cannot comment on Indian issues.
Just like Aryans came to this land with their culture and religion, muslims also came to this land. What is your criteria of people claiming to be indigenous? 1000 year? 2000 year? It is not like Muslims crossed into India yesterday and hence cannot comment on Indian issues.

It is all in Hindu-Muslim perspective, nothing else. Today, again, Modi, in a public speech, mentioned Aurangzeb Alamgir and Shivaji Maratha. This is a perpetual pain and itch; for which no potion is available. :lol:
Seriously your comprehension problems are severe. You claim that there is no inequality and in next sentence you accept that India is not an ideal country. This is exactly what i am saying that there is inequality and bias against Muslims.
It is good that you understood that your "solution" would be applicable in an ideal world only.

'There is no inequality' does not mean 'everything is fair & ideal'. In India, On a macro level, law & order is still poor (slightly improved though), weak & poor still get exploited (rich & powerful still escape), corruption in day-to-day life still exists. There is no special treatment (or mistreatment) of muslims (or anyone else). In fact, muslims have enjoyed a special status because of "votebank". There is no other reason why Ram Mandir took so long.

Just like Aryans came to this land with their culture and religion, muslims also came to this land. What is your criteria of people claiming to be indigenous? 1000 year? 2000 year? It is not like Muslims crossed into India yesterday and hence cannot comment on Indian issues.
Once again, its good that you responded somewhat on the point.
Aryans are not here to debate what they did and whether they did right or wrong.
We (the two regions/countries/communities) are here. We can debate what who did and to what extent and whether it was right or wrong and who should have some shame.
It is all in Hindu-Muslim perspective, nothing else. Today, again, Modi, in a public speech, mentioned Aurangzeb Alamgir and Shivaji Maratha. This is a perpetual pain and itch; for which no potion is available. :lol:
Potion is available & working if you notice.
You are tracking the speech of our PM live word-by-word.
I could not (being in office). I checked his speech now and noticed him mentioning Aurangzeb but not Alamgir. Can you please check & let us know?
It is good that you understood that your "solution" would be applicable in an ideal world only.

'There is no inequality' does not mean 'everything is fair & ideal'. In India, On a macro level, law & order is still poor (slightly improved though), weak & poor still get exploited (rich & powerful still escape), corruption in day-to-day life still exists. There is no special treatment (or mistreatment) of muslims (or anyone else). In fact, muslims have enjoyed a special status because of "votebank". There is no other reason why Ram Mandir took so long
Not my words, this is your understanding. The equality is being practiced in this world right in front of you in scandinavian countries.

I don't plan to continue the debate further because your every second sentence is contradictory to your first.
Can't fight or challenge the stronger and larger enemy? No problem, let's pick on and blame the victims. It easier and more satisfying, and shifts the responsibility from our conscience on to them.

You can find a million faults with the Indian Muslims. But even if they behaved or acted how "you" think they should have, they would still be in the same predicament. Harassed and terrorized by a brute majority that takes joy in unleashing suffering upon them.

Come on brother, I have read your contributions here, I know you are better then this flippant reply, that avoids a concentrated discussion. I recognise my statement was very direct and raw, so I can understand the emotional reply.

I already apologised in my original statement and shall do it again, I am sorry, but sorry does not eliminate the facts of what I said. Unless and until you recognise the right arguments and build on those arguments you shall continue to suffer. You will suffer still, but at least you'll be fight the right fight. Indian Muslims have been oppressed for decades, you've only just decided to awaken yourself, but the next step has to be to build relevant arguments within the framework of an Indian identity, not one that is defined by the majority but your own arguments, based on honest and correct interpretations. What those interpretations are I do not know, I do not claim a higher ground, but from proper discussions, you reach proper conclusions. My point was those discussions are not happening among Muslims, not by a mile.

I love the Jewish people, lets not confuse Jewish people and Israel, that is an another discussion. But I love the Jewish people, they have suffered so much for centuries, but look at them, they argue and discuss into their graves, that is what creates strength, by willing to have open, honest and right discussions. Not by crying constitution and secularism until you lose you voice, already knowing those two war cry's have delivered nothing. It is time for a fresh debate among Muslims, till they do not do that, they shall have to accept part of the responsibility for their predicament.
I recognise it is a harsh judgement, but some things need to be said. I hope you recognise that only those who consider you as their own have the courage to be honest.
Come on brother, I have read your contributions here, I know you are better then this flippant reply, that avoids a concentrated discussion. I recognise my statement was very direct and raw, so I can understand the emotional reply.

I already apologised in my original statement and shall do it again, I am sorry, but sorry does not eliminate the facts of what I said. Unless and until you recognise the right arguments and build on those arguments you shall continue to suffer. You will suffer still, but at least you'll be fight the right fight. Indian Muslims have been oppressed for decades, you've only just decided to awaken yourself, but the next step has to be to build relevant arguments within the framework of an Indian identity, not one that is defined by the majority but your own arguments, based on honest and correct interpretations. What those interpretations are I do not know, I do not claim a higher ground, but from proper discussions, you reach proper conclusions. My point was those discussions are not happening among Muslims, not by a mile.

I love the Jewish people, lets not confuse Jewish people and Israel, that is an another discussion. But I love the Jewish people, they have suffered so much for centuries, but look at them, they argue and discuss into their graves, that is what creates strength, by willing to have open, honest and right discussions. Not by crying constitution and secularism until you lose you voice, already knowing those two war cry's have delivered nothing. It is time for a fresh debate among Muslims, till they do not do that, they shall have to accept part of the responsibility for their predicament.
I recognise it is a harsh judgement, but some things need to be said. I hope you recognise that only those who consider you as their own have the courage to be honest.

@xeuss: Don't take, what @peagle is saying, in a negative sense. He is earnest. Whatever he is saying needs a serious pondering.

Gurugram Muslims sought land for mosques in vain much before current namaz face-off
Ashok Kumar
UPDATED: DECEMBER 13, 2021 02:08 IST

The community has applied to Govt. for five sites in five years for allotment of land, but failed to get any

Much before the controversy over offering of Jumma Namaz (Friday prayer) in the open erupted in the Millennium City in 2018, the Muslim community had realised the need for more mosques for their growing numbers, and to avoid inconvenience to residents.
Two trusts — India Islamic Research Center (IIRC) and Muslim Minority Trust — had applied for five of the religious sites on offer by the Haryana Government in 2016. A detailed brochure accompanying the application pointed out how only nine mosques, including Anjuman Trust Masjid in Sector 57, had the total capacity to accommodate only 3,200 people. But they failed to get the land.
Again, amid the raging protests across the city over namaz in the open this year, the IIRC applied for allotment of 1,627 sq. m. plot in Sector 39 two months ago in response to an advertisement by Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP). Though the trust has not officially been communicated about the decision yet, one of the members present at the interview for the plot allotment said they are not very hopeful this time as well.

‘Seven minutes’

“The interview was conducted by a committee headed by the Gurugram Divisional Commissioner via videoconferencing last month. However, the entire exercise was over in just seven minutes,” said Gurgaon Muslim Council member Altaf Ahmad, who was part of a five-member committee of the IIRC attending the interview.
Their proposal, Mr. Ahmad said, was for a multi-purpose hall for religious, educational and social activities for the community. “We duly paid 10% cost of the plot, around ₹18 lakh, as an earnest money and produced bank account details for another 25% amount,” he said.
As per the policy, normally two sites for religious or social institutions are provided in the layout plan of each sector at different places and the applications for the allotment of the same at concessional rates are invited through advertisement in newspapers. The applications are scrutinised by a committee headed by the deputy commissioner concerned and its recommendations are placed before the meeting of the HSVP for approval. The institutions or the trusts are required to complete the construction within two years from the date of offer of possession with maximum three years’ extension.
‘Politically influenced’
A senior retired corporate employee, who was involved in the process on both occasions as a member of the Muslim community, said members from their own community in the Government had told them that the final decision for land allotment for religious sites, irrespective of the party in power, was politically influenced.
“Whoever is making the decision, we are disappointed to learn that they are not supporting the community and that is recurring repeatedly. In fact, the Muslim community all over the country, and more so in northern India, seems to face marked reluctance from bureaucracy as well as political leadership, irrespective of the party in power, in allotment of land for a mosque. It is just a matter of degree in different dispensations. It has been going on for decades and seems stronger and more in the open now than before,” the source told The Hindu.
He recalled how the land for the Sector 57 mosque too was allotted with “a great degree of difficulty and political influence” with two prominent political leaders from the community speaking to then Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala in this regard. “Still the mosque is caught in a legal tangle with a case filed on the grounds that the land allotted was meant for other purposes and the area had little concentration of Muslims. The mosque is partially built with stay on further construction.”
In 2016, the earnest money deposited for the sites was refunded a year later and the community members were verbally told that “the process was cancelled. That reason was not officially communicated. It appears the process did in fact go through and we were denied”, the source said.
This year too, the community approached several political leaders before the interview to garner support.
Mr. Ahmad said the community is in urgent need of land for a mosque in New Gurgaon, broadly comprising the South and East municipal zones, not just for their religious activities, but also to present a better picture to foreign visitors from the Muslim community. They come to the city for different purposes, including for treatment at Medanta Hospital, and usually visit the far-off semi-built Sector 57 Anjuman Trust Masjid and get a bad impression, he said.
“We hope the administration understands this, but we are not very hopeful this time as well. We are the largest minority community in the country, but there is a discrimination against Muslims in Gurugram when it comes to allocation of land for religious purposes. If it does not work out this time, we will be left with no choice but to move court seeking land for a mosque,” Mr. Ahmad said.
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