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Manned Space launch with a woman astronaut by China this month

really? back in the 60s, how many years US/USSR spent to do their first EVA after sending a man to the space? less than 4 years for USSR. how many years for China? almost 5 years.so 50 years on, with all tech advances, China need to spend more time to get prepared. and you don't see the reason?

the reason is simply: CCP is not that interested, funding is very limited for projects like this.
That is simply an ignorant statement. USSR and United States both had long period of heavy industrialization prior to the space race. China on the other hand, is moving towards heavy/high tech industry from small manufacturing for barely over a decade. China today is still not ready to compete with Europe/US in those sectors.

In addition, Soviets and Americans were overspending themselves in a space race, which they had to scale back the program in less than a decade. We don't need to overstretch ourselves like that, or we risk ending up like US today with massive deficit, or worse, the second USSR.

Don't use some anomaly with completely different developmental backgrounds to justify some space goose chase. The fact is Great Leap Forward had been tried and failed. We don't need to 拔苗助长,脚踏实地 is the way to go.
it is not a real achivement
this is something US/USSR did more than 40 years ago

what CCP should do is to invest more on space techs and make moon landing a national priority.

an full on space race with the US can benefit everyone.

China's Shenzhou Manned Space project is very economic as compare to Project Apollo which costed 25.4 billion USD in 1969.
Some graphical images:


A space program is a very expensive project and China shouldn't rush it or give it the highest priority. Look at the USA and USSR during the Cold War, they did everything they could to reach to the moon trying to be first nation to achieve that. There's no doubt they spend many billions wasting all that money for all those space projects. USSR was almost broke and Russia's economy wasn't doing well when Yeltsin was the president. USA also had to cut their spending on their space program. What China needs to do is to continue its steady progress. Personally i don't see much benefit going to the moon or trying to reach Mars. It takes at least 9 months to go there and you have to wonder how that is even possible. You need a space ship that can carry enough fuel, oxygen, water and food for at least 2 years. Not to mention you won't be able to leave Mars once you landed there.
The Shenzhou-9 went into the final phase of pre-launch preparations on Wednesday ahead of China's first manned space docking mission, as its carrier rocket is being injected with propellant.

The Command Hall of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is in "ready to launch" status, according to Wang Jun, who will be responsible for turning the ignition key during the actual launch.

The Shenzhou-9 spacecraft, which will perform the historic docking mission with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space lab module, successfully underwent a full-system drill on Tuesday afternoon.

All systems relevant to the mission were found to be in full operating condition, said Cui Jijun, the center's director.

Cui said improvements have been made to ensure the safety of the astronauts participating in the mission.

Simulated emergency flights were added to the full-system test, while the mission's duration was extended from 53 to 59 days in order to more safely accommodate the docking process, Cui said.

The command and surveillance systems at the launch site have been upgraded or modified to improve their accuracy and efficiency, he said.

A sound emergency plan is in place and comprehensive escape drills have been conducted, Cui said.

The Tiangong-1 lab module was launched Sept. 29, 2011 and completed the nation's first space docking mission with the unmanned Shenzhou-8 spacecraft in early November.

The module was brought down to docking orbit in early June and is ready for docking attempts by the Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10 spacecraft, according to a spokesperson from China's manned space program.
Beijing launched its independent space station program after being turned away from the International Space Station, largely due to U.S. objections. Washington is wary of the Chinese program's military links and of sharing technology with an economic and political rival.

The more the West sanctions China on technologies, the more determinations China has to develop her own. With India coming up fast and Japan and Iran also have very sophisticated programs of their own, it look like the West is going to miss the boat.

What a shame we wasted so much resources on unnecessary wars. We could've used all those money to save our space programs and buy lunches for our school kid for a thousand years. I guess wars are not all glories as some though.

Majority of the wars were meant for the benefit of the few. China needs to keep that steady pace and she'll reach her goals. I'm just glad that space exploration has not been abandoned.

This is the chauvinist expression in English, while in Chinese language, we call it "the human spaceflight mission". :coffee:

I'm thinking another chauvinist view regarding women and driving. :lol:
China's Shenzhou Manned Space project is very economic as compare to Project Apollo which costed 25.4 billion USD in 1969.

give me a break dude!

are you comparing Shenzhen with Apollo? sorry, but Apollo sent men to the moon and took them back safely. Shenzhen on the other hand is nothing.

according to who? where is the rocket? and what is the purpose?

kid, moon landing is something that make you excited in the 1970s, that is 40 years ago.

A space program is a very expensive project and China shouldn't rush it or give it the highest priority. Look at the USA and USSR during the Cold War, they did everything they could to reach to the moon trying to be first nation to achieve that. There's no doubt they spend many billions wasting all that money for all those space projects. USSR was almost broke and Russia's economy wasn't doing well when Yeltsin was the president. USA also had to cut their spending on their space program. What China needs to do is to continue its steady progress. Personally i don't see much benefit going to the moon or trying to reach Mars. It takes at least 9 months to go there and you have to wonder how that is even possible. You need a space ship that can carry enough fuel, oxygen, water and food for at least 2 years. Not to mention you won't be able to leave Mars once you landed there.

childish, naive, lack of vision.

why should the mars landing spaceship be able to come back? one way trip is much easier and I am sure there are still thousands of volunteers would be willing to do it.

That is simply an ignorant statement. USSR and United States both had long period of heavy industrialization prior to the space race. China on the other hand, is moving towards heavy/high tech industry from small manufacturing for barely over a decade. China today is still not ready to compete with Europe/US in those sectors.

In addition, Soviets and Americans were overspending themselves in a space race, which they had to scale back the program in less than a decade. We don't need to overstretch ourselves like that, or we risk ending up like US today with massive deficit, or worse, the second USSR.

Don't use some anomaly with completely different developmental backgrounds to justify some space goose chase. The fact is Great Leap Forward had been tried and failed. We don't need to 拔苗助长,脚踏实地 is the way to go.

typical strew man

America's public debt has nothing to do with its space program. NASA's budget counts for 4.5% of the total federal budget in its peak time (1960s). The current NASA budget is about 0.5% of the federal budget. However be honest and stop cheating? The problem is caused by the other 95.5%/99.5%?

A big problem I have with nationalists Chinese are they are usually under-educated, they refuse to even check those publically available stats, they prefer to guess, dream
give me a break dude!

are you comparing Shenzhen with Apollo? sorry, but Apollo sent men to the moon and took them back safely. Shenzhen on the other hand is nothing.

according to who? where is the rocket? and what is the purpose?

kid, moon landing is something that make you excited in the 1970s, that is 40 years ago.

childish, naive, lack of vision.

why should the mars landing spaceship be able to come back? one way trip is much easier and I am sure there are still thousands of volunteers would be willing to do it.

typical strew man

America's public debt has nothing to do with its space program. NASA's budget counts for 4.5% of the total federal budget in its peak time (1960s). The current NASA budget is about 0.5% of the federal budget. However be honest and stop cheating? The problem is caused by the other 95.5%/99.5%?

A big problem I have with nationalists Chinese are they are usually under-educated, they refuse to even check those publically available stats, they prefer to guess, dream

you have a big problem with yourself dude!
give me a break dude!

are you comparing Shenzhen with Apollo? sorry, but Apollo sent men to the moon and took them back safely. Shenzhen on the other hand is nothing.

according to who? where is the rocket? and what is the purpose?

kid, moon landing is something that make you excited in the 1970s, that is 40 years ago.

childish, naive, lack of vision.

why should the mars landing spaceship be able to come back? one way trip is much easier and I am sure there are still thousands of volunteers would be willing to do it.

typical strew man

America's public debt has nothing to do with its space program. NASA's budget counts for 4.5% of the total federal budget in its peak time (1960s). The current NASA budget is about 0.5% of the federal budget. However be honest and stop cheating? The problem is caused by the other 95.5%/99.5%?

A big problem I have with nationalists Chinese are they are usually under-educated, they refuse to even check those publically available stats, they prefer to guess, dream

what other purpose scientific studies and china catching up with the west enough with the tough guy talk your an idiot, kid how do you know a moon landing wouldn't make us excited today ? china and a few other nations would be very excited to go to the moon.

you have a big problem with yourself dude!

it's hard trying to get him to comprehend.
Naive and lack of vision? So you are suggesting why bother to come back alive? Why don't you volunteer for a suicide mission dumb a$$
The Americans are very advanced with their space program and yet they don't even send a human to Mars just Mars rovers. Yeah thousands astronauts are willing to go to Mars without coming back alive sure keep on dreaming.

On post #22, you mentioned that China needs to make it a national pride going to the moon and now you are saying it's something not exciting cos it has already been done 40 years ago. You just want China to spend lots of money in a hurry trying to compete with the Americans. The priority is the economy and other areas. The situation in Europe and America will affect China's growth and throwing too much money at space programs isn't gonna help us.

The Americans still have some space shuttles left, all you have to do is volunteer yourself and we'll be hearing from you once you landed on Mars.
A space program is a very expensive project and China shouldn't rush it or give it the highest priority. Look at the USA and USSR during the Cold War, they did everything they could to reach to the moon trying to be first nation to achieve that. There's no doubt they spend many billions wasting all that money for all those space projects. USSR was almost broke and Russia's economy wasn't doing well when Yeltsin was the president. USA also had to cut their spending on their space program. What China needs to do is to continue its steady progress. Personally i don't see much benefit going to the moon or trying to reach Mars. It takes at least 9 months to go there and you have to wonder how that is even possible. You need a space ship that can carry enough fuel, oxygen, water and food for at least 2 years. Not to mention you won't be able to leave Mars once you landed there.

It's impossible to send a man to Mars. Because after just a few days in space, you will need help just to stand up.

After a few months in space you will not be able to stand up on Mars under gravity at all.
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