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Mango export target set at 100,000 tonnes

Looked it up out of curiosity: 100 g mangos = 60 calories! Wow!!!

In hot countries you burn it off in no time :D. Have you tried Pakistani mangoes btw? They are quite popular here, to the extent that people here ask me when they are coming as if by being Pakistani I somehow have some superpower knowledge of mangoes and the exact moment they will be found on shelves in Swedish supermarkets haha.

If you havent tried yet, then try this variant when you get the chance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaunsa. My absolute favourite! Tiny juicy bad boys

Please send some to America immediately. The taste of Pakistani mangoes is to die for....
In hot countries you burn it off in no time :D. Have you tried Pakistani mangoes btw? They are quite popular here, to the extent that people here ask me when they are coming as if by being Pakistani I somehow have some superpower knowledge of mangoes and the exact moment they will be found on shelves in Swedish supermarkets haha.

If you havent tried yet, then try this variant when you get the chance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaunsa. My absolute favourite! Tiny juicy bad boys

Looks delicious. Went to the supermarket to buy some but the mangoes I found were unfortunately imported from Ivory Coast. :/
This is good. I am strongly of the opinion that pakistan need to focus (India as well) more of agriculture and textiles because they can generate huge employment and people may prosper. The agriculture items are sold at atleast 2 to 10 time higher price in other parts of the world compare to subcontinent. If we focus on agriculture export, a huge population of our nations may get benefit of it.
Looks delicious. Went to the supermarket to buy some but the mangoes I found were unfortunately imported from Ivory Coast. :/

Ah thats a shame. Thought they would be available in Turkey especially as some of the bigger importers of Mangos in Sweden are Turkish grocers.

Chaunsa mango of Pakistan is one of the worlds' top available varieties. Chaunsa is a variety of mango grown in different parts of the world, but originally from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan in Punjab. It is an exceptionally sweet mango with a wonderful fragrance and delicious soft, succulent flesh with only the minimum of fibre. it is not a fruit of beauty, usually being of a pale, matt yellow appearance, but one inside the thin peel it is a delight. Chausna has quite a thick stone and the flesh is a fairly light yellow in colour. It's origin from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan Punjab.

Please send some to America immediately. The taste of Pakistani mangoes is to die for....

Here we go

7 Medicinal Properties Of Mango Leaves That You Aren’t Aware Of!

Many of us know how delicious mangoes are!

Basically, mangoes are very nutritious and healthy to eat regularly, where not only just kids but also adults love to eat. These mangoes are only found in the large areas of India and it is said to be the hub of mangoes where huge quantities of mangoes are exported from this country to all the countries.

When we look into mango leaves they’re basically like the all other leaves i.e. green in color.

At first they’re reddish in color and as they grow they turn into dark greenish color.

Mango leaves are rich in:

Vitamin A

Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Also rich in flavonoids and phenols
Have powerful antioxidant properties

These were just the qualities of these leaves now we’ll understand about the importance of these leaves and the medical impact on the human body.

1. Diabetes

These leaves are rich in tannins called anthocyanidins useful for treating diabetes in the early stage.

The method of using these leaves is simple first we need to dry the leaves and later crush them to get powder. This method can be used to treat the early stage of diabetes or the infusion method can also be utilized.
Diabetic angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy are the two diabetic related problems which can be treated using mango leaves

To overcomethese problems, follow this procedure

First, take a cup of water at night
Soak the leaves in the water for a night
Strain and drink the water

This will help you get relief from the diabetic symptoms. This is also found to contain compounds called ethyl acetate extract and 3betataraxerol.

The importance of this compound is that it synergizes with insulin to activate GLUT4
This help in the synthesis of the glycogen.
The stimulation of synthesis of glycogen will help to treat hyperglycemia.

2. Helps in treatment of restlessness

Restlessness exists due to anxiety and this is a problem where we don’t get any path to find a solution, in fact, we get deeper into it.
It can be used by adding the mango leaves to the bath water or by preparing tea (i.e. follow the above tea procedure) and adding it to the bath water. This will refresh the body and will also treat the uneasiness.

3. Blood pressure can be reduced

These leaves have a special property called hypotensive properties. The properties found in these leaves are effective in lowering the blood pressure. Blood vessels are also strengthened due to this property.

4. Respiratory problems

People suffering from cold, asthma and other respiratory problems can be taken care by the use of mango leaves. Mango leaves boiling in water by adding a little of honey to it is the remedy for a cough and problems related to voice loss.

5. Stops dysentery

Dried mango leaves are powdered and taken with water this should be followed for 3 times a day..
It will stop the dysentery

6. Heal burns

To overcome this problem burn a bunch of leaves until they form ashes. These ashes can be applied to the area affected. It will cause a relief from the pain and helps in curing fast. These burns can be on the skin or scalds where these ashes can be applied.

7. Ear aches

It is a simple method where we can cure the ear ache using mango leaves. At first, get the juice extracted from the mango leaves.
Take a spoon of this drop and heat it a little Later, use this as eardrops to get relief from the pain.
Chaunsa mango of Pakistan is one of the worlds' top available varieties. Chaunsa is a variety of mango grown in different parts of the world, but originally from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan in Punjab. It is an exceptionally sweet mango with a wonderful fragrance and delicious soft, succulent flesh with only the minimum of fibre. it is not a fruit of beauty, usually being of a pale, matt yellow appearance, but one inside the thin peel it is a delight. Chausna has quite a thick stone and the flesh is a fairly light yellow in colour. It's origin from Rahim Yar Khan and Multan Punjab.

Here we go


:woot: :yahoo:

I like chaunsa, but prefer sindhri overall....I prefer a slight hint of tart for my palate.

I like both quite a bit. Depends on what I'm feeling like.

But generally speaking, I prefer the Chaunsa, overall. Its combination of flavor, sweetness, scent, and texture are unbeatable in my opinion.
UAE fruit market me Pakistani Mango aa choka hain lakin sub harab , aaj me ne leya 2 kg lkin sub kany layaq nahi.
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