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Man who destroyed Ottoman Empire and brought this Misery on palestinians

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Wait what? This is blatantly wrong and misinformation. It’s a well known fact the leaders of the Arab states and tribes themselves became turncoats and stabbed the Ottomans. They gave away military positions, sabotaged supply lines and even killed Turkish troops in their sleep!
He came afterwards when the Ottomans were already destroyed and surviving just on their name. Read the history on who waged jihad against the Ottomans, who made deals with the British to remove the Ottomans, even Sheikh Shareef came afterwards when he realised the Ottomans are finished so he switched sides.
Ataturk was a well known liberal, Turkey is in EU and a NATO member state due to his secular policies.
It was Young Turks nationalism drummed up from London, per usual.
Well Mustafa Kemal was the commander of Yildirim Group, which fought against British and others in Palestine.
From 1911 till 1923, he and his fellow ottoman soldiers, fought against Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Russia, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia, Arabs, Armenians, Yezidis Asyrians, Kurdish, Albanians, Serbs. All of that from the pool of 13 million of people.
What's truly remarkable about these kind of " assessments " is the obvious fact that. The people who write this kind of rubbish never read a thing about the one of the most important events in the history of Islam. Or if they did a bit, then it is lying in order to satisfy their complexes and inadequacy.
Dumped from London? Turkey wasn't a colony.

And it is very good that Arabs separated, unfortunately Turkey still pays the price of the local tribal wars.
Well Mustafa Kemal was the commander of Yildirim Group, which fought against British and others in Palestine.
From 1911 till 1923, he and his fellow ottoman soldiers, fought against Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Russia, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia, Arabs, Armenians, Yezidis Asyrians, Kurdish, Albanians, Serbs. All of that from the pool of 13 million of people.
What's truly remarkable about these kind of " assessments " is the obvious fact that. The people who write this kind of rubbish never read a thing about the one of the most important events in the history of Islam. Or if they did a bit, then it is lying in order to satisfy their complexes and inadequacy.
Dumped from London? Turkey wasn't a colony.

And it is very good that Arabs separated, unfortunately Turkey still pays the price of the local tribal wars.
No Doubt Ataturk was a brave commander, and fought gallantly, Hard to find a man in history to take his nation out of plight when the whole world united against him and even fellow muslims...

His name is amongst the top leaders in the world.. Ottomons mostly had become leaders only in name, retiring and having lavish lives in the west, exactly what we find current muslims leaders and rulers doing..

BS post Cash..
The same old story, on and on again. Never change. Never learn anything.
My grandfather was an ottoman officer in all those wars , and he had his objections. But the useless people with nothing to off keep the same story.
You are going to criticise Enver, Nuri Kiligil , Musa Khazim ?? Did your country suffere 3 million deaths? Millions of refugees? 400 doctors at the end of the war?
I don't mind well meant critique, with the purpose of getting somewhere. But this rubbish? Do you want to say how good Muslims you are.
What can you do? The people who rule you are the same as you.
If I go through few of your postulates I can break them all.
By the way I am not a secularist.
No Doubt Ataturk was a brave commander, and fought gallantly, Hard to find a man in history to take his nation out of plight when the whole world united against him and even fellow muslims...

His name is amongst the top leaders in the world.. Ottomons mostly had become leaders only in name, retiring and having lavish lives in the west, exactly what we find current muslims leaders and rulers doing..

BS post Cash..
My friend, don't talk about such complex things and events is such simplistic terms. It won't get you anywhere, believe me.
For example, though I am virulent anti Communist, i am aware that without October Revolution , we in Balkans, Turkey even all the way to Suez and persian gulf would be annihilated.
Unfortunately, Muslims in ussr payed heavy price. Then again, due to Stalin , eventually they got freedom.
I have certain ideological stands and I am well aware about the opposing ideas

Stupid video, empires are not taken down by one man, it is long time process.
Brother believe me , no matter what I tried over the years, it gets me nowhere with this people. There are many reasons for that.
%70 is socialist epistemology, 10% pseudo western right, 20 different forms of psychological deficiencies and primitivism.
The Muslims epistemology and methodology was created by the Bedouins and there is a Hadith , that someone can't take the knowledge from the Bedouins.
At the end of the day it has been always a small group.
How I can be united with people like this? To carry them on my shoulders? And I have to let them to instruct me in order that keep up appearances can continue?
Yesterday, I said to Dalit " Brother, don't repeat one and the same and I tried through some examples to explain something to him . Bingo , today it is the same old story.
Complexes and insecurities and wishful thinking
Nothing can be done
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turkey is not part of EU. rest I agree
My bad just read up on it apparently the EU membership is pending since 2017 after Erdogan's modification of his presidential powers. Looks like Turkey is a major trade partner though.
I did not see the video completely, just saw the name and image of M. Kemal.

Collapse of Ottomans was one of the biggest disasters of our recent history. That being said, enemies of Muslims planned it. Some questions need to be answered. First, were Ottomans corrupt? Answer is yes. Just like other kingdoms that abused religion in favor of their hunger for power. What should have people of Ottoman done then? Revolt and destroy it? No, there was a bigger enemy at their doorstep. They needed reform.

We need to say that past is in past and Ottomans collapsed. For whatever reason. No chance to change this fact. Erdogan dreamed and USA abused his greed. Do not try it again.

Rise of Mustafa Kemal was simultanous to rise of Pahlavis in Iran. This 2 guys were both military personnel. Both had relationships with British kingdoms and both rised after fall of an other local kingdom in Turkey and Iran. Should we claim that Pahlavis and Reza Shah specifically overthrew Qajars in Iran? Surely not. Reza Shah was a piece of shit atcually with no roots in Iran. He was not even a Persian but claimed Persian nationalism and betrayed other locals of Iran and also kept them backwards.

People may ask, whose plan was to incite racial and ethnical hatred among Iranians while Reza Shah was not racially a Persian? Answer is clear, Britiah kingdom. Reza Shah was a playboy in their hands. The moment he shew slightest amount of actions or thoughts contrary to British orders, they kicked him out of Iran.

Ata Turk or Kemal was also a British agent. He did not appear from no where and he did not appear all of a sudden. Brits had planned for decades to change Ottoman from an strong ruling system to a puppet regime ruled by a bogus racist element to make it impossible to form an other Islamic system with multiple races and ethnicities. Same about Iran. Brits destroyed Iran and Ottomans and split them into pieces.

Israel was born from these plans and it won't stop making hatred among Muslims till its death. Israel lives in differences of Muslims.

Some might hate me because of stating facts about Pahlavis and Kemalists. But truth hurts, both were cancers in our societies. Kemal was successful in changing Turkey and their thoughts about Islam but Iranians revolted against anti Islamic element planted by Brits in Iran.

@mehmed bey Kemal was a puppet of enemy. Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran was appointed by Baha'is of Iran. I call them Zionists of Shias. They were allies of Jews in Iran. I do not know much about who appointed Kemal but it is obvious that it was done by Zionists also. You say Kemal fought but i ask you for what reason and under whose command?
I swear to you, if we went and liberated Palestine today, their first thing would be to betray us.
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