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Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police

Or maybe he indeed loves his country and strongly feels that he has to voice his opinion despite clearly knowing the consequences.
Yeah I might not doubt that he does..However, we have to be realistic, we should know what we can do in any country we find ourselves irrespective of how we feel. Will you for example protest against Kim Jung Un policies in the streets of North Korea if you were living in North Korea? Lool is that not purposefully setting yourself up for danger/death?
Would you publicly go preaching/evangelising Christianity in the streets of Pakistan/Afghanistan/Iran or even Saudi Arabia? Lol Is that not setting up yourself for danger and even death as well?
All these might sound normal to some or even pretty, but in some countries they can land you in jail/danger/lynching or even death.

I can understand if you know there is a massive movement behind you backing you and many people ready to also take your side to the streets for protest which offers some sort of "relative" protection. In that case, that might still make ABIT(Just a little bit) of sense and you koght stand a chance of making your voice or point heard . However going in alone is just plain stupid , especially in a system that doesn't tolerate such blatant public criticism of their leader/system and which is still a closed political system. So we have to be rational as well.
For example how do you think Mao Zedong would have ended up if he rose up to challenge the Kmt Government by himself ? Lool We might never even have known his name(would jave disappeared like smoke . Lol)

So as much as I understand this man's concern, he has to be aware of the type of country he lives in as well and what he is allowed to do and not. Might not sound right or fair, but then again when has life ever been fair? 😆😁
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No, China's government isn't God. In fact, God has no place in China's government. Official Chinese government recognizes only five major religions practiced in China Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism. In China, all citizens are expected to be Chinese first, and everything else to be secondary. Regardless of religion, you're expected to assimilate into the social dynamics of China society and be able to interact in her native language. It isn't a perfect society, nor is it a perfect country. She's not immune from the constrain of extremism, separatist and dissent. To say that China doesn't have its own share of struggle to bring about in unity, would be the same as implying that India is a super power, comical. There isn't any subjugation, nor suppression of religion, every being in China is expected to abide and be in conformity to her laws. This is selective targetting along with the onslaught of negative dissemination is to contain China, and this Cold War has started before China had even realized. How China neutralize these threats may not be in accord with every political entities, but would you rather have them be bombed to death instead?

In all religions, we all make an attempt to respect our boundary - there is no God, but God.
You realize that you're pretty much proving my point, right?
You realize that you're pretty much proving my point, right?

You went into the offensive and wanted a direct answer to your question. And I understand that it can be emotional and sensitive to you, being that it's related to religion.

After a few very credible "Shit this and Shit that" in objection from you, I did the best I can in politely responding to you.

And with solidarity, I came back and had asked you "if bombing them to death", you know like how US, UK, Australia and Canada does it was justifiable to you?

And your answer was "You realize that you're pretty much proving my point, right?".

If I may ask, is this how members on PDF gain the "Think Tank" status like you, by deflecting and departing?

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You went into the offensive and wanted a direct answer to your question. And I understand that it can be emotional and sensitive to you, being that it's related to religion.

After a few very credible "Shit this and Shit that" in objection from you, I did the best I can in politely responding to you.

And with solidarity, I came back and had asked you "if bombing them to death", you know like how US, UK, Australia and Canada does it was justifiable to you?

And your answer was "You realize that you're pretty much proving my point, right?".

If I may ask, is this how members on PDF gain the "Think Tank" status like you, by deflecting and departing?

Tell me something, when did Canada bomb someone in Canada for having a different opinion?

You're comparing apples to oranges.

And you did prove my point, by literally acknowledging what I've been saying, and instead deflecting yourself by using whataboutisms, so look in the mirror first.

And considering you're now trolling, I will no longer reply further.
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Tell me something, when did Canada bomb someone in Canada for having a different opinion?

You're comparing apples to oranges.

And you did prove my point, by literally acknowledging what I've been saying, and instead deflecting yourself by using whataboutisms, so look in the mirror first.

And considering you're now trolling, I will no longer reply further.

I am not here to troll, with you and anyone here. Time is not always on my side and I am not paid either like how some of you are made to believe. I here simply to defend what I believe is disinformation about China and the Chinese people, on my time. Why, some of you may ask? No matter how far I am alway from her and where I may have permanently reside in my adopted country, my identity and ethnicity doesn't change. Our history, from one generation to another, passed on to me doesn't change.

I find it that it's somewhat of a responsibility of mine to defend what I believe to be false information which is intended to mislead public opinion from these Westerners. And with the false information comes the rise of xenophobia and the Asian hate that has exploded everywhere. I don't care where China's GDP is at. In fact, it has the reverse affect on me from where I am at when she becomes rich. But it does bring me pride and joy to see her today from where she was before, from the century of humiliation and atrocity she suffered through.

My intentions are pure, and I promise to follow the PDF rules applied onto me by being a member. You may see an influx of new and old members, like myself, begin engagement on this forum because we won't sit idling. And if we come across in a collision course, it's because I am attempting to prove the right from the wrong. And we will slowly get to the core of this disinformation.
I am not here to troll, with you and anyone here. Time is not always on my side and I am not paid either like how some of you are made to believe. I here simply to defend what I believe is disinformation about China and the Chinese people, on my time. Why, some of you may ask? No matter how far I am alway from her and where I may have permanently reside in my adopted country, my identity and ethnicity doesn't change. Our history, from one generation to another, passed on to me doesn't change.

I find it that it's somewhat of a responsibility of mine to defend what I believe to be false information which is intended to mislead public opinion from these Westerners. And with the false information comes the rise of xenophobia and the Asian hate that has exploded everywhere. I don't care where China's GDP is at. In fact, it has the reverse affect on me from where I am at when she becomes rich. But it does bring me pride and joy to see her today from where she was before, from the century of humiliation and atrocity she suffered through.

My intentions are pure, and I promise to follow the PDF rules applied onto me by being a member. You may see an influx of new and old members, like myself, begin engagement on this forum because we won't sit idling. And if we come across in a collision course, it's because I am attempting to prove the right from the wrong. And we will slowly get to the core of this disinformation.
Chinese members don't have a good reputation on this forum, and for very good reason, and you aren't helping that perception.

I don't know how you think engaging on a forum with random stranger helps your cause, but whatever.
oh there's more, I simply don't want to name them because calling them out gets you punished here. but who made you the arbiter of good and bad reputation? what is your credibility?
I mean, I literally have the ability to give out negative ratings, so the administration of this website.

Also, take a look at most of the active Chinese members, their ratings are in the negative, some in the dozens. You yourself are at -2.

Plus, you guys get banned multiple times. You yourself have been banned multiple times.

Anyway, this is beyond the point of this thread, I won't derail the thread any further.
I mean, I literally have the ability to give out negative ratings, so the administration of this website.

Also, take a look at most of the active Chinese members, their ratings are in the negative, some in the dozens. You yourself are at -2.

Plus, you guys get banned multiple times. You yourself have been banned multiple times.

Is the negative ratings of Chinese members on average higher than that of Pakistani or Indian members?

Is the ban rate of Chinese members on average higher than Pakistani or Indian members?

And is negative ratings given by a small group chosen through opaque means, that they themselves are not subject to, truly representative of mass opinion?
Is the negative ratings of Chinese members on average higher than that of Pakistani or Indian members?

Is the ban rate of Chinese members on average higher than Pakistani or Indian members?

And is negative ratings given by a small group chosen through opaque means, that they themselves are not subject to, truly representative of mass opinion?
Like I said, I won't derail the thread further, I will say that there are rules and regulations in place to make sure the negative rating isn't abused.

Also, this is an internet forum, not a political party. Your complaint about transparency doesn't really make much sense.

If you have further question, please contact the mods/admins @ GHQ

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first, for Russian putting on a fake pole FSB agent - you have the say something.

You cannot even read properly.... and deliberately like an FSB troll trying to divert and misuse words

I am commending you Deino!! @Deino for a superb job at handling all the trolls and kak prattar elsewhere; you need to set a good bar to these criminal trolls who are doing.

In fact a difficult job and my strict line is to keep out politics as much as possible. Unfortunately I‘m only a moderator in the Chinese section.
Be ethical, civil and show the best of your human side while in the Forum. A soft approach in regard to freedom of speech, must not be taken for granted. We have no tolerance for abusive language. In-case of violation as such or other, report the matter without quoting back in kind and move on. Instigator or the one being triggered replying in kind; will be treated as same.

If anyone disagrees with Mod decision or rating issued by title holder, feel free to reach GHQ section to lodge a complain. Maintain civility and decorum for discussion instead of getting personal on the Forum.

Let me remind everyone again:
The man was detained for 5 days and fined 200CNY for violating the public security regulations of "abusing others in public"(Article 42 of the law of <the people's Republic of China on administrative penalties for public security>).

1, The man was not sentenced, just a small fine and detention.

2, In China, shouting abuse at other citizens in public places is a violation of public security regulations(Article 42 of the law of <the people's Republic of China on administrative penalties for public security>). Of course, Xi is also a citizen, and he is also protected by the law.

3, China has no law prohibiting abusing heads of state, but there are public security regulations prohibiting abusing citizens loudly in public.

4, This man has obviously violated the public security regulations. Isn't it right to arrest him?
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