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Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police

This guy was opposing his imaginary Xi. Xi said China will be more open to the world. Which is the only way to counter US blocking China strategy.
Why arrest on political dissent

Whether we like it or not; but that is the fundamental model, which lead to the collosal progress and development in China. They realized at a very early stage, that this Western democracy system doesn't suit the countries, which are underdeveloped and people are not disciplined enough.
Man Shouts "Down With Xi Jinping" in Shenzhen China, onlookers cheer for his arrest and shout"well done" to the police
Xi - Opening up and reforms are progressing smoothly
U.S. pawn featured on U.S. state funded and controlled propaganda mouthpieces: Opening up and reforms are being denied by Xi. Our only hope is become slaves of the U.S. empire because reasons.
Cheering by onlookers - censored in U.S. state funded and controlled media

U.S. pawn: IM NOT RESISTING HEY CAMERAS DID YOU GET THAT IM NOT RESISTING *clearly resists the arrests and pushes back with more force than any of the individual 5 police officers treating him with baby gloves*

Why do you even bother about these U.S. domestic propaganda channels (Inconvenient Truths is a U.S. state affiliated and funded propaganda channel like China Uncensored and China Uncoverered and China Watch from the exact same U.S. based office) for braindead Americans🙄
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Great so this proves there is no freedom of speech in China

this is exactly what I have been saying all along

he was clearly not resisting and yet 5 officers in riot gear were there, heavy handed tactics

just shows what happened when unarmed protester wants to say something

and you are trying to convince outside world you dont kill our own people ?

now more people will start saying this and collapse will come from within

Communism is a self destructing system and 1991 proved it give enough time and they will collapse as did USSR
Well, he's an idiot for doing this, sorry to say . You have to know the country you live in, and what the government permits/allows. Obviously we all know the Chinese government doesn't really tolerate any negative public remarks/protest towards their president/top leaders(however positive ones are welcomed ). So he should know which countries he can do such stuffs in and which ones not to. Every system is different.
He can do that in China's neighbours like South Korea or Japan for example and get away with it. But China's system is different and he should be aware of that.
Whether we like it or not; but that is the fundamental model, which lead to the collosal progress and development in China. They realized at a very early stage, that this Western democracy system doesn't suit the countries, which are underdeveloped and people are not disciplined enough.
B-But why do you resists the freedom of U.S. interference
Why do you resist the freedom of subversive U.S. disinformation
Why do you resist the freedom of subversive U.S. propaganda
Why do you resist the freedom of subversive U.S. agents

These questions are more than often just disingenious rethoric and selfanswering if you dont drink U.S. propaganda koolaid.

Remember most people who resists the U.S. regime loyal militarized police as much as this guy pushed back against the police after their attempts to talk to him, have their face curbstomped into the ground, been tazered and guns pointed at their head, maybe "just" get away with a bloody nose or a heart attack, if he was lucky enough to not be deemed a threat to the U.S. ruling class and just gunned down or run over. The "bravery" of these idiots touted by Washingtons shills and media propaganda rests entirely of being custom with Chinas soft handed treatment of these kind of troublemakers and efforts to avoid violence and resolve the issue peacefully, followed by hyperbole and lies of U.S. regime propaganda making a giant fuzz about something as trivial as a "protest" ending in an arrest that happens on a daily basis in the U.S. but usually gets ignored or actively censored in U.S. media.
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Well, he's an idiot for doing this, sorry to say . You have to know the country you live in, and what the government permits/allows. Obviously we all know the Chinese government doesn't really tolerate any negative public remarks/protest towards their president/top leaders(however positive ones are welcomed ). So he should know which countries he can do such stuffs in and which ones not to. Every system is different.
He can do that in China's neighbours like South Korea or Japan for example and get away with it. But China's system is different and he should be aware of that.

He will understand now, after getting some education, in a correctional center. :lol:
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