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Man of Pakistani origin, two sons found dead in New York district

British Pakistanis are definitely an embarrassment.

Tell me about it. Give em a little bit too much freedom and decide to cross the line.
We've seen everything what the media calls 'Sharia Zones', 'Honour killings'.

Around my area in West London, they're fine, in East London is generally cool too but places Rochdale, Luton those are the places that give the rest of us a bad name.

So do u people really think a Mom is at fault here? Killing her own children doesnt makes sense.

No sane mother would ever kill her child, but who knows what might be the case here.
... those underground armed gangs of New York as we know they roam freely in certain parts of the city where the law enforcement agencies have literally no control specially after midnight.

HUH ? Where do you get that nonsense from ?
'Police say they are not looking for a suspect and called the deaths a 'family tragedy'

Murder/suicide ?
They r not telling exactly what happened, i think Pak embassy should be involved here to pressurize their authorities to dig deep...Their saying that it was just a ''family tragedy'' is highly unsatisfactory.
But why would a Mom kill her own children?
We r Afterall Pakistanis and we have stronger moral values as compared to west?
It think it has more to do with those underground armed gangs of New York as we know they roam freely in certain parts of the city where the law enforcement agencies have literally no control specially after midnight.


Asians in general have less morality than westerners.

I think you are confusing a austere lifestyle with morality.
Condolences to families and friends of all who are affected... very sad incident.
I remember reading somewhere that in such cases 90%+ amount of times it is the spouse who commits the murder.
well bro i can understand a why a wife will kill her husband but how on earth can a mother kill her two sons maybe its a street crime....maybe

i guess she was kidnapped raped and killed after those goons killed her husband and two sons might be like those goons have made some remarks on the women and when father and sons protested they were killed and the mother was kidnnaped after that ...sad sad story the perpatrators of the crime should be hanged by the balls
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