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Man Bashed With Hammer By Cow Vigilantes As Gurgaon Cops Watch

The issue is that of how common such things are in either country. Both have a problem, however in Pakistan such violence happens occasionally. Also the last chap was sent to the gallows (Mumtaz Qadri for his murder in the blasphemy case) despite a lot of pressure from some (it was not everybody) in the right.

Blasphemy laws have been there in Pakistan for a long time, from the 1970s. This cow slaughter violence in India is only 6-7 years old, ever since Modi came to power. So if we take a longer time period(like 50 years) rather than just the past 7 years, we will find that number of those lynched for beef is lesser than the number of those lynched for blasphemy.

Also add to that the fact that minorities in Pakistan are about 3%, compared to 20% in India. Plus we have 7 times the population. So obviously, due to these factors, while the number of lynchings for beef might be higher, the likelihood for a person being lynched for beef would be lower than the likelihood for being lynched for blasphemy.
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I dragged in Pakistan because of Figaro. Besides, I was being proactive rather than reactive. Regardless of my comment, there would have been dozens of posters here talking about rape, toilet etc. So my comment might serve to show them the mirror.

Yes, I do agree, @Figaro was being his usual sly, provocative self.

Having acknowledged that, let us leave that behind, and leave mentions of rape, toilets and the like to those who can do nothing better. Just a suggestion.
I dragged in Pakistan because of Figaro. Besides, I was being proactive rather than reactive. Regardless of my comment, there would have been dozens of posters here talking about rape, toilet etc. So my comment might serve to show them the mirror.

It is wrong approach...it is the usual fling back approach that has turned this forum into crap.

The trolls are not here for looking into any mirror you show them...they are here to vent, because world is increasingly frustrated with and even cruel to some of them (largely by their own doing) in reality.

This is their refuge, so some of them loiter around all day here in this safe space to make sure they get the first line zinger in every random thread of a country that has long got their goat and obsession for whatever reason.

It is best to rise over their predictable muck and in largest scope possible call out evil that happens in our country and clearly seek for its addressal...especially given we actually have this media (as faulty as it can be) that functions in a basic, robust way to show it...rather than suppress it first thing like happens with certain obsessed/possessed types countries here....which they hypocritically support happening there.

If you elevate your approach, you will over time find the elevated few here....and that is really the objective for a forum is it not?
Your the only country in the world whose capital is called "Rape Capital of the World", don't know what sort of mirror you trying to show Sanghi.

Called that by whom?

The issue is that of how common such things are in either country. Both have a problem, however in Pakistan such violence happens occasionally.

It has happened in India most of all under the oppressive regime that has ruled us for the last six years. Isolated incidents have happened - it cannot be said they were totally absent - but most of this appalling development is due to the active encouragement given to such parasites on society by a political faction whose only grip on the polls used to be hatred of the entire Muslim community.

Even now, these abominations happen only occasionally.

If you look at these incidents more closely - I am not seriously suggesting it, as the details will turn any decent person's stomach - you will find that they happen in the cow-belt, the BIMARU states; Haryana, although it does not fit into the mnemonic, is one of them.

If you look at the people reacting, the Sanghis are absent. They do not like facing violence, whether on the Internet or in real life; suggesting that others step up and do the killing is more their style.
It is wrong approach...it is the usual fling back approach that has turned this forum into crap.

The trolls are not here for looking into any mirror you show them...they are here to vent, because world is increasingly frustrated with and even cruel to some of them (largely by their own doing) in reality.

This is their refuge, so some of them loiter around all day here in this safe space to make sure they get the first line zinger in every random thread of a country that has long got their goat and obsession for whatever reason.

It is best to rise over their predictable muck and in largest scope possible call out evil that happens in our country and clearly seek for its addressal...especially given we actually have this media (as faulty as it can be) that functions in a basic, robust way to show it...rather than suppress it first thing like happens with certain obsessed/possessed types countries here....which they hypocritically support happening there.

If you elevate your approach, you will over time find the elevated few here....and that is really the objective for a forum is it not?

This was a breath of fresh air.

@Baba_Yaga I do hope you agree.
Blasphemy laws have been there in Pakistan for a long time, from the 1970s. This cow slaughter violence in India is only 6-7 years old, ever since Modi came to power. So if we take a longer time period(like 50 years) rather than just the past 7 years, we will find that number of those lynched for beef is lesser than the number of those lynched for blasphemy.

There is a key difference that is lost on Pakistan's critics. The vast majority of those accused and even convicted of blasphemy are Muslims and that too Sunni Muslims (not Christians, not Hindus, not Ahmedis etc. etc.). The same goes for the proportion of people accused of blasphemy killed at the hands of other individuals.

In India, the lynchings for beef tend to be targeted towards a particular community and thus the concern. Our idiots go after *anyone* who threatens their system of belief. In India, it is the Muslims who bear the brunt of the mob justice.
Also the last chap was sent to the gallows (Mumtaz Qadri for his murder in the blasphemy case) despite a lot of pressure from some, it was not everybody, in the right.

Well worth the mention.

The conviction rate in India on these crimes is practically zero.

I am not justifying either kind of crime, nor either kind of reaction, just pointing out the statistics of the situation.
Well worth the mention.

The conviction rate in India on these crimes is practically zero.

I am not justifying either kind of crime, nor either kind of reaction, just pointing out the statistics of the situation.

Agreed, i remember reading somewhere that there are no laws defined in India to punish a mob. So basically, if you want to murder a person, make sure to take 100 of your boys with you. If you do the crime alone or with 3-4 people, you risk going to jail. But murdering with 100 men, your risk of conviction goes to 0.
Blasphemy laws have been there in Pakistan for a long time, from the 1970s. This cow slaughter violence in India is only 6-7 years old, ever since Modi came to power. So if we take a longer time period(like 50 years) rather than just the past 7 years, we will find that number of those lynched for beef is lesser than the number of those lynched for blasphemy.

Why are we allowing ourselves to get embattled by someone who has a personal grievance (as it seems)?

That's why I pointed him out. :)
Almost zero % conviction rate for rape in Pakistan(including child rape)



In Pakistan, rape victims are the criminals :tup:


"But even if the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15 years in prison as the result of her rape, said Rukhshanda Naz, who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to Aurat."

Meanwhile, conviction rate for blasphemy in Pakistan is 100% :yahoo:. Actually, more than 100%, you even execute non blasphemers on trumped up charges.

Indian conviction rate for rape is 27%, not great, but more than 10 times that of Pakistan
but we have much less these cases as compare to India:p::enjoy:
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