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Maldives Upsets Big Brother India

Maldives should opt to join Pakistan an isolated Muslim country in the Indian ocean needs a larger ally to partner with especially in this region. Pakistan should strengthen ties with Maldives.

well that could be a nice option ahead of Maldives since both nations share similiar race and religions. in case of global warming if the island country is deprived of land resourses we can provide shelter to them hopely then the integretion will be already well done.
The government of the Maldives’ cancellation of a multi-million dollar airport management contract with a consortium led by India’s GMR hasn’t gone down well with India, its biggest ally.

The cancelation of the airport contract was “major setback” to ties between the two countries, said Salman Khurshid, India’s foreign minister, said in an interview with CNN-IBN. “Maldives has been an important partner for us and we would want it to remain so. But in a partnership, there are responsibilities. We have a right to expect that those responsibilities will be fulfilled.”

Earlier in the week, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement: “The decision to terminate the contract with GMR without due consultation with the company or efforts at arbitration provided for under the agreement sends a very negative signal to foreign investors and the international community.”

President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik doesn’t see the brouhaha in the same light. In an interview with the Press Trust of India, he said relations with India are stronger than ever before, and that the cancelation of the contract was simply a business decision.

“The bilateral relation, especially in the fields of military, trade and business, is even stronger than before,” he said.

On Wednesday, the Maldives government canceled a contract awarded in 2010, under the previous government of Mohamed Nasheed, to a consortium of GMR Infrastructure Ltd. 532754.BY +4.48% and Malaysia Airport Holdings 5014.KU -0.56% for running the country’s only international airport in Male for 25 years and for constructing a new passenger terminal.

GMR has since filed a lawsuit seeking to revoke the decision in a Singapore court. The Maldives set a deadline of seven days for GMR to hand over airport operations.

India has always considered the Maldives to be in its sphere of influence, as the string of 1,200 coral islands that make up the small country falls in the strategically-important sea lanes of the Indian Ocean.

India has provided the Maldives’ navy with a Trinkat patrol vessel and a helicopter, as well as training its defense personnel and building a military hospital. Indian vessels and aircraft routinely patrol Maldivian waters to guard against pirate attacks.

However, over the last decade China has been increasing its influence in Maldives by investing in infrastructure, such as the rebuilding of the country’s only national museum in Male, the capital. Chinese nationals are the largest group of tourists visiting the Maldives, a significant economic factor in a country where tourism’s about the only game in town. Maldives, with a population of 400,000, pulled in almost a million tourists to its remote islands and exotic resorts last year.

That has been noticed in the Maldives. The Adhaalath Party, a radical Islamic political party that is an ally of the government, sent out a stream of tweets yesterday berating GMR and India’s presence in the Maldives and extolling relations with China.

One of them read, “We would rather give the airport contract to our friends in China, who now make the majority of our tourist population.”

S. Chandrasekharan, a former Indian bureaucrat and analyst with the South Asia Analysis Group in New Delhi, said the cancelation of airport contract amounts to a failure of Indian diplomacy. “India should have seen this coming. Our diplomacy is so one-dimensional that it wasn’t able to take care of our economic interests in Maldives.”

Mr. Chandrasekharan said that the episode marks an attempt by the Maldives to assert its “nationalism and sovereignty.”

An Indian government official said Indian diplomats have been trying for a year to avert the GMR deal cancelation, but Maldives didn’t relent. He described the GMR issue as political in nature: “The president is in a political fight with those opposing him and this is a decision that certain parties supporting the government want.”

The Maldives’ former president, Mr. Nasheed, said the move to cancel the GMR contract was just one more episode in the nation’s economic mismanagement.

“The government’s reckless decision will scare off investors. It will have serious ramifications for the economy, at a time when we can ill-afford to see it falter,” he said in a statement.

On Sunday, Masood Imad, President Waheed’s spokesman, said in an interview that the decision to cancel GMR’s contract will be a positive signal for investors that the government won’t tolerate illegitimate practices.

GMR said the bidding process for the airport was transparent.

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, in a statement, expressed concern over the “unilateral decision” of the Maldives’ government and urged the country to initiate talks with GMR to find an amicable solution to the disagreement.

Maldives Upsets Big Brother India - India Real Time - WSJ

Big brother:woot:

Cant stop my laught at these two words for india:rofl:
GMR row: Maldives minister calls Khurshid to pacify India

The Maldives minister explained legal and other reasons behind the cancellation of the project, said official sources.

The sources added that Abdullah sought India's understanding and hoped it will not hurt bilateral ties, said the sources.

Abdullah conveyed to Khurshid that a detailed communication on the GMR issue will be sent to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
On his part, Khurshid conveyed India's displeasure at the decision on GMR project and underlined that the scrapping of the biggest single Indian FDI in the Maldives will negatively impact bilateral trade ties and the larger relationship.

In a move to put pressure on Male, India has put on hold aid to the Maldives after the Maldives government Monday decided to take control of the international airport despite a Singapore court staying the suspension of the contract given to India's GMR-led consortium.

The High Court of Singapore suspended the Maldives government's decision last week to terminate the $500 million contract awarded to the consortium for developing the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport at Male.

The Maldives government, however, has chosen to defy the court order.

"We will continue the airport takeover and next Saturday onwards MACL (state-controlled Maldives Airport Company Ltd.) will be running the airport," Defence Minister and acting Transport Minister Mohamed Nazim told reporters in Male Monday.

Upset at the Maldives government's attitude, India has put on hold $25-million budgetary commitment to Male, said reliable sources Monday.

The bilateral ties will be affected, said the sources.

The Indian government is also studying the court order and its implications, said the sources.

GMR row: Maldives minister calls Khurshid to pacify India | Business Standard
Maldivian islamist are calling the shots and Hindu india is totally haram for them.
Hope GMR gets kicked out and Indian liberals get to see the real face of Islam.
Why are people bothered about Maldives and Bangladesh anyway ? These two countries are guests on planet Earth for just some more time.
How long will "India" survive.

With Maoists having killed 40,000 Indians in the past few years.

Nation-wide riots over Assam with Manmohan Singh himself saying India's "unity" was "at stake".

Kashmir insurgency, N.east insurgencies, Sikh discontent.

Anyway if India is broken up or partitioned that will be good, we Bengalis did it in 1947 when we led the struggle to create a Muslim homeland ("Pakistan") and Hindutva fanatics can be crying for decades at the loss of "Indian" territory due to partition. It can be done again.

How long will "India" survive.

With Maoists having killed 40,000 Indians in the past few years.

Nation-wide riots over Assam with Manmohan Singh himself saying India's "unity" was "at stake".

Kashmir insurgency, N.east insurgencies, Sikh discontent.

Anyway if India is broken up or partitioned that will be good, we Bengalis did it in 1947 when we led the struggle to create a Muslim homeland ("Pakistan") and Hindutva fanatics can be crying for decades at the loss of "Indian" territory due to partition. It can be done again.


Right because 20 odd Hindu states in your vicinity is going to be really good for you.

well that could be a nice option ahead of Maldives since both nations share similiar race and religions. in case of global warming if the island country is deprived of land resourses we can provide shelter to them hopely then the integretion will be already well done.

Nice. Would be useful if you took back your own citizens in Geneva camps in Bangladesh since '71. Charity begins at home.
How long will "India" survive.

With Maoists having killed 40,000 Indians in the past few years.

Nation-wide riots over Assam with Manmohan Singh himself saying India's "unity" was "at stake".

Kashmir insurgency, N.east insurgencies, Sikh discontent.

Anyway if India is broken up or partitioned that will be good, we Bengalis did it in 1947 when we led the struggle to create a Muslim homeland ("Pakistan") and Hindutva fanatics can be crying for decades at the loss of "Indian" territory due to partition. It can be done again.


Just because you Bangladeshis are incapable of living with others does not mean its the same for people elsewhere in the world.

All Indians from different parts of the country share common culture, values and ethics, part of a 7000 year old civilizational story, one of the oldest in the world and a bond that can never be broken.
Right because 20 odd Hindu states in your vicinity is going to be really good for you.

1. North-east is not exclusively Hindu but contains Buddhists and Christians as well as Muslims.

2. 20 divided states with problems of geographical connectivity and Hindus fighting with Hindus e.g. Tamil Nadu v Kerala (or some other south Indian state) over dam issues and water resources, Maharashtra fighting with Bimaru states turns Hindutva aggression away from us to each other.

3. Personally most Bangladeshis do not want to see India break up, if anything our attitude towards India is one primarily of disinterest (we have very little in common with you, we cannot marry you, do not eat the same foods, completely different way of life) but I responded to a troll by the name of "sick_Indian" with a semi-serious response.

All we wish is for India to stop being a regional thug, bully, sponsor of terrorism and respect its neighours.

4. If India were to break up 20 mini-states would be great but I would prefer this:

- Independent north-east federation.

- Dravinand for southern Dravidian states.

- Independent West Bengal.

- Independent Tripura (who being Indic Bengalis in an ocean of racially hostile Mongoloids in the north-east should be militarily protected by us in a mutual defence pact, pan-Bengalism is a strong sentiment amongst the Dhaka elite and they would be willing to send soldiers to defend an independent Tripura state)

- independent Maharashtra

- Rump "India" (dominated by BIMARU states with the Sikhs firmly under Hindustani control. The Sikhs have historically been great enemies of Muslims and some Muslims hold that they are a cursed nation, cursed by Aurangzeb whom some feel is a wali of Allah, e.g. they never gained an independent state whilst Nepal and Sri Lanka did).

So 6 rather than 20.

Just because you Bangladeshis are incapable of living with others does not mean its the same for people elsewhere in the world.

All Indians from different parts of the country share common culture, values and ethics, part of a 7000 year old civilizational story, one of the oldest in the world and a bond that can never be broken.

1. Bangladeshis are more capable of living with each other than Indians are.

- Indians kill fellow Indians, human beings merely for being from a "lower" caste.

- Indians fight on the basis of religion and destroy mosques (Babri masjid) attack Gurdwaras (Amritsar) and target Christians (Orissa).

- Maoist violence plagues India with 40,000 Indians dying to this violence, just a little below the number of casualties from Pakistan's fatality list from the war of terror.

- Indians are pretty much hated by everyone on this forum with the exception of the Vietnamese and Filipinos who see them as a counter to China.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Arabs, Turks, Chinese hate you...and the westerners whom you seek to suck up to hold you in contempt.


2. We in Bangladesh have Hindu government ministers.

The captain of our football team is a Hindu.

We have a Buddhist minister of industries.

We have Buddhist Chakma generals.

We are a tolerant and peaceful society unlike poverty-stricken, war-torn India.
1. Bangladeshis are more capable of living with each other than Indians are.

- Indians kill fellow Indians, human beings merely for being from a "lower" caste.

- Indians fight on the basis of religion and destroy mosques (Babri masjid) attack Gurdwaras (Amritsar) and target Christians (Orissa).

- Maoist violence plagues India with 40,000 Indians dying to this violence, just a little below the number of casualties from Pakistan's fatality list from the war of terror.

- Indians are pretty much hated by everyone on this forum with the exception of the Vietnamese and Filipinos who see them as a counter to China.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Arabs, Turks, Chinese hate you...and the westerners whom you seek to suck up to hold you in contempt.


I meant incapable of living with other ethnicities/religions. First you seperated from Hindus, than Muslim West Pakistanis.

About the hatred, this is Pakistan Defence Forum, enough said. It as anti-Indian as it gets. Kinda like being an Israeli in a Palestine Defence Forum. You neeed to get out of PDF more :lol:

As for India breaking apart, look at my previous post.
1. North-east is not exclusively Hindu but contains Buddhists and Christians as well as Muslims.

2. 20 divided states with problems of geographical connectivity and Hindus fighting with Hindus e.g. Tamil Nadu v Kerala (or some other south Indian state) over dam issues and water resources, Maharashtra fighting with Bimaru states turns Hindutva aggression away from us to each other.

3. Personally most Bangladeshis do not want to see India break up, if anything our attitude towards India is one primarily of disinterest (we have very little in common with you, we cannot marry you, do not eat the same foods, completely different way of life) but I responded to a troll by the name of "sick_Indian" with a semi-serious response.

All we wish is for India to stop being a regional thug, bully, sponsor of terrorism and respect its neighours.

4. If India were to break up 20 mini-states would be great but I would prefer this:

- Independent north-east federation.

- Dravinand for southern Dravidian states.

- Independent West Bengal.

- Independent Tripura (who being Indic Bengalis in an ocean of racially hostile Mongoloids in the north-east should be militarily protected by us in a mutual defence pact, pan-Bengalism is a strong sentiment amongst the Dhaka elite and they would be willing to send soldiers to defend an independent Tripura state)

- independent Maharashtra

- Rump "India" (dominated by BIMARU states with the Sikhs firmly under Hindustani control. The Sikhs have historically been great enemies of Muslims and some Muslims hold that they are a cursed nation, cursed by Aurangzeb whom some feel is a wali of Allah, e.g. they never gained an independent state whilst Nepal and Sri Lanka did).

So 6 rather than 20.


Because of course Gujarat and Rajasthan don't exist.

And if Dravidistan is one then why would Kerala and Tamil Nadu be fighting?

Perhaps we can give back Goa to the Portuguese while we are it and re-install the Nizam in Hyderabad.

Infact, Khalistan is not a bad idea either - with Lahore as its capital.

And since a divided Bengal was the curse of Curzon according to our common national poet Tagore - a unified Bengal too would be nice.

I am think we can give Andamans to the Danes since the Danes controlled it earlier - perhaps they will set up a nice cookie factory there.

I am still confounded with Lakshadweep - perhaps hand it to one of the Arab states.
1. We kicked Indian *** in 1947 because Indians were oppressing us.

2. Pakistanis were abusing us for 22 years with discrimination and theft so we taught them a lesson.

It is akin to the Vietnamese who first defeated the French, then the Americans and even stood up to the Chinese.

India is hated in south Asia for being a bully and a thug. A heavy part of this bullying nature is due to the Brahmanic nature of the Indian elite who are taught to have nothing but contempt for the weak and view them as "lowly" (as opposed to feeling compassion for them as Islam and Christianity teach). Brahmanic culture also teaches Brahmins to flaunt their power and superiority.

Thus India thinks it is far superior to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other states and attempts to bully them due to its delusion and narcissim of being a major power.

India is a hell-hole, full of poverty, inhumane caste discrimination, violence etc.
- Rump "India" (dominated by BIMARU states with the Sikhs firmly under Hindustani control. The Sikhs have historically been great enemies of Muslims and some Muslims hold that they are a cursed nation, cursed by Aurangzeb whom some feel is a wali of Allah, e.g. they never gained an independent state whilst Nepal and Sri Lanka did).


little correction, we were not part of India or India hasn't nothing to do with Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka and Maldives are the only 2 countries not belong to Indian subcontinent either. ;)
Because of course Gujarat and Rajasthan don't exist.

And if Dravidistan is one then why would Kerala and Tamil Nadu be fighting?

Perhaps we can give back Goa to the Portuguese while we are it and re-install the Nizam in Hyderabad.

Infact, Khalistan is not a bad idea either - with Lahore as its capital.

And since a divided Bengal was the curse of Curzon according to our common national poet Tagore - a unified Bengal too would be nice.

I am think we can give Andamans to the Danes since the Danes controlled it earlier - perhaps they will set up a nice cookie factory there.

I am still confounded with Lakshadweep - perhaps hand it to one of the Arab states.

We should give Lakshwadeep to Saudi Arabia or UAE, since they have been our friends (somewhat) :)

1. We kicked Indian *** in 1947 because Indians were oppressing us.

2. Pakistanis were abusing us for 22 years with discrimination and theft so we taught them a lesson.

It is akin to the Vietnamese who first defeated the French, then the Americans and even stood up to the Chinese.

India is hated in south Asia for being a bully and a thug. A heavy part of this bullying nature is due to the Brahmanic nature of the Indian elite who are taught to have nothing but contempt for the weak and view them as "lowly" (as opposed to feeling compassion for them as Islam and Christianity teach). Brahmanic culture also teaches Brahmins to flaunt their power and superiority.

Thus India thinks it is far superior to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other states and attempts to bully them due to its delusion and narcissim of being a major power.

India is a hell-hole, full of poverty, inhumane caste discrimination, violence etc.

Title of the song describes you perfectly. I was just listening to it, and thought it really matches a certain someone's "khwabs". Enjoy :P

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