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Maldives Upsets Big Brother India

Because of course Gujarat and Rajasthan don't exist.

And if Dravidistan is one then why would Kerala and Tamil Nadu be fighting?

Perhaps we can give back Goa to the Portuguese while we are it and re-install the Nizam in Hyderabad.

Infact, Khalistan is not a bad idea either - with Lahore as its capital.

And since a divided Bengal was the curse of Curzon according to our common national poet Tagore - a unified Bengal too would be nice.

I am think we can give Andamans to the Danes since the Danes controlled it earlier - perhaps they will set up a nice cookie factory there.

I am still confounded with Lakshadweep - perhaps hand it to one of the Arab states.

1. If Gujaratis (with your beloved Nardenra Modi) would like to secede from the rump "India" they would be welcome to. They would be further cut off from ASEAN and the huge economic market of China and even east India itself but hey so be it.

2. Rajasthan is a barren desert land. They can do whatever they please.

3. "Dravinand" had serious proponents before 1965 and since that year southern Indians are loyal Indians commited to the unity of India, as that war united them. However if southern India did secede they would attain first world standards of poverty having got rid of the poorer and more unstable north.

4. Goa, do what you want with them.

5. Khalistan, no thanks. Sikh Punjabis are well known for being arrogant jerks and bullying other Indians an independent Sardar state would be unbearable, long may they "enjoy" Indian rule.

6. A unified Bengal would ultimately become an overwhelming Muslim state so "Bengaliness" would become synonymous with being Muslim. I'd like to see an independent West Bengal as a brother state and ally who we have cultural and ethnic ties to but that's all.


little correction, we were not part of India or India hasn't nothing to do with Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka and Maldives are the only 2 countries not belong to Indian subcontinent either. ;)


However Sri Lanka is part of South Asia (if Sri Lanka doesn't want to be identified as such that is fine by me and I will not call it that, though my Sri Lankan Tamil friend gets annoyed by the constant omission of Sri Lanka when people talk of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan as the main South Asian countries) and was British ruled, and it was the British who carved up south Asia and thus our current borders.
5. Khalistan, no thanks. Sikh Punjabis are well known for being arrogant jerks and bullying other Indians an independent Sardar state would be unbearable, long may they "enjoy" Indian rule.

I know tell me about it :taz: Right now the Sikh Prime Minister and the Sikh Chief or Armed Forces is ruthlessly ruling over us helpless Hindus. We need to get back on top and rule the Sikhs :devil:

P.S. You are hilarious(ly delusional) :tup:
1. Bangladeshis are more capable of living with each other than Indians are.

- Indians kill fellow Indians, human beings merely for being from a "lower" caste.

- Indians fight on the basis of religion and destroy mosques (Babri masjid) attack Gurdwaras (Amritsar) and target Christians (Orissa).

- Maoist violence plagues India with 40,000 Indians dying to this violence, just a little below the number of casualties from Pakistan's fatality list from the war of terror.

- Indians are pretty much hated by everyone on this forum with the exception of the Vietnamese and Filipinos who see them as a counter to China.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Arabs, Turks, Chinese hate you...and the westerners whom you seek to suck up to hold you in contempt.


2. We in Bangladesh have Hindu government ministers.

The captain of our football team is a Hindu.

We have a Buddhist minister of industries.

We have Buddhist Chakma generals.

We are a tolerant and peaceful society unlike poverty-stricken, war-torn India.

What a great and insightful post from someonw living in UK :facepalm:
Come to India and then see for yourself.

1) YOU CONVENIENTLY NAMED THE COUNTRIES THAT HATE US. Why dont I list some countries that love us? USA, Russia, UAE, Saudi :woot:, France, UK, Vietnam, Japan, Myanmar.........................

2) What did you say? 40,000 are killed by maoists? :hitwall: Hahaha.... even the most anti-Indians like Arundhati roy hardy tell a figure of couply of thousands and.....

3) Yeah we kill everyone. Even Muslims are undergoing genocide in India. That is why every sect and religion is growing , Muslims have increased to 14% after the genocide and Hindus in your county are so well treated that they are now less than 8% even when they were more than 10% in 1971 :hitwall: India is a SECULAR country and will remain so. I can understand the burning ....... :)

3) And you know what? According to your logic, India should have broken apart 50 years ago. But look where we are now. We are ready to march into the next generation and you guys are still stuck in India is this, India is that.....

Conclusion: You know shy$te about my country so better stop commenting on it.
1. If Gujaratis (with your beloved Nardenra Modi) would like to secede from the rump "India" they would be welcome to. They would be further cut off from ASEAN and the huge economic market of China and even east India itself but hey so be it.

2. Rajasthan is a barren desert land. They can do whatever they please.

3. "Dravinand" had serious proponents before 1965 and since that year southern Indians are loyal Indians commited to the unity of India, as that war united them. However if southern India did secede they would attain first world standards of poverty having got rid of the poorer and more unstable north.

4. Goa, do what you want with them.

5. Khalistan, no thanks. Sikh Punjabis are well known for being arrogant jerks and bullying other Indians an independent Sardar state would be unbearable, long may they "enjoy" Indian rule.

6. A unified Bengal would ultimately become an overwhelming Muslim state so "Bengaliness" would become synonymous with being Muslim. I'd like to see an independent West Bengal as a brother state and ally who we have cultural and ethnic ties to but that's all.



However Sri Lanka is part of South Asia (if Sri Lanka doesn't want to be identified as such that is fine by me and I will not call it that, though my Sri Lankan Tamil friend gets annoyed by the constant omission of Sri Lanka when people talk of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan as the main South Asian countries) and was British ruled, and it was the British who carved up south Asia and thus our current borders.

Mate, a real good-hearted advice to you. Please please stop embarrasing yourself. Every point of your above post is just bull crap.

1) Gujarat to secede from India :woot: Well, Modi may very well be the next pm of the same country. There goes your first point down the drain.

2) Rajasthan is a barren land. Yes so much for your knowledge. Do you know Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Udaipur.....? Rajasthan is so important for us that they are no.1 tourist revenue earner for the country. In fact, it is one of the fastest growing states in the country.

3) After reading this point, I am sure most Indians won't take you seriously anymore. Most of our scientists, engineers, doctors and renouned artists are South Indian (A.R Rehman, ISRO, DRDO, IITs,....). Yes, what you said is true. They want to form new country. And they are trying to secede from India by contributing the most to the economy and society of this evil 'INDIA'. :devil:

4) Goa you say? Just visit the place and you would forget that BD even has a coastline :)

5) Sorry I think think you mistook Punjabi Pakistanis (1971) for the sikh Punjabis. Sikhs are the pride of India. When anyone will try to invade us, they would be the first to protect the homeland. You don't know anything about them :facepalm:

6) Unified Bengal? Are you crazy???? I am BENGALI, from West Bengal. And let me tell you, our ancestors gave their blood against the british to for unified INDIA and not your so called UNIFIED BENGAL.
Where are Mods why is this Hammer-fist guys not being suspended for trolling on this thread.
1. We kicked Indian *** in 1947 because Indians were oppressing us.

2. Pakistanis were abusing us for 22 years with discrimination and theft so we taught them a lesson.

It is akin to the Vietnamese who first defeated the French, then the Americans and even stood up to the Chinese.

India is hated in south Asia for being a bully and a thug. A heavy part of this bullying nature is due to the Brahmanic nature of the Indian elite who are taught to have nothing but contempt for the weak and view them as "lowly" (as opposed to feeling compassion for them as Islam and Christianity teach). Brahmanic culture also teaches Brahmins to flaunt their power and superiority.

Thus India thinks it is far superior to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other states and attempts to bully them due to its delusion and narcissim of being a major power.

India is a hell-hole, full of poverty, inhumane caste discrimination, violence etc.

how are we a bully after 2 million of your people are living this side of the border?? If India is a hell-hole...why the hell would you cross the border risking your miserable lives?? Please explain....

Now enough is enough and we are erecting a fence on our own expense.....you are crying we are bullying. Maybe we should have asked for equal share of the cost of building the fence.... isn't it what two neighbors do when they build a common fence between their houses.
Well backing away from a committment just because of a change in regime was simply pathetic on Waheed's government's part. It was simply a show that just because I am the boss today, things will change and by doing that, Maldives is risking big big political fallout.

It not only creates sour relations between countries but also, erodes the interest and trust of investors who would want to invest into Maldives' tourism and travel infrastructure. Business wise it is almost suicidal as Maldives has NOTHING other than tourism to export to international world.
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