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Maldives rejects military pact with US , due to Indian Pressure

nope.....Nehru asked Fighter jets and pilots who could train indian pilots to operate them as well as modern radar as "Assistance".I know we lit fire on your @$$...so,now run for your life,Troll..

Don't you see more and more news about US station troops in India. India media should start preparing its population that US station troops in India is a good thing so you guys would start to accept it. Maybe a drone base first in Port Blair. And then naval bases in the both coasts. Then finally an air wing in the Himalayas. India needs US protection.
Yeah and a airbase in kerala to protect coconuts ,right? Its nt the1962 era anymore n is simply next to impossible fr india to let US in.
Don't you see more and more news about US station troops in India. India media should start preparing its population that US station troops in India is a good thing so you guys would start to accept it. Maybe a drone base first in Port Blair. And then naval bases in the both coasts. Then finally an air wing in the Himalayas. India needs US protection.
Mate, its time to wake up.
Something for Pakistan to learn.

Dont treat your land as a guesthouse for foreign militaries - first US, then China.

Something for all members to learn here , is to focus on the topic and not try to stroke their ego .

Are you sure you have finished learning that first ? :azn:

Even for TTA's who will gladly continue on that @SpArK

lol you encircle us? :lol: what we did in Indian Ocean is real, your dream to do anything to us still on paper.

Now don't tell me China is supa powaa or it can take on India.. As China as sensitivities in SCS, India has in Indian Ocean.

You can come to SCS any time :lol:
lol you encircle us? :lol: what we did in Indian Ocean is real, your dream to do anything to us still on paper.

You can come to SCS any time :lol:

India has no purpose of going to China. They may talk about protecting trade routes. But their biggest trading partner in East Asia is China. If China want to cut off that trade with India, all China need to do is say to India, "bad boy, no more junk for you" and the trade route is cut off. No need to intercept ships going to India from China.:omghaha:
Something for Pakistan to learn.

Dont treat your land as a guesthouse for foreign militaries - first US, then China.

Not quite sure of your statement, with the military weapons that you bought from U.S such C-17, C-130...Apache, Chenook..and eventually F-35 :lol: it's a great chance that India will be a guesthouse for U.S military...when you become over dependant, you wouldn't dare to say 'NO'. thing that India have to learn.
Not quite sure of your statement, with the military weapons that you bought from U.S such C-17, C-130...Apache, Chenook..and eventually F-35 :lol: it's a great chance that India will be a guesthouse for U.S military...when you become over dependant, you wouldn't dare to say 'NO'. thing that India have to learn.

The way things are going, US military presence is a matter of when, not if. But these Indians don't see it when everyone else can. Guess who is blind...
Something for all members to learn here , is to focus on the topic and not try to stroke their ego .

Are you sure you have finished learning that first ? :azn:

Even for TTA's who will gladly continue on that @SpArK
Incidentally, if the point is valid, why is pointing out a solid fact wrt Pakistan, an ego massage to self?

Something Pakistan should learn. Stop allowing foreign militaries on your soil.

Not quite sure of your statement, with the military weapons that you bought from U.S such C-17, C-130...Apache, Chenook..and eventually F-35 :lol: it's a great chance that India will be a guesthouse for U.S military...when you become over dependant, you wouldn't dare to say 'NO'. thing that India have to learn.
The way things are going, US military presence is a matter of when, not if. But these Indians don't see it when everyone else can. Guess who is blind...
When you become the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, we shall follow your way.

Till that hallowed day arrives, leave our policies and priorities to us and our elected officials. Our position on any foreign military stationing in South Asia is very clear and very consistent spanning decades.
Incidentally, if the point is valid, why is pointing out a solid fact wrt Pakistan, an ego massage to self?

Something Pakistan should learn. Stop allowing foreign militaries on your soil.

When you become the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, we shall follow your way.

Till that hallowed day arrives, leave our policies and priorities to us and our elected officials. Our position on any foreign military stationing in South Asia is very clear and very consistent spanning decades.

No need to stay stubborn when facts are changing around you. These policies and priorities are flexible. Soon, other militaries will station troops in India.
When you become the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, we shall follow your way.

Till that hallowed day arrives, leave our policies and priorities to us and our elected officials. Our position on any foreign military stationing in South Asia is very clear and very consistent spanning decades.

You dont need to follow my way, when U.S decide to station in SA, it will be their way or India can take the highway. If U.S was trying to cozy Maldives mean they start to show sign of interest in Indian Ocean and SA...like Faithfulguy said, it's a matter of when and not if.
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No need to stay stubborn when facts are changing around you. These policies and priorities are flexible. Soon, other militaries will station troops in India.
The facts are indeed changing.
India is becoming stronger and faster than ever before. Faster than any nation barring China in Asia.

Our domestic policies and politics have a certain consistency. Its not an autocracy - no pun intended - where one man or one party can unilaterally change the mindset or force the nation into an action that is inconsistent with public thoughts.

Militaries are welcome to station troops in India. But no country which has a military power exceeding that of India is allowed to station troops.

Infact Singapore is allowed to station a squadron of its fighters among ground military as well in East India. And Singapore keeps a military detachment in India almost permanently there. That is because Singapore is a city state that needs to keep its military disbursed in case of a debilitating first strike by its more powerful opponents. Even in that case, no military base is ever exclusively given to any other military. The base under the control of Indian Airforce with Singapore allowed to station troops there.
lol you encircle us? :lol: what we did in Indian Ocean is real, your dream to do anything to us still on paper.

You can come to SCS any time :lol:

LOL, what you did in Indian ocean is BS that is just a desperate attempt to soothe yourselves, unfortunately for you you have to work yourself spend billions in the string of pearls and even then you don't know that it'll be a total flop show, however us we just need to sign a few papers and there you go, its done.
LOL, what you did in Indian ocean is BS that is just a desperate attempt to soothe yourselves, unfortunately for you you have to work yourself spend billions in the string of pearls and even then you don't know that it'll be a total flop show, however us we just need to sign a few papers and there you go, its done.

The video I shown was pretty much clear what we're doing in Indian Ocean, and we have a fruitfull cooperation that China decide to invest further into these south Asians countries but I can't say the same about India, your catwalking with Japan still on paper or signed paper, we didn't see any tangible results.
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