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Malaysian PM appeals for unity of Muslim nation in new era

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
Malaysian PM appeals for unity of Muslim nation in new era
+ - 18:38, September 25, 2009

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Zarak Friday appealed to Muslim societies throughout the world to renew their pledge and act together as an organization of Muslim nations.

According to a press release from Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Najib made the remarks on the 40th Anniversary of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).

He said that the world has changed vastly and many new challenges have emerged. Therefore, he added that the organization must move with the times and be aware of the new challenges in the post Sept. 11 era not only in the political and security areas but also in the economic and social sphere.

He said that OIC must play the role of catalyst and provider for the economic and social development among the least developed members

For Muslim nations, he urged all OIC members to work together, maximize the use of their combined resources for the collective good and benefit of the Ummah. Besides, joint and concerted efforts are needed to remove the shackles of poverty still afflicting millions of Muslims around the world, he added.

"It is for us to shape our own destiny and therefore we must aim to grow through self-reliance," he said.

Najib said that as a founding member of the OIC, Malaysia will continue to work with the organization in promoting peace and security in the world, especially on issues that affect the Muslims.

Malaysia will continue to support and extend its cooperation to Muslim Ummah to attain the dream of Malaysian's fore-fathers in ensuring that Muslims throughout the world become a better and united Ummah, he noted.

Malaysia views OIC not only a platform for cooperation among the Ummah but also a stage for the Ummah to launch its defense against extremism and Islamophobia at the international level, he said.

Expect for great emphasis on economic development, Malaysia would continue to champion the Palestinian issues and has demonstrated the unswerving support and solidarity with the peopleof Palestine in their struggle to achieve their inalienable rights,he stressed.

Based on the foreign ministry's press release, the OIC, born after a terrorist attack in 1969, has now evolved into an organization that attaches importance to the economic, social and political issues affecting the Ummah. It has 57 member states now with a population of more than 1.5 billion.

The late first Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman was selected as the first secretary-general of the organization.

Source: Xinhua
malaysia is just a middle income country, its rich poor disparity gap is much huge, and now it is losing its competitiveness in the industrial output and export, only the raw material processing like rubber into simple products can survive as we are the producer of palm oil and rubber themselves.
we just thought that we can change this deteriorating trend by electing a much more competent leader, but it is wrong.. the nature of the politicians elected under the public voting system only care about the votes from innocent voters which can be easily manipulated and deceived by the umno and current authority units, now it turns out that najib is just a person who is more capable of playing dirty hands than its previous leader abdullah badawi, capturing the opposition at his will by the so call isa internal security acts, leaving the economic mess aside and now attempt drawing the eyeballs at international platforms.
well, he is just trying to make you all aware of his existence by holding and saying the seemingly sensible words.. soon you will find it it is impracticable...now i am very sad, very grievous on the declining trend of malaysia national prosperity due to lagging actions and minds of bumiputras adminitration...
malaysia lacks of long term plan, it is well known here....i wonder what job can i do if i get graduated, in such an environment without innovative industries being introduced???? i am getting frustrated now....just ignore najib bs as he is not going to lead the oic anyway
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i think it is time for me to quit bathing myself in this forum for quite a long time as i need to strive for my better tomorrow anyway,......
thank so much for the info relating to sensitive issues provided in pdf
really thousands thanks!!!!!!ribuan terima kasih!!!!!!!
i shall come back to this forums whenever big issue breaks out, by then i shall contribute more useful opinions and posts !!
Please keep doing good job with interesting posts guys while i am away, hope to see more and enjoy more ideas from all of you guys !!!
bless to my future and bless to the future of malaysia!!!!!! FAREWELL, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!WISH EVERYONE GOOD LUCK EVERYDAY!!!!
malaysia is just a middle income country, its rich poor disparity gap is much huge, and now it is losing its competitiveness in the industrial output and export, only the raw material processing like rubber into simple products can survive as we are the producer of palm oil and rubber themselves.
we just thought that we can change this deteriorating trend by electing a much more competent leader, but it is wrong.. the nature of the politicians elected under the public voting system only care about the votes from innocent voters which can be easily manipulated and deceived by the umno and current authority units, now it turns out that najib is just a person who is more capable of playing dirty hands than its previous leader abdullah badawi, capturing the opposition at his will by the so call isa internal security acts, leaving the economic mess aside and now attempt drawing the eyeballs at international platforms.

dude who cares?? Malaysia is still lightyears ahead of both Pakistan and India when it comes to human development. Once Malaysia actually helps Pakistan with development, then it can start criticizing other muslim nations on their inaction.
guys chill-out lol ! this is just a call for union ! imagine what we can do ? and Dont call a fellow muslim a : Bastard !
and hes 100 % correct we are living the end of times and the mahdi gonna come and unite us all under 1 banner ! :D
What a bastard. It's easy for him to say stuff like this, Malaysia is a rich country, and barely has any problems, aside from ethnic ones. Which gives him time to BS about stuff like this.

That is completely uncalled for! I read nothing in the article that would warrant your calling him a bastard. What he's saying is true. We need to get our act together. I have lived in Malaysia and the ethnic problem that you so lightly dismiss is a major existential challenge. Did you know that Malaysia lost a part of its territory to separatists in 1965. It was one of the most developed parts of the country. Today it is known as Singapore.

While we should expect Malaysia to help other Muslim countries, we in a country like Pakistan also have that responsibility. We have a longer, more established history (Malaysia's Muslim history goes back just about 500 years). We have a much bigger population. And believe it or not, we are more technically/technologically advanced than Malaysia. They have done well for themselves and should be commended. Its time for us to get our act together. Because contrary to popular belief, our biggest problem is not foreign interference. It is our own ineptitude.
That is completely uncalled for! I read nothing in the article that would warrant your calling him a bastard. What he's saying is true. We need to get our act together. I have lived in Malaysia and the ethnic problem that you so lightly dismiss is a major existential challenge. Did you know that Malaysia lost a part of its territory to separatists in 1965. It was one of the most developed parts of the country. Today it is known as Singapore.

While we should expect Malaysia to help other Muslim countries, we in a country like Pakistan also have that responsibility. We have a longer, more established history (Malaysia's Muslim history goes back just about 500 years). We have a much bigger population. And believe it or not, we are more technically/technologically advanced than Malaysia. They have done well for themselves and should be commended. Its time for us to get our act together. Because contrary to popular belief, our biggest problem is not foreign interference. It is our own ineptitude.
Couldnt say it better myself !:azn:
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