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Malaysia urges ASEAN to unite over South China Sea

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Malaysia urges ASEAN to unite over South China Sea
Monday, August 13, 2012

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysia’s foreign minister urged Southeast Asian countries on Sunday to settle their overlapping claims in the South China Sea before bringing them up with Beijing.

Anifah Aman’s comments, following an hour-long meeting with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi, imply that Malaysia wants ASEAN to present a more united front against an increasingly assertive China.

Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, all members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have overlapping claims in the resource-rich sea, as does Taiwan. China claims sovereignty over almost all of it. Anifah said a repeat of confrontation, such as a June standoff between Philippine and Chinese ships over Scarborough Shoal, should be avoided. “We are confident we can resolve this matter. China is also earnest in its desire in finding solutions. This issue can be settled through peaceful means,” he told reporters. “There are overlapping claims by member countries. Let us discuss these among ASEAN countries first before we talk to China,” he added.

“We can only achieve this objective in the South China Sea if all parties agree. Then China can appreciate this and realise it is ASEAN’s wish.”

Anifah did not give any time frame for such an ASEAN meeting. ASEAN foreign ministers failed to move ahead on the South China Sea issue at a regional ministers’ meeting in Phnom Penh in July. The dispute prevented ASEAN from producing a joint communique for the first time in the bloc’s 45-year history.

China’s foreign minister, who met Malaysia’s prime minister on Saturday, did not attend a press conference with Anifah but told reporters that China “firmly” supported ASEAN community building. “We firmly support the idea continuously that ASEAN is in the driver’s seat in terms of East Asian cooperation,” he said. “We agreed that we will continue to work together in cooperation and accommodating each other’s concerns and interests.”

Anifah said that ASEAN and China should work toward “the early conclusion” of a long-stalled regional code of conduct designed to reduce tensions over fishing, shipping rights and oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Quote " Malaysia’s foreign minister urged Southeast Asian countries on Sunday to settle their overlapping claims in the South China Sea before bringing them up with Beijing."

How will Vietnam settle its claims with Phillippines first ?

Malaysia, China concur territorial disputes, conflicts in South China Sea be resolved peacefully | My Sinchew
KOTA KINABALU, Aug 12 (Bernama) -- Malaysia and China agreed that any territorial dispute or conflict in the South China Sea should be resolved peacefully via discussions.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said both countries stressed the importance of diplomacy, especially countries involved, to engage in dialogues to resolve issues, so as to ensure peace in the region.

"Our discussion was very positive and I believe the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and China will continue to strengthen," he told reporters after attending a bilateral meeting with China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, here today.

Anifah said more direct flights from China to Sabah, would be introduced to enhance the tourism sector and strengthen the relationship between both countries in various sectors.

He said a proposal for China to set up Consulate General's office in Malaysia would expedite and ease the process of entry for leaders from both countries as well as tourist arrivals.

Yang Jiechi who is on a three-day official working visit to Sabah since Aug 11, also recognised the role played by Malaysia to strengthen China's relationship with Asean countries.

The Chinese Foreign Minister also paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak during a breaking of fast ceremony held at the Kimanis Parliamentary constituency last night.
Quote " Malaysia’s foreign minister urged Southeast Asian countries on Sunday to settle their overlapping claims in the South China Sea before bringing them up with Beijing."

How will Vietnam settle its claims with Phillippines first ?

Malaysia, China concur territorial disputes, conflicts in South China Sea be resolved peacefully | My Sinchew

They should work together to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations in the spirit of respect and mutual understanding at the first.
This applies to all Vietnam-Philippines-Malaysia-Brunei on the Spratlys disputes...
If you don't want to give up any illegally occupied islands, what will be the outcomes of these "peaceful" negotiations? I remembered one of your members said that "we will take back the taiping island by peaceful negotiation".

In my opinion, niceguy is more straightforward than you guys. At least he outspoke his thoughts. You just use fake words and fake tears to gain sympathy.

They should work together to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations in the spirit of respect and mutual understanding at the first.
This applies to all Vietnam-Philippines-Malaysia-Brunei on the Spratlys disputes...
If you don't want to give up any illegally occupied islands, what will be the outcomes of these "peaceful" negotiations? I remembered one of your members said that "we will take back the taiping island by peaceful negotiation".

In my opinion, niceguy is more straightforward than you guys. At least he outspoke his thoughts. You just use fake words and fake tears to gain sympathy.

That's you who illegally occupied SCS. Vietnam have historical evidences as long as international laws, Malaysia, Philippines have international laws. But what do you have? Propaganda? Invisible evidences?
You are saying Vietnam's claims are more grounded compared to that of Malaysia & Philippines. Then what's the purpose of peaceful negotiations between your country and these countries? The outcome won't change in your mind.
You are saying Vietnam's claims are more grounded compared to that of Malaysia & Philippines. Then what's the purpose of peaceful negotiations between your country and these countries? The outcome won't change in your mind.
I guess they will negotiate to find a solution which all ASEAN countries can accept. Vietnam and Malaysia did that peacefully in 2009. Another way is to get the help from an international court.
You are saying Vietnam's claims are more grounded compared to that of Malaysia & Philippines. Then what's the purpose of peaceful negotiations between your country and these countries? The outcome won't change in your mind.
No. Your getting it wrong. The only disputes that we all have is the overlapping claims. Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines are all willing to submit to international court if we all have to. But we dont need to. Want to know why? We respect each others' claims. We all listen to each others' points. Malaysia and Vietnam already had an agreement and settled their dispute. My country and Vietnam already agreed to jointly patrol the Spratlys specially the disputed areas. Not to exert sovereignty but to protect everything that is there as one entity. Our disputes with each other is completely different from all our disputes with China. China wants everything disrespecting other claimants along the way.

You'll fall hard. That's for sure.
You are saying Vietnam's claims are more grounded compared to that of Malaysia & Philippines. Then what's the purpose of peaceful negotiations between your country and these countries? The outcome won't change in your mind.

Yep, the Viets always cry China robbed their islands because they have 'proofs' they owned them from ancient time. First of all I just can't see how they can 'own' those islands hundreds of mile from their land. Secondly if they own those islands it seems very generous of them for giving some of them away to the Filipinos and the Malays. Or is it a way to placate them. Devious at the best.
If you don't want to give up any illegally occupied islands, what will be the outcomes of these "peaceful" negotiations? I remembered one of your members said that "we will take back the taiping island by peaceful negotiation".

In my opinion, niceguy is more straightforward than you guys. At least he outspoke his thoughts. You just use fake words and fake tears to gain sympathy.

We were, are and will be ready to negotiate together to resolve the dispute through peaceful negotiation. This is completely different from you, China does not dare to participate in peace negotiations, do you know why? Unlike ASEAN countries, China does not have any historical basis, legal basis and factual basis for its claims greedy and unreasonable. Just look at the appearance of it on the two archipelagos: the Chinese used of force to invade the islands from Vietnam. It is the act of a invader, a robber.

Yep, the Viets always cry China robbed their islands because they have 'proofs' they owned them from ancient time. First of all I just can't see how they can 'own' those islands hundreds of mile from their land. Secondly if they own those islands it seems very generous of them for giving some of them away to the Filipinos and the Malays. Or is it a way to placate them. Devious at the best.

Crying? not, vituperation.
If you don't want to give up any illegally occupied islands, what will be the outcomes of these "peaceful" negotiations? I remembered one of your members said that "we will take back the taiping island by peaceful negotiation".

In my opinion, niceguy is more straightforward than you guys. At least he outspoke his thoughts. You just use fake words and fake tears to gain sympathy.
We will take back all isls in SCS(east sea), we will take them back from china-taiwan by forces bcz all vnese will support the govt. to do this, and it's the good way to prove that we can defeat any enemies on Earth.

But we won't fight against Phil-Malay to take back our isls bcz they can't harm us in the future. We can wait and negotiate with them hundreds years more and we can negotiate with them to get back those isls peacefully, too:coffee:
We will take back all isls in SCS(east sea), we will take them back from china-taiwan by forces bcz all vnese will support the govt. to do this, and it's the good way to prove that we can defeat any enemies on Earth.

But we won't fight with Phil-Malay to take back our isls bcz they can't harm us in the future. We can wait and negotiate with them hundreds years more and we can negotiate with them to get back those isls peacefully, too:coffee:

In another word, Vietnam's will eventually takes back those islands from Malaysia and Philippines, it just a matter of time. What happen then if those two countries are unwilling to part with their possessions through 'peaceful negotiations'?

In another word, Vietnam's will eventually takes back those islands from Malaysia and Philippines, it just a matter of time. What happen then if those two countries are unwilling to part with their possessions through 'peaceful negotiations'?
Yeah, Malay knew it when they signed the 'joint submission' with us, and that's the reason why Phil hasn't signed it yet. But as you can see, she can't even protect their own shoal, so how can she 'protect' isls in disputed zone ??

They will lose those isls soon or later , so, it'd better for them to 'lose' those isls into VN's hands than china bcz we're ASEAN NEIGHBOURS.:P

china is far more dangerours to ASEAN nations than small vn, and only vn can protect them from China-U.S 's threat, got it, dude ?:P
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