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malaysia: Only Iran a non Arab and Shiah country offered to help us


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

MH370 REALITY CHECK FOR MUSLIMS IN M'SIA: Why no offer of help from Islamic 'BROTHERS'

More than twenty countries are assisting Malaysia in the search and rescue operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370. That includes "infidel countries" like Australia and United States who have sent aircrafts and ships to search for the missing aircraft.

But, we have yet to hear of any offer of assistance from the Arab countries. There is an eerie silence from all the Muslim Middle-East countries to help Malaysia in the spirit of the ummah.

Surely these countries have available to them planes and ships which can join in the search. But, so far there is hardly a whimper from them. (Only Iran a non Arab and Shiah country offered to help us)

Muslim or not, these Arab countries cannot be depended or be relied upon especially in times of need. Anyway, this is not surprising.

Same when disaster struck Aceh, the Corridor of Mecca

Remember, when the tsunami struck Aceh on 26.12.2004 which culminated in more than a quarter million of the population losing their lives, the first to rush in with help was Malaysia as always and western countries.

Despite Aceh being called the Corridor of Mecca, the Arab countries for long period during and post tsunami were indifferent and ambivalent in providing help. If help came it was much later and after much criticism. Even then in comparison to the assistance given by the 'infidel' West to Muslim Aceh, the Arab countries contribution amounted to a mere tokenism.

Again, it was the same when on 30.09.2009 Padang in Indonesia was struck by a devastating earthquake which destroyed almost the whole of Padang. Despite the destruction and the loss of lives, once again it was Malaysia who as usual can be relied on and the infidel west coming to the aid of the Muslims.

The Arab countries as always acted more as bystanders and were unmoved by the suffering of their fellow Muslim brethren. To the Arabs, the people of Padang may be Muslims but they not being Arabs do not extract the fellowship of the ummah. Thus, we did not see the Arabs countries rushing to aid the earthquake victims.

Why do we carry their torch?

Yet, Malaysia bends backward for the Arabs and the Arab countries. We are their annointed spokesman and defenders. We carry their torch.. Malaysia is the spokesman on issues affecting the Arabs. See the Palestinian issue. The warring factions cannot even unite.

The Arab countries having vested interest gives support to one faction while alienating the other.Similarly, while Malaysia to score brownie points appeases Muslim countries by having no ties whatsoever with Israel and declaring Israel as a sworn enemy, many Arab countries in contrast have trade relationships and quiet relationships with Israel. Does one really believe Saudi Arabia and Israel do not have a cordial relationship? Dig deeper and you will be surprised. Really, should we bother to stand in unity with the Arabs when the Arabs take Malaysia as fools?

So, as the search for MH370 enters the second week, let us all remember who has come to Malaysia's aid and never let it be forgotten that the Arab countries stood by and watched.

In Malaysia's greatest time of need the spirit of the Ummah was forgotten. - MAILBAG
Iran will offer nothing in this.

Their ships are crappy, won't make it to the Oceans smoothly ..
Iran will offer nothing in this.

Their ships are crappy, won't make it to the Oceans smoothly ..

At least we offered something, and it's not only about equipment, this search also requires a good amount of money, perhaps Iran offered funds to the search in the vast area of operation.

Now what did super rich rich KSA have to offer?
No one obligates you to comment whenever the word Iran is mentioned on this forum, especially commenting for sole purpose of trolling.
In this case,none of the Muslim countries has better research ships then the surrounding countries(Australia,China,etc).
Dont know what kind of help they want from the Muslims countries,but no help needed.

At least we offered something, and it's not only about equipment, this search also requires a good amount of money, perhaps Iran offered funds to the search in the vast area of operation.

Now what did super rich rich KSA have to offer?
No one obligates you to comment whenever the word Iran is mentioned on this forum, especially commenting for sole purpose of trolling.
Yeap,money could be the only help needed.
Iran doesn't have enough money to spend on its people, let alone bailing out other nations. We all saw the comedy play between the heroic " Islamic " Republic offering a loan to Pakistan, and then backing off.

At least we offered something, and it's not only about equipment, this search also requires a good amount of money, perhaps Iran offered funds to the search in the vast area of operation.

Now what did super rich rich KSA have to offer?
No one obligates you to comment whenever the word Iran is mentioned on this forum, especially commenting for sole purpose of trolling.

Now what did super rich rich KSA have to offer?

Why on earth would we want to bail out or help someone who doesn't need a thing? Why don't we help people who need help indeed?

Do you realize that KSA is the biggest donor of charitable project in the UN?
Both of Turkey and Indonesia happen to have a far superior navies to contribute to the search than the rest of the Muslim World.
In this case,none of the Muslim countries has better research ships then the surrounding countries(Australia,China,etc).
Dont know what kind of help they want from the Muslims countries,but no help needed.

Yeap,money could be the only help needed.

Money? Malaysia needs no money.

Muslim brothers :rofl:

Did you see how pathetic that is :lol:

The infields came first to help, their Muslim brothers fallowed next :lol:
Both of Turkey and Indonesia happen to have a far superior navies to contribute to the search than the rest of the Muslim World.

Money? Malaysia needs no money.

Did you see how pathetic that is :lol:

The infields came first to help, their Muslim brothers fallowed next :lol:
These people are trying their *** off to score Muslim points and fail miserably.
Iran doesn't have enough money to spend on its people, let alone bailing out other nations. We all saw the comedy play between the heroic " Islamic " Republic offering a loan to Pakistan, and then backing off.

Offering hundreds of millions is different from this case and a 3 year old would know that too. Who in the world offers $500 millions for a search operation in the sea? Even Malaysia itself hasn't spent this amount of money for sure.
MH370 REALITY CHECK FOR MUSLIMS IN M'SIA: Why no offer of help from Islamic 'BROTHERS'

More than twenty countries are assisting Malaysia in the search and rescue operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370. That includes "infidel countries" like Australia and United States who have sent aircrafts and ships to search for the missing aircraft.

But, we have yet to hear of any offer of assistance from the Arab countries. There is an eerie silence from all the Muslim Middle-East countries to help Malaysia in the spirit of the ummah.

Surely these countries have available to them planes and ships which can join in the search. But, so far there is hardly a whimper from them. (Only Iran a non Arab and Shiah country offered to help us)

Muslim or not, these Arab countries cannot be depended or be relied upon especially in times of need. Anyway, this is not surprising.

Same when disaster struck Aceh, the Corridor of Mecca

Remember, when the tsunami struck Aceh on 26.12.2004 which culminated in more than a quarter million of the population losing their lives, the first to rush in with help was Malaysia as always and western countries.

Despite Aceh being called the Corridor of Mecca, the Arab countries for long period during and post tsunami were indifferent and ambivalent in providing help. If help came it was much later and after much criticism. Even then in comparison to the assistance given by the 'infidel' West to Muslim Aceh, the Arab countries contribution amounted to a mere tokenism.

Again, it was the same when on 30.09.2009 Padang in Indonesia was struck by a devastating earthquake which destroyed almost the whole of Padang. Despite the destruction and the loss of lives, once again it was Malaysia who as usual can be relied on and the infidel west coming to the aid of the Muslims.

The Arab countries as always acted more as bystanders and were unmoved by the suffering of their fellow Muslim brethren. To the Arabs, the people of Padang may be Muslims but they not being Arabs do not extract the fellowship of the ummah. Thus, we did not see the Arabs countries rushing to aid the earthquake victims.

Why do we carry their torch?

Yet, Malaysia bends backward for the Arabs and the Arab countries. We are their annointed spokesman and defenders. We carry their torch.. Malaysia is the spokesman on issues affecting the Arabs. See the Palestinian issue. The warring factions cannot even unite.

The Arab countries having vested interest gives support to one faction while alienating the other.Similarly, while Malaysia to score brownie points appeases Muslim countries by having no ties whatsoever with Israel and declaring Israel as a sworn enemy, many Arab countries in contrast have trade relationships and quiet relationships with Israel. Does one really believe Saudi Arabia and Israel do not have a cordial relationship? Dig deeper and you will be surprised. Really, should we bother to stand in unity with the Arabs when the Arabs take Malaysia as fools?

So, as the search for MH370 enters the second week, let us all remember who has come to Malaysia's aid and never let it be forgotten that the Arab countries stood by and watched.

In Malaysia's greatest time of need the spirit of the Ummah was forgotten. - MAILBAG

I appreciate Iran even if they have small facilities they have a good heart to offer a support to Malaysia.I like that spirit Iranians
Who do you mean by 'these people' ? :mad:

If Pakistan is included within that I'm gonna have a hungry hamsters let loose on you right after covering you in melted chocolate ! :p:
These people = mullahs

They exploited Palestinian issue, created false intended enmity with Israel, went on a Western embassy hijacking rampage only to score Muslim points with the intention of ruling Muslim world but they got a huge painful spank in return.
UAE Armed Forces join search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370


KUALA LUMPUR // The UAE Armed Forces has joined the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines jet, a source at the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces told Wam, the state news agency.

The source added that the military is using two Search & Rescue aircraft in the search operations, which cover a zone stretching south over the Indian Ocean to Australia and north over an area extending to the south and central Asia.

No trace of Flight MH370 has been found since it vanished on March 8 with 239 people aboard. Investigators are increasingly convinced it was diverted perhaps thousands of kilometres off course by someone with deep knowledge of the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial navigation.

A search unprecedented in its scale is now under way for the plane, covering an area stretching from the shores of the Caspian Sea in the north to deep in the southern Indian Ocean and involving more than 25 countries including the Emirates and Oman.

Malaysia’s ambassador to Oman, Dato Rustam Yahaya, confirmed that the UAE has agreed to help Malaysia locate the missing plane.

“They have joined the special forces currently investigating the matter,” he told the Times of Oman.

“We are looking everywhere for the flight. Right now, we are at a stage where there are too many questions but very few answers,” the ambassador said.

The General Civil Aviation Authority in the UAE is waiting for reports to see if there were security breaches at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport where the missing plane took off, the director general of GCAA Saif Al Suwaidi told Al Ittihad newspaper, The National’s sister newspaper. If reports confirm that security was compromised, all flights coming in from Malaysian airports will be subject to new stricter measures, Mr Al Suwaidi said.

Meanwhile, the co-pilot of the missing jetliner spoke the last words heard from the cockpit, the carrier’s chief executive said yesterday, as investigators consider suicide by the captain or first officer as one possible explanation for the disappearance.

Airline chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya also said it was unclear exactly when one of the plane’s automatic tracking systems had been disabled, appearing to contradict the weekend comments of government ministers.

Suspicions of hijacking or sabotage had hardened further when officials said on Sunday that the last radio message from the plane — an informal “all right, good night” — was spoken after the system, known as “ACARS”, was shut down.

“Initial investigations indicate it was the co-pilot who basically spoke the last time it was recorded on tape,” Mr Ahmad Jauhari said.

That was a sign-off to air-traffic controllers at 1.19am as the Beijing-bound plane left Malaysian airspace.

The last transmission from the ACARS system — a maintenance computer that relays data on the plane’s status — had been received at 1.07am, as the plane crossed Malaysia’s north-east coast and headed out over the Gulf of Thailand.

“We don’t know when the ACARS was switched off after that,” Mr Ahmad Jauhari said. “It was supposed to transmit 30 minutes from there, but that transmission did not come through.”

Police and a multinational investigation team may never know for sure what happened in the cockpit unless they find the plane, and that in itself is a huge challenge. Satellite data suggests it could be anywhere in either of two corridors that arc through much of Asia: one stretching north from Laos to the Caspian, the other south from west of the Indonesian island of Sumatra into the Indian Ocean west of Australia.

Aviation officials in Pakistan, India, and Central Asian countries Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan — as well as Taliban militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan — said they knew nothing about the whereabouts of the plane.

China, which has been vocal in its impatience with Malaysian efforts to find the plane, called on Kuala Lumpur to “immediately” expand and clarify the scope of the search. About two-thirds of the passengers aboard MH370 were Chinese.

Australian prime minister Tony Abbott said he had spoken to Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak, and had offered more surveillance resources in addition to the two P-3C Orion aircraft his country has already committed.

The Malaysian acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein said a request had been sent to all countries along the northern and southern search corridors, for radar and satellite information as well as land, sea and air search operations.

Asked if pilot or co-pilot suicide was a line of inquiry, Mr Hishammuddin said: “We are looking at it.” But he added it was only one of the possibilities under investigation.

Police special branch officers searched the homes of the captain, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and first officer, 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid, in middle-class suburbs of Kuala Lumpur close to the international airport on Saturday.

* Reuters and WAM

UAE Armed Forces join search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 | The National
Offering hundreds of millions is different from this case and a 3 year old would know that too. Who in the world offers $500 millions for a search operation in the sea? Even Malaysia itself hasn't spent this amount of money for sure.

I don't think the amount of money Iran is giving will make any difference in this search.

But $500? I expect Malaysia to place a new order for a third Scorpion class submarine, thanks to Iran.

Where does it say Malaysia needs money?

You're quoting yourself. I never said such thing.

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