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Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

International News
Philippines calls 4-party assembly on sea disputes
November 21, 2012 08:55 GMT

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippines says it will horde a assembly subsequent month with 3 other Southeast Asian countries on how to understanding with opposing territorial claims in a South China Sea as good as with China that declares a whole area as a own.

Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario pronounced Wednesday that there was no specific bulletin nonetheless for a Dec. 12 assembly in Manila with Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam.

The vice-ministerial turn assembly defies Beijing’s proceed to settle a territorial conflicts bilaterally and is a step outward a proportions of a Association of Southeast Asian Nations, that includes all 4 and also several countries tighten to China.

The 10-member confederation resolved a annual limit on Tuesday but reaching any accord on a nautical disputes.

VN MADE » Philippines calls 4-party meeting on sea disputes

Acquino III quarrelled ferociously with the host, Mr. Hun Sen, PM of Cambodia, in the last ASEAN meetings.

PM Hun Sen refused to allow the Philippines to exploit the ASEAN meetings as a platform for anti-China activities.

In this respect, Acquino only has Vietnam as his partner.

The rest of the ASEAN members do not want to get involved in Acquino and Vietnam's conflicts with China over the South China Sea islands (the Spratlys).

Acquino III left the meeting with anger, and he vowed to initiate a 4-party meeting with VN, Malaysia and Brunei.

But the latter 2 are not stupid, and refused to be used by Manila in the conflicts. They rejected Acquino's invitation yesterday!

Morevover, the Philippines also has land conflicts with Malaysia too.
Acquino is very isolated in ASEAN.

Thailand, Laos, Burma, and Cambodia are pro-China, while the S. China Sea islands have nothing to do with these 4 countries. Now Malaysia and Brunei explicitly told Acquino that they won't get involved.

So much negative propaganda has been stirred up by Manila and supporters all over the world in the last while. They alleged that all the ASEAN countries are against "evil" China.

But you always need to read such anti-China propaganda with skepticism

Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China Sea - Topix

lol, Malaysia and Brunei are not idiots. Why get problems with neighbour, China?

I hope Malaysia and Brunei go the same path Pakistan did with China.

I hope Malaysia and Brunei have as strong relations with China as Pakistan has.

Phillipines is being stupid.
lol, Malaysia and Brunei are not idiots. Why get problems with neighbour, China?

I hope Malaysia and Brunei go the same path Pakistan did with China.

I hope Malaysia and Brunei have as strong relations with China as Pakistan has.

Phillipines is being stupid.

they forgot Malaysia and and Brunei both are muslims country and China is a true friend to all muslims countries
so you are pro an atheist country... cool, we are getting off the umma = only friends we want and care about status. Moderates are wining...:tup:

lol stop trolling you embarassingly stupid Indian. Clearly you don;t know Islam.

Whatever happens in China is their internal affair.s The same way what happens in Muslim countries is their internal affairs.

Islam encourages cooperation with other peoples, as along as they treat us with just and moral principles as we would do to them.

First read about Islam, you ignorant Indian, then speak.

Clearly you need an education.
lol stop trolling you embarassingly stupid Indian. Clearly you don;t know Islam.

Whatever happens in China is their internal affair.s The same way what happens in Muslim countries is their internal affairs.

Sure it is their internal affairs, especially when it suits you.
OH great Pakistani - don't forget to add several LOL's to your reply ...this " stupid Indian" even though american, still looks forward to it
Sure it is their internal affairs, especially when it suits you.
OH great Pakistani - don't forget to add several LOL's to your reply ...this " stupid Indian" even though american, still looks forward to it

No, whats their internal affairs, is their internal affairs.

Wow, stop being idiotic.
No, whats their internal affairs, is their internal affairs.

Wow, stop being idiotic.

Unless it is countries like Israel or american or the west. then their internal issues is yours .
I got it.

IF china stops every Muslim under 18 from attending a mosque( which is true)= Their internal affairs
IF west stops women wearing Burkahs then= your affair

IF China kills Muslims because they " say" the are terrorists= Their internal affair

But if the west does it= your affair
Unless it is countries like Israel or american or the west. then their internal issues is yours .
I got it.

IF china stops every Muslim under 18 from attending a mosque( which is true)= Their internal affairs
IF west stops women wearing Burkahs then= your affair

IF China kills Muslims because they " say" the are terrorists= Their internal affair

But if the west does it= your affair

Stop being a hypocrite. when the west bans the Burqa, they are going against what they stand up for: Freedom.

The west claim to be a land of freedom. Okay then practice what you preach then, allow Burqas to worn in western countries then.
Stop being a hypocrite. when the west bans the Burqa, they are going against what they stand up for: Freedom.

The west claim to be a land of freedom. Okay then practice what you preach then, allow Burqas to worn in western countries then.

So china does not stand for freedom and you like that. perhaps we are trying to be like your beloved China. we figure you worship that country then why not bring in rules like that country- you don't seem to mind them , then why mind us?

forget only burka perhaps we need to be like China and not allow single muslim under 18 from attending any mosque like china. then maybe you pray at the altar of us like you do for china
So china does not stand for freedom and you like that. perhaps we are trying to be like your beloved China. we figure you worship that country then why not bring in rules like that country- you don't seem to mind them , then why mind us?

forget only burka perhaps we need to be like China and not allow single muslim under 18 from attending any mosque like china. then maybe you pray at the altar of us like you do for china

lol stop being an idiot. Let the Chinese decide what system they like for themselves.

Same thing for the Muslim countries. If the Muslims want an Islamic state, how does it bother you little Indian twat?

Listen Indian twat, in Gujarat state in India, one is not allowed to slaughter cows or eat them in Gujarat even though India claims to be a secular country.

Buzz off, you are only making yourself looking like an idiot here.

Your country is a hypocritical one.

Pakistan and China don't claim to be a "land of freedom." In Pakistan we won't allow you to look like prostitutes in bikinis.

Buzz off!

Listen Indian betay I'm starting to actually think that 90% of Indians are idiots. Even your own Indian guy admitted it himself. :lol::rolleyes::lol:

See the link yourself

lol stop being an idiot. Let the Chinese decide what system they like for themselves.

Same thing for the Muslim countries. If the Muslims want an Islamic state, how does it bother you little Indian twat?

Listen Indian twat, in Gujarat state in India, one is not allowed to slaughter cows or eat them in Gujarat even though India claims to be a secular country.

Buzz off, you are only making yourself looking like an idiot here.

Your country is a hypocritical one.

Pakistan and China don't claim to be a "land of freedom." In Pakistan we won't allow you to look like prostitutes in bikinis.

Buzz off!

I know you are quite an ignorant imbecile. BUt I will try this again- So we decide we don't want a burkha allowed , why is not okay for us? You seem to say always that things are okay for china to decide for themselves, like not allow any Muslim to enter a mosque if under 18-

if they can discriminate against Muslim it's okay with you- but if we do it for security reasons you whine like a little b___
I know you are quite an ignorant imbecile. BUt I will try this again- So we decide we don't want a burkha allowed , why is not okay for us? You seem to say always that things are okay for china to decide for themselves, like not allow any Muslim to enter a mosque if under 18-

if they can discriminate against Muslim it's okay with you- but if we do it for security reasons you whine like a little b___

lol hypocrite, lets try this again. And we can let the mods decide on this you cursed embarassingly stupid idiotic Indian.

If the west and India claim to be a land of freedom, THEN THEY SHOULD ALLOW WEARING THE BURQA!



Is that in thick idiotic brain yet?

So there you go!

Since China doesn't claim to be a land of freedom, and they have different beliefs, meaning that they have a different way of running their house!

Get an education!
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