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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

PESHAWAR: Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Wednesday that Malala Yousafzai had been offered security thrice but it was refused by her family.

“The inspector general of police (IGP), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa offered security to Malala thrice but her family refused it. The family probably didn’t know how important she was?” the minister told reporters at the Bacha Khan International Airport here Wednesday.

Rehman Malik said now he had ordered the authorities to provide security to the family even if they don’t accept it. “An air ambulance has reached the Bacha Khan International Airport on the directives of President Asif Ali Zardari but the doctors did not advise shifting Malala abroad. She will be shifted overseas once the doctors permit it,” he told newsmen after visiting the injured Malala.

Rehman Malik said the attackers and their gang had been identified and promised to bring them to justice. During his visit to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH), he praised the army for providing all-out support for treating the brave Swati girl.

Malala Yousafzai, who was nominated for the International Peace Award by the Kids Rights Foundation and later awarded by the Pakistani government with the first National Peace Award as well as Sitara-e-Jurat, was shot and injured by two attackers armed with pistols in Swat on Tuesday. Besides Malala, two other girls Shazia and Kainat were also injured in the attack and are under treatment in the Saidu Sharif Hospital in Swat.

Chief of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police Akbar Khan Hoti told reporters that a large number of suspects had been arrested during an extensive search operation in Swat after the attack. He added that the family of Malala had refused accepting police guards when they were offered security in April and August.

People from all walks of life praised Malala Yousafzai and prayed for her early recovery. Several functions, rallies and prayer ceremonies were held all over the country.

Malala rose to prominence after being nominated for the peace prize by the Dutch organisation Kids Rights Foundation for bravely writing against the atrocities of the Taliban militants when they were calling the shots in Swat valley. She wrote diaries for the BBC Urdu service under the pseudonym “Gul Makai”.

In her numerous interviews after receiving the awards, she spoke of her wish of playing an active role in politics after completing education. She was elected speaker of the Children’s Assembly, a forum organised by the UNICEF and the Khpal Kor, an educational institution for orphans in Mingora.

The Savages who call themselves as the TTP are nothing but animals. We will fight these savages by making education for all Pakistanis accessible. Lets fight the darkness spread by these savages by offering enlightenment.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3490440 said:
by your posts i think you are a false flagger anyway..

happy posting

What do you mean by "false flagger" ? You mean that i'm not French ?
End load shedding..
make life in Pakistan economically feasible and more than half of the problems including terrorism will vanish...I bet.
I guess this must be an act of Bad Taliban aka TTP but I always wonder why don't the so strong "Good Taliban" ever oppose the "Bad Taliban" who indulges in such acts and defame the noble and obviously good ones..

Anyways, I wish the brave little girl all the luck. May she stands on her feet yet again and fight these lunatics back!!
and above all what really annoys me is the loser mentality of our people..that includes all the way from Government to law enforcing agencies..
The concept is..

1. No Taliban Call can ever be identified and traced..

2. Taliban can appear out of nowhere,do what they want and disappear.

3. They always commit a perfect crime and never leave any clue,so there is no point in investigation..lets believe in an anonymous call.

4. Taliban have unfathomable resources "of their own" and no foreign hand is behind them.

5. Taliban are far better trained than our Army,and any other army in the world..and they train themselves.

I feel sorry for our nation who has mentally lost against them decades ago...
It's not the subject, but i think you are right. TTP are not targeted in Afghanistan probably because Haqqani are not targeted in North Waziristan, maybe it's like a revenge.

Its not true...TTP along with their Afghan taliban allies are targetted by NATO and ANA albeit not so frequently due to the distance between their power centers and border areas where these rats are hiding,Like Kunar for eg..There ANA used to have an outpost but TTP along with afghan talibans captured it..Although recaptured by NATO..Frequent night raids and hit and run attacks made it impossible to maintain..NATO withdrew and afghan taliban took over,And shelters TTP and AL quida there..
Taliban occupy abandoned US outpost in Kunar - The Long War Journal

Even then NATO air strikes are conducted now and then..
Have you ever heard of the word "Investigation"
Look it up in the dictionary..
There is no investigation in the world that gets concluded on an anonymous phone call...
Happens nowhere in the world except Pakistan...

TTP spokesperson Ihsanullah Ihsan have means of communications with Many Pak journalists and he is in position to deny Or conform the responsibility of incident attributed to TTP..They have in fact done so in one or two cases if i remember right.
The point is,If the anonymous call was made by someone else to blame TTP,they would have easily denied it via their communication channels or by secret press meeting like this:

TTp spokesperson Ihsanullah ihsan in a secret meeting with pak journalists on august 6,2012
^^ of course...very legit...

here every Email and text message can be traced all the way to source...But not a phone call from some reatarded yaboo ina jungle..
Or may be they are Geniuses..
If they are such invincible geniuses,why fight them..
Give up.
^^ of course...very legit...

here every Email and text message can be traced all the way to source...But not a phone call from some reatarded yaboo ina jungle..
Or may be they are Geniuses..
If they are such invincible geniuses,why fight them..
Give up.

Traced to what..?The callers DNA..?They can only be traced to the name under which sim card is registered and to the imei of the phones used..It wont take a genius to use sim with fake id and use second hand phones..May be their position can be roughly calculated based on tower but that is too vague to do anything.
As I said earlier,The main thing here is the fact that TTP and Afghan taliban have valid means to confirm or reject responsibility of any incident..If the anonymous call was made by some others to put blame on TTP,Their media wing would easily have denied responisbility..
Prayers are with this brave Pakistani girl , she had courage to do what many grown men could not do
How come the shameful Pakistan media-government and people only discuss and glorify Malala where as neglect and ignore to disucss other two girls that were also shot by TTP. How come the government and people are not praying for the helpless Pakistanis currently suffering because or disastrous floods. Many Malalas' and many new borns to many children between 1 year and 15 Years are suffering from hunger-diseases [a jihad against huger is taking place there by those little kids] due to floods and media-government-people are out of touch and deliberately choosing to ignore it. I was looking at footage people raising hand praying for Malala ignoring other two girls and ignoring flood victims; Tuely this is disgusting and shameful drama on every level of our society. Not to mention recently in sheik zaid hospital 17 new born died in a span of 72 hours did the movement bother-care to even take notice.

I will not comment any more on this Thread as it is really sad and unfair there are much much grave problems and situations currently and non has discussed it rather Malala is glorified even though personally I believe she is a brave young kid but still all other kids been ignored who died in floods in the past 4 Years, new borns ignored who died in sheik zaid hospital in a span of 72 Hrs, kids ignored who were accompanying Malala.
and above all what really annoys me is the loser mentality of our people..that includes all the way from Government to law enforcing agencies..
The concept is..

1. No Taliban Call can ever be identified and traced..

2. Taliban can appear out of nowhere,do what they want and disappear.

3. They always commit a perfect crime and never leave any clue,so there is no point in investigation..lets believe in an anonymous call.

4. Taliban have unfathomable resources "of their own" and no foreign hand is behind them.

5. Taliban are far better trained than our Army,and any other army in the world..and they train themselves.

I feel sorry for our nation who has mentally lost against them decades ago...

ab harain ge Insha'Allah

The entire Pakistani nation is rising up to understand the ground realities. Some of us always had soft corners for Talibans/Khawarjites in our society but now the entire nation is understanding the nature of barbarism, illiteracy and ignorance in Taliban. We have had multiple peace agreements with them in past and some of which were never honoured by them, we have had multiple operations against them in past but due to ambiguous policies of the government, only limited amount of success was achieved. Now for the first time ever, the nation is rising up to understand and fight against terrorism and I am very hopeful we will be able to fight this war on our own and fight it on such a large scale that it won't come back to us ever again.

For the first time in my life, I see PML-N (who was claimed to be Taliban sympathisers forever) is standing against them, for the first time in my life, I see almost every political party of pakistan except PTI are standing against them. Their followers/voters are also standing against them (against Talibans/khawarijites) and I wish, hope and pray that PTI would also co-operate with rest of the parties and help develop a national consensus in one point agenda to get rid of this menace and clean our country from these khawarjitees forever... right now Imran Khan is too busy masturbating on Nawaz Sharif everyday so once his lust is reduced to sanity level and he is back to normal politics of Pakistan, I am very hopeful his opinion will not be different to the rest of the country
ab harain ge Insha'Allah

The entire Pakistani nation is rising up to understand the ground realities. Some of us always had soft corners for Talibans/Khawarjites in our society but now the entire nation is understanding the nature of barbarism, illiteracy and ignorance in Taliban. We have had multiple peace agreements with them in past and some of which were never honoured by them, we have had multiple operations against them in past but due to ambiguous policies of the government, only limited amount of success was achieved. Now for the first time ever, the nation is rising up to understand and fight against terrorism and I am very hopeful we will be able to fight this war on our own and fight it on such a large scale that it won't come back to us ever again.

For the first time in my life, I see PML-N (who was claimed to be Taliban sympathisers forever) is standing against them, for the first time in my life, I see almost every political party of pakistan except PTI are standing against them. Their followers/voters are also standing against them (against Talibans/khawarijites) and I wish, hope and pray that PTI would also co-operate with rest of the parties and help develop a national consensus in one point agenda to get rid of this menace and clean our country from these khawarjitees forever... right now Imran Khan is too busy masturbating on Nawaz Sharif everyday so once his lust is reduced to sanity level and he is back to normal politics of Pakistan, I am very hopeful his opinion will not be different to the rest of the country

Zakki you Think "standing against" mean "fighting against". What is so special pml-n standing against TTP when Punjab is garh of punjabi taliban. Political Parties are not standing against any one they are merely passing drama condemning statements every now and then which is actually not "standing and fighting against". Where is in your life any political party standing to help flood-earth quake victims that are still suffering no where! Sorry Zakki but you are completely adrift here. Action is needed non has taken Action therefore standing up is nothing merely drama.
How come the shameful Pakistan media-government and people only discuss and glorify Malala where as neglect and ignore to disucss other two girls that were also shot by TTP.

Imagine if tomorrow, Parvez Musharraf, NS, IK, Zardari or the leader of any XYZ political party is shot along with his 2 security guards. The news is going to be "attempted murder on XYZ alongside his two drivers". XYZ is going to get the most attention. In this case Malala had got fame from all over the world and she was already a celebrity in Pakistan. So obviously she was going to get most spot light from the media and on top of that, she was the one who was attempted to be killed, other two girls are safe and they were not gunned down. The bullets were only fired towards malala and the rest of the two girls became victim of this incident
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