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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

So much press for this girl, but zero coverage of children killed by drones in the western media.

Does this mean if the US kills children it is justified, but if the Taliban do it its wrong?

We are against both.

However, the difference is that Malala is an activist and was specifically targeted for what she represents: a defiant rejection of TTP ideology. It is that aspect of her story which makes it special.
A TTP statement yesterday said that they didn't target her because she wanted education, but because she is a secular and is promoting secularism and liberalism!!!

Can't get more stupid than this folks!
TTP are rats ... its Pakistani who paid a very very dear price , a Gem like Malala does not come buy every day ... We are/were nearly on the verge of loosing her . I hope she recovers in full health ASAP and find out this nation have atleast a one point agenda i.e : talibans are the worst of all evils
A TTP statement yesterday said that they didn't target her because she wanted education, but because she is a secular and is promoting secularism and liberalism!!!

Can't get more stupid than this folks!

Next they're gonna say she was a CIA agent and a Jew. Theyre clutching onto straws to justify their heinous crime.
A letter to Malala

Dear Malala,

Today, our Mujahideen brothers are celebrating a great victory. We can hardly hear ourselves speak over the noise of their celebratory aerial firing. This is why I have decided instead, to write you a letter. Although, I do know that you are unable to read this letter presently, which also happens to be the reason for the celebrations taking place here today. However, I wish that this letter is only read to you in the case when after you wake, your memory remains unharmed. Though, that would be the most painful thing for me.

Today, our brave brothers are very happy as this is the greatest victory that they have won since Russia lost in Afghanistan. They told me that you are learning to read and write, which was a great threat to Islam and that you are working to promote secular ideology.

I do not know whether the definition of secularism taught in your schoolbooks is still atheism or not but I agree that your wish to learn to read and write constitutes as secularism. Our brothers speak little and usually do not clarify what they say as that is what the Shaheens do, returning and ambushing its prey. Conversation is the legacy of the foolish, not of the Mard-e-Momin. That is why after Khushhal Khan, Rehman Baba and Ghani Khan, we have either stopped doing this or left it to the few mad people who have taken refuge in some faraway camp.

I have also been informed that you were working for the US and liked the US President. My daughter, it is not only your fault, we are at fault too. We forgot to tell you that it was your duty to hate the Americans, especially Obama. You must understand that the beggar must always hate the one who gives him alms as that is a golden rule. It is on the basis of this very rule that a historical struggle to establish a new Islamic state is taking place at the moment. I am sure that from now on, you will not object to the completion of this beautiful dream.

I hope that you will awake from this deep sleep and our Shaheen brothers have promised that they will come to visit you once again. Like every true Muslim, these ghazis are true to their word. I pray that you attain exaltation from the wealth of faith that has been fixed upon you and remain safe from the curse of education and literacy so that our brothers are able to demonstrate the same mercy to you, which they were directed to display in regard to women and children some 1400 years ago. I am sending this letter through them because they will read the letter out to you in this situation. After all, education is their right.

The best part is that now you and our other daughters will all be safe within the four walls of the house and our brave brothers will be responsible for their protection. We will be rid of the “Hindu” rituals of our weddings and at the attainment of adolescence at the age decided in Islam, these brave men will be present for a second marriage to any believing girl.

What else do you want? Why do you insist on obtaining an education? After all, you and all those daughters of this country who have obtained some education, why can’t you all lose your memory and continue to live, just like the characters of our films? What can be a greater jihad than if what happens in our films starts happening in real life too, and then we could permanently get rid of these films as well? If you continue to behave stubbornly, it will be very difficult for me to save you. If circumstances permitted, then I would have sent you to China to study as that is the only place deemed suitable to gain an education in Islam, but the challenges given by our Shaheen brothers has produced such a pandemonium there, thus revealing the true nature of these infidels’ pledges of friendship to us. Now those cowardly Chinese are not only scared of our brothers but also our daughters.

It is such a happy occasion that the hellish gate of education has also closed upon you. All I hope for now is that when you wake, you are unable to read this letter. That will be the best for everyone; our Shaheen brothers, yours, as well as of all the fathers of daughters like me.

May Allah keep you safe from knowledge and memory and enrich you with the happiness of good, noble deeds.
May god punish those Talibs. And i hope may god give Pakistan those people/leaders who arrange a meeting between the Talibs and God - very very slowly.
May god punish those Talibs. And i hope may god give Pakistan those people/leaders who arrange a meeting between the Talibs and God - very very slowly.

I believe biggest punishment one can get in their life is departure without shroud and grave, and these orcs go without them. And of course curse, a bonus.
Declare stand or be exposed, Altaf warns religious leaders

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain has called on religious leaders in Pakistan to issue a condemnation of the Taliban attack on Malala Yousafzai within 24 hours, Express News reported on Thursday.

Hussain further threatened to ‘expose’ the ulemas on October 14 if they fail to make their stand on this issue public.

The MQM chief had termed the incident “blatant terrorism” and called for the perpetrators behind the act to be brought to justice. He appealed to the president, prime minister and Interior Minister Rehman Malik to take serious notice of the attack and take action against those involved.

The 14-year-old child activist from Swat was attacked by armed men on October 9 when she was on her way home from school.

An outspoken critic of the Taliban and vociferous proponent of female education, Malala won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat with a blog for the BBC three years ago when militants, led by radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah, burned girls’ schools in the valley.
This is the great problem.

Why expose them if they don't agree with your demands? Why not expose a bad character anyway earlier?

Same is the case with Rehman Malik, he always harps about exposing PML and everything, but why not do it before? Why not bring out the bad characters, so that people know about it, rather than hiding them and keeping them secret? Wouldn't that be more beneficial to Pakistan.
Malala shifted to Rawalpindi

PESHAWAR: Malala Yousufzai has been shifted to the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) in Rawalpindi from the Combined Military Hospital here for further treatment.

"Her condition is not yet out of danger despite improvement. She is being shifted to Rawalpindi," Masood Kausar, the governor of the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, told reporters.

According to the DG ISPR Asim Bajwa, doctors recommended that AFIC has better facilities for post-surgery care

The decision to shift Malala to Rawalpindi was made by a panel of Pakistani and British doctors.

Neurosurgeon Colonel Junaid told reporters that the next 10-15 days are critical for Malala.

Doctors were successful in removing a bullet which pierced Malala’s head and was lodged in her shoulder on Wednesday. Following the operation, Malala remains unconscious and is being kept in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik and KP information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain told reporters on Thursday that Malala would not be sent abroad for treatment as her condition was improving.

Malala along with two other students were shot outside their school on Tuesday in an attack claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Malala won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat three years ago, when militants led by radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah burned girls' schools and terrorised the valley.

Her struggle resonated with tens of thousands of girls who were being denied an education by militants across northwest Pakistan, where the government has been fighting local Taliban since 2007.

Malala shifted to Rawalpindi - thenews.com.pk
This is the great problem.
Why expose them if they don't agree with your demands? Why not expose a bad character anyway earlier?

Dont you know one is declared kafir , infidel & traitor if you try and accuse clerics in Pakistan ?
Dont you know one is declared kafir , infidel & traitor if you try and accuse clerics in Pakistan ?

Sab chalta hai idhar!

It's high time we find a difference between a Imam and a Aalim.
PESHAWAR: The banned militant organisation Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which claimed responsibility of shooting 14-year-old peace activist Malala Yousafzai in the head, issued a statement Wednesday, using Islamic Shariah to defend the attack.

In the statement sent out by TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan from an undisclosed location, the banned outfit said that although they do not believe in attacking women, “whom so ever leads a campaign against Islam and Shariah is ordered to be killed by Shariah.”

The assassination attempt on the life of the young National Peace Award winner has drawn widespread condemnation from the government, political parties and civil society groups, terming it a bid to silent voice for peace and education.

The statement says that it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”

Malala had won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat with a blog for the BBC three years ago, when the Islamist militants burned girls’ schools and terrorised the valley.

Her struggle resonated with tens of thousands of girls who were being denied an education by the militants across northwest Pakistan, where the government has been fighting the local Taliban since 2007.

The Taliban statement further challenges – with Quranic and religious references – condemnation of the assassination attempt on the tender-aged girl, adding that it is a clear command of Shariah that any female playing a role in “war against mujahideen” should be killed.

“If anyone argues that she was female, and then we can see the incident of killing of wife by a blind companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because she used to say demeaning words for the Prophet and the Prophet praised that act,” it argues equating the TTP act with that of a the prophet’s companion.

The statement goes on to defend the attack with a reference from the time of Hazrat Khizar, a revered figure in Islamic history who was described as a righteous servant of God and endowed with the qualities of unmatched wisdom and mystic power.

“If anyone argues about her young age, then the story of Hazrat Khizar in the Quran (states that) while traveling with Prophet Musa (AS), (he) killed a child. Arguing about the reason of his killing, he said that the parents of this child were pious and in the future he (the child) would cause a bad name for them,” adds the statement.

Malala Yousufzai, who was also nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize by advocacy group KidsRights Foundation in 2011, had raised her voice against the militants’ ban on and threats against education for women in Swat.

The Taliban spokesman defends the education-ban in the statement, saying: “Tehrik-i-Taliban’s crime wasn’t that they banned education for girls. Instead, our crime was that we tried to bring education system for both boys and girls under Shariah. We are against co-education and secular education system, and Shariah orders us to be against it.”

The statement further defends the assassination attempt, blaming the media for spreading “propaganda against Taliban mujahideen with their poisonous tongues.”

“If anyone thinks that Malala was targeted because of education, that is absolutely wrong, and propaganda of media. Malala was targeted because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism and so called enlightened moderation. And whomsoever will commit so in future too will be targeted again by TTP,” it adds.

Taliban use Islamic Shariah to defend Malala attack | DAWN.COM
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