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Malala, Pakistan, and Israel

Many Pakistanis living in America, too glorify Mullahs, MB, and Islamism in general.

It is easy that way. You have lights on, food on the table, peace everywhere

Why not have these dreams of Islamism when stomach is full and no one is threatening your life or your loved ones life.

But once you live in and Islamist hell, then the things change.

Just like some Americans used to admire Communism until they had to go live in one of the commie hells.


Depends what you consider an Islamist society, I would be fine living in Gaza because it mimics Palestinian society and culture long before Hamas came in power. In Gaza they are generally a little more conservative but there's room for liberals as well.

Although in the political and military fields I wouldn't say they shine. This is where the Islamists take a big role.

Pakistan Islamists, depends on which certain ones are far from what we call Palestinian Islamists.

As for me, don't think I'm some long bearded guy who thinks life there is better than here. I'm the opposite I acknowledge things are better here. And I get around just fine with the 'cool' kids and girls.

At the same time I keep a balance in my life with religion. It's just I also enjoy following overseas politics because it's a crisis situation there and I have family I worry about and the people's dignity all over the world needs recognition and respect. I know what's good for them and follow those current events.

So don't confuse me with someone like that, I may have been like that when I was younger but as you go through through college the world comes alive to you and you realize we are similar in many ways. So I think things should get better for people around the world and the problem is worldwide economic and political interests get in the way and poor people have to suffer.


Home Israel Resource Review
An open letter to Malala Yousafzai from Bassem Eid, a Palestinian Human Rights Activist
- 18 Kislev 5775 (December 10, 2014)

Dear Malala

We hear that you are receiving the Nobel Peace Prize today in honor of your activity for peace in Pakistan.

I congratulate you for your courage and for not being afraid to fight radical Islam in your nation.

I write this as a proud fellow Muslem.

As I know how how difficult it is with so many obstacles in your way , we need to support you and we are very proud of you.

I also appreciate your decision to contribute your prize to the children of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, because they really need your help.

I must tell you that if you want to make such a donation, please do so in person and not through UNRWA ( the UN Relief and Works Agency )

If you send funds through UNRWA, Palestinian refugee children will never benefit from it, because UNRWA funds in Gaza wind up in the hands of Radical Islam.

You are personally invited to my home and my community in Jerusalem.

We will organize a trip for you to travel to Gaza to meet children there and to help you contribute your prize directly to children who need your help.

In peace,

Bassem Eid

Human Rights Activist, Political Analyst and Commentator on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict & on Internal Palestinian Politics.

Address: POB 19918

Jerusalem 91198

Solomon2 note: A longer version of this letter is available on Ynet: link
While I disagree with certain propaganda portions of this article (and there are plenty), I have to ultimately agree with the author! The absolute worst flaw about Pakistan is the lack of education, and it manifests itself in many unpleasant ways. While the author seems to attacks Islam; I say imbeciles have even corrupted religion in Pakistan. A very unfortunate situation.

The question is what good has her action brought to the swat valley or Pakistan in large. All I see is personal gains and nothing for the cause she claims to represent.

Her book did more damage than good for Pakistan.

Her book did virtually nothing 'bad'. Pakistan has almost no good reputation to begin with, so it could never be damaged.
...The absolute worst flaw about Pakistan is the lack of education, and it manifests itself in many unpleasant ways -
I fear that if Pakistani citizens lack the courage to push for change in moral values the further disintegration or tyrannization of the state is inevitable.

For as Pakistan becomes more "Islamicized" democratic values are increasingly suppressed, while the increasingly wealth and disparities between rich and poor plus the nuclear arsenal of the State make its conquest a greater and greater prize. As debate becomes more intense lessening freedom of speech and growing hubris make compromises impossible. Combined with polls that suggest Islamicization also makes being a Pakistani less important than being a Muslim, civic responsibilities outside local society disappears.


Home Israel Resource Review
An open letter to Malala Yousafzai from Bassem Eid, a Palestinian Human Rights Activist
- 18 Kislev 5775 (December 10, 2014)

Dear Malala

We hear that you are receiving the Nobel Peace Prize today in honor of your activity for peace in Pakistan.

I congratulate you for your courage and for not being afraid to fight radical Islam in your nation.

I write this as a proud fellow Muslem.

As I know how how difficult it is with so many obstacles in your way , we need to support you and we are very proud of you.

I also appreciate your decision to contribute your prize to the children of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, because they really need your help.

I must tell you that if you want to make such a donation, please do so in person and not through UNRWA ( the UN Relief and Works Agency )

If you send funds through UNRWA, Palestinian refugee children will never benefit from it, because UNRWA funds in Gaza wind up in the hands of Radical Islam.

You are personally invited to my home and my community in Jerusalem.

We will organize a trip for you to travel to Gaza to meet children there and to help you contribute your prize directly to children who need your help.

In peace,

Bassem Eid

Human Rights Activist, Political Analyst and Commentator on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict & on Internal Palestinian Politics.

Address: POB 19918

Jerusalem 91198

Solomon2 note: A longer version of this letter is available on Ynet: link
Old propaganda by Israel a nation which will be wiped out sooner or later
I fear that if Pakistani citizens lack the courage to push for change in moral values the further disintegration or tyrannization of the state is inevitable.

For as Pakistan becomes more "Islamicized" democratic values are increasingly suppressed, while the increasingly wealth and disparities between rich and poor plus the nuclear arsenal of the State make its conquest a greater and greater prize. As debate becomes more intense lessening freedom of speech and growing hubris make compromises impossible. Combined with polls that suggest Islamicization also makes being a Pakistani less important than being a Muslim, civic responsibilities outside local society disappears.
@Horus who is this delusional guy? This chap is not even funny.

I fear that if.......blah blah as if he is a friend of pakistan.

@ All PDFers this guy is a jew. And their race is famous for fraud even in their own USA. These people try to deceive everyone but none now cares for them.
@Horus who is this delusional guy? This chap is not even funny.

I fear that if.......blah blah as if he is a friend of pakistan.

@ All PDFers this guy is a jew. And their race is famous for fraud even in their own USA. These people try to deceive everyone but none now cares for them.

So what if he is jew??

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