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Malala, Pakistan, and Israel

Let me clarify.

Malala's book is not banned anywhere. My nephews and nieces go to private schools and they have plenty of copies available in schools and in book stores. I can't vouch for 40,00000 private school (give or take few zeros, who cares about zeros anyway :lol:) as that is a too large of a number, but I can certainly say based on my experience that OP has written this purely based on sensational news.

This author should have checked the facts before writing the essay.

The author probably didn't provide a link because Google search is quick and easy: Malala book ban: link1, link2

Both FaujHistorian and MacEoin can be correct in the specific facts they cite but may be incorrect in their extrapolations [induction] to the general case. It's an annoying thing one has to watch out for in Anglo-oriented thinking.

Contrast this with the French approach to logic which is to pronounce the general case first, then deduce specifics. The French report the book is banned in thousands of Pakistani schools: link
The author probably didn't provide a link because Google search is quick and easy: Malala book ban: link1, link2

Both FaujHistorian and MacEoin can be correct in the specific facts they cite but may be incorrect in their extrapolations [induction] to the general case. It's an annoying thing one has to watch out for in Anglo-oriented thinking.

Contrast this with the French approach to logic which is to pronounce the general case first, then deduce specifics. The French report the book is banned in thousands of Pakistani schools: link

Look Solomon bro!

I did read the original news in Pak news papers and listened to it right here on Pakistani TVs.

Next day I was at my nephew's school and assumed that the news was true.

So I made a point to show up in school's head master's office to make a protest.

He immediately walked me to the school library and showed me multiple copies of Malala book. I kind of felt bad for jumping the proverbial gun.

So the idea is to hear a piece of news and then verify it via secondary sources.

Why did the guy who heads the private school association make the statement.

One can only speculate as I have not had time to go pay a visit.

My speculation is that private schools in Pakistan had to post armed gaurds during the hight of Tali-barbarian control up North. I have seen those times with my own eyes and it was damn scary.

Even though Talibarbarians were 100s of miles away they could still send Palestinian style suicide bombers to the private schools . From then on, private schools have made sure to make "defensive statements" to save their students from Talibarbarian attacks.

Perhaps the statement against the book was one such pathetic effort.

As a I said it is mere speculation on my part as I have not double checked it by talking directly to the guy who made the statement.

But it doesn't take away the burden on you or the OP to fact check a statement before latching on to it, just because it sounds good.

So I urge you to do your home work or at least listen to someone who has done it for you.

Thank you.
Look Solomon bro!
I did read the original news in Pak news papers and listened to it right here on Pakistani TVs.
Next day I was at my nephew's school and assumed that the news was true.
So I made a point to show up in school's head master's office to make a protest.
He immediately walked me to the school library and showed me multiple copies of Malala book. I kind of felt bad for jumping the proverbial gun.
Good job!

Why did the guy who heads the private school association make the statement.
One can only speculate as I have not had time to go pay a visit. My speculation is that private schools in Pakistan had to post armed gaurds during the hight of Tali-barbarian control up North. I have seen those times with my own eyes and it was damn scary.

Even though Talibarbarians were 100s of miles away they could still send Palestinian style suicide bombers to the private schools . From then on, private schools have made sure to make "defensive statements" to save their students from Talibarbarian attacks. Perhaps the statement against the book was one such pathetic effort.
Which means you are losing the ideological battle, does it not?

But it doesn't take away the burden on you or the OP to fact check a statement before latching on to it, just because it sounds good.
The story is correct in that an official reported the book banned. That this doesn't mean it really was banned is the sort of twisty logic Westerners don't appreciate.
I am a Pakistani and i say **** malala!
Seriously, this is the language you use for a 14 yr girl shot in head ?

We all understand children are killed in Pakistan but don't take our anger on another victim and say this pathetic words.
Good job!
Appreciate that.

You must realize that my effort to check on the facts about Malala was much deeper than simply a way to get a pat on the back from someone sitting 1000s of miles away.


Which means you are losing the ideological battle, does it not?
Hope you understand our predicament if I gave you an example based on history from your neck of the woods.

Did US government of Abe Lincoln lose ideological battle with slave owning state. No.
Was Abe Lincoln successful in passing a legislation for emancipation of slaves. Yes.
Were all the aspects of that legislation valid after his assassination? No
Did US struggle for another 100 years (1860s to 1960s) to finally pass bill of rights for ex-slaves. Yes.

So my dear,

sometimes you must understand that ideological struggles are not won or lost in 5 years. Sometimes it takes century or two.

Hope we don't have wait for that long to end the Tali-barbarianism.

The story is correct in that an official reported the book banned. That this doesn't mean it really was banned is the sort of twisty logic Westerners don't appreciate.

I have studied American civil war, WW1 and WW2, then Korean war and Vietnam war, and I can tell you a lot of twisty logics on the ideological issues such as slavery, on holocaust, on communism. Don't get me started on this self proclaimed Western thingy.

How many people in America supported Hitler even though they new $hit well that he is gassing and murdering innocent Jews?

How many?

Did the mainstream American media report all those dastardly acts correctly? or there was lot of hemming and hawing?

This is just to say that we all have issues, and we all make twist and turns.

Please come down the high horse and you may get to see the reality.

Thank you.
sometimes you must understand that ideological struggles are not won or lost in 5 years. Sometimes it takes century or two.
I do. I also know ideological struggles aren't won if they aren't fought.

Hope we don't have wait for that long to end the Tali-barbarianism.
The Germans' neo-barbarianism could not wait for internal reform; other nations had to gang together to end it. The German military, which could have acted, felt itself bound by its oath of loyalty; the civilians were bound by popular enthusiasm and fear.

I have studied American civil war, WW1 and WW2, then Korean war and Vietnam war, and I can tell you a lot of twisty logics on the ideological issues such as slavery, on holocaust, on communism. Don't get me started on this self proclaimed Western thingy.
I don't doubt you and I'd probably love to read such a perspective written by an outsider as well informed as yourself.

Had the Germans fought the ideological battle against the Nazis earlier and actively valued individual freedom over order and tyranny and loyalty oaths they might have suffered from civil conflict but not from the mass bombings of cities and the slaughter on battlefields and under oceans that cost the lives of over four million Germans as well as the thirty million plus non-German victims of Nazism.

How many people in America supported Hitler even though they new $hit well that he is gassing and murdering innocent Jews? How many? Did the mainstream American media report all those dastardly acts correctly? or there was lot of hemming and hawing?
When the truth started coming out it was not reported by the mainstream media in continuous detail. Partly from horror and disbelief, partly from lack of sources, and partly through ideological bent of the media. All Roosevelt would promise U.S. Jewish leaders was that those Germans guilty of war crimes would be prosecuted. He and Churchill refused to bomb the extermination camps (they knew the exact locations from aerial reconnaissance photographs) on the grounds that this would detract from winning the war. To their lasting shame, U.S. Jewish leaders accepted this.

Perhaps in their ignorance of military matters they did not realize the speciousness of the argument. It wasn't necessarily that allied bombs had other targets, for as the invasion of Europe progressed and Nazi Europe shrank and was destroyed there were fewer targets to be bombed. The reason appears to be darker than that: in their last paroxysm of evil, the Nazis diverted transport from war materiel to accelerate shipping Jews to the gas chambers. Allied bombing of camps or their railways could have reversed that decision.

Thus innocent Jews died so that Allied and Russian soldiers could advance a bit quicker and take German prisoners faster. Jews' lives ranked lower than even the cannon fodder of Soviet penal battalions, whose inmates were forced into battle to attack German tanks with mere hand grenades and wire cutters.

By contrast, when it appeared sensible to temporarily pull back the front line in France to better isolate some German divisions from their supply lines Churchill refused on the grounds that the Nazis would certainly take murderous revenge upon all French civilians in the area before they were defeated. (He might have been wrong, for once the Germans realized Nazism was headed for the dustbin of history they stopped obeying orders that they feared could be considered crimes. Hence Hitler's last order, to slay all war prisoners, was not obeyed.)

Please come down the high horse and you may get to see the reality.
I probably can't do so from here. Yet the "high horse" - the view from a distance - also gives valuable perspective. One may feel the tempest yet without a weather satellite fail to see that one has entered a hurricane.
I do. I also know ideological struggles aren't won if they aren't fought.

While we do have idiot politicians from parties like PTI and JI who are creating confusion among masses
so as to sap their resolve to take on the Tali-barbarians.

We do have 1000s upon 1000s of Pakistanis who are willing to do everything in order to destroy the barbarians. Malala happens to be just one among millions like her.

Just keep the faith.

I like the majority of Pakistanis are proud of Malla Yousufzai. She is a brave girl and has been positively campaigning for the plight of girls and children's right to education in the whole world and not just Pakistan. Now she is not perfect, maybe she has made a comment or written somethings which she should not have, but it is alright we know that no one is perfect.
Also, the questions of Palestinians hating Pakistanis is irrelevant in condemning Israel for the atrocitis done to the Palestinians.
Israel has been perpetrating atrocities for decades on the Palestinians and as human beings we are compelled to support the Palestinians rights and support them. If the leaders supported our enemy, we cannot and should not condemn the people for it.
Oh god give it a rest not everything’s about Israel
Also, the questions of Palestinians hating Pakistanis is irrelevant in condemning Israel for the atrocitis done to the Palestinians.

Who can question that stance bhai sahib. Who could in their right mind.

But then

you must condemn atrocities committed by Palestinians, sucide bomboing etc. Don't try to push that aspect under the rug

you must condemn atrocities committed by Bashar Assad, Hizbullah, Iranians, etc. who happen to be in the same region and commit perhaps 1000 times worse atrocities.

But unfortunately I don't see that. Repeatedly the attack is on Jews and Israel. And that is one sided deal.
Seriously, this is the language you use for a 14 yr girl shot in head ?

We all understand children are killed in Pakistan but don't take our anger on another victim and say this pathetic words.
Okay in hindsight the choice of words was wrong, but i ask you Krait why not... Whatever happened to freedom of speech KRAIT? People use crass language on the interwebs everyday, some even use it for the likes of Prophet Mohammed PBUB and Jesus Christ... Why is Malala immune?

Regarding children getting shot in Pakistan everyday, your damn right on that one. The problem with me is, i have seen over a thousand people like Malala, or more worthy of praise but they don't get any coverage because you know " there is no political mileage to be milked from it".

If these cases too got the same level of coverage or publicity then i would be peachy, but right now i got a case of the blues. And like i have stated, i was working in SWAT pre and post mullah radio and there were plenty of brave girls just like her...

The only reason she has been cherry picked is because of her father's work with STC and BBC NEWS | South Asia | Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl

The other reason i dislike the Malala campaign, is because in 2012/13 she was used to promote voter awareness.... Are you kidding me? your 14 love... Go read some Keats and leave the politics to fat pedos in shalwar kameez.

But like i conceded with @FaujHistorian, one voice is better than none. Doesn't mean i have to like it :P

Thank you and hope you understand, deep down i am just a bitter old fart that has seen too much bs in his life.
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Okay in hindsight the choice of words was wrong, but i ask you Krait why not... Whatever happened to freedom of speech KRAIT? People use crass language on the interwebs everyday, some even use it for the likes of Prophet Mohammed PBUB and Jesus Christ... Why is Malala immune?

Regarding children getting shot in Pakistan everyday, your damn right on that one. The problem with me is, i have seen over a thousand people like Malala, or more worthy of praise but they don't get any coverage because you know " there is no political mileage to be milked from it".

If these cases too got the same level of coverage or publicity then i would be peachy, but right now i got a case of the blues. And like i have stated, i was working in SWAT pre and post mullah radio and there were plenty of brave girls just like her...

The only reason she has been cherry picked is because of her father's work with STC and BBC NEWS | South Asia | Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl

The other reason i dislike the Malala campaign, is because in 2012/13 she was used to promote voter awareness.... Are you kidding me? your 14 love... Go read some Keats and leave the politics to fat pedos in shalwar kameez.

But like i conceded with @FaujHistorian, one voice is better than none. Doesn't mean i have to like it :P

Thank you and hope you understand, deep down i am just a bitter old fart that has seen too much bs in his life.
Sir I know about your work and I always respect you for this. I know you are free to say whatever you want but crass language used just because some idiots do that, is not an excuse. You are far far better than these people who havent seen the blood and gore of the war and dont know other unknown innocent people killed.I have same pain for every innocent killed.
I dont like these pedos in kameez so we should target these not a girl.
Question is? Do Palestinians love Pakistan?

Sad answer is NO. I mean big no, HUGE no, HUMONGOUS forking NO.

Palestinians from the early days of Yes Sir are Fat (I mean Yaser Arafat Marhoom), have always sat in the lap of Indians.

So dare I say that some Pakistanis have a one-sided love affair going with Palestinians that is OK at personal level, but we can't afford to have personal love affair trumping our national interest.


p.s. The more we emphasize this Pakistani-Pali one sided love affair, the more we prove the incorrect logic of OP to be correct.

What do you mean by love? Loving a country is more nationalist, we in Islam don't have these nationalist feelings.

And way to portray one side, a secular side.
Who can question that stance bhai sahib. Who could in their right mind.

But then

you must condemn atrocities committed by Palestinians, sucide bomboing etc. Don't try to push that aspect under the rug

you must condemn atrocities committed by Bashar Assad, Hizbullah, Iranians, etc. who happen to be in the same region and commit perhaps 1000 times worse atrocities.

But unfortunately I don't see that. Repeatedly the attack is on Jews and Israel. And that is one sided deal.

Actually I dont support suicide bombings. But I can understand why they do it. . Palestinians dont have any weapons to fight. They have been butchered many times by Israelis. They dont have any state. Many have been living as refugees in other countries.
So if a Palestinian goes and kills some Israelis by suicide bombing, it is because he has lost all hope and is taking revenge. If we were in their shoes. I dont know what we would have done. Lets thank God that we are not in their shoes.
I have lived in UAE for more than 28 years, and I have met a lot of Palestinians there and most of them were very arrogant and not good muslims and did not like Pakistanis. The feeling was mutual. But still I feel sorry for the innocent children that have been killed deliberately by Israelis.
One Palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 13 years
Tuesday, 04 June 2013
Official statistics from the Ministry of Information in Ramallah have revealed that 1,518 Palestinian children were killed by Israel's occupation forces from the outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000 up to April 2013. That's the equivalent of one Palestinian child killed by Israel every 3 days for almost 13 years. The ministry added that the number of children injured by the Israelis since the start of the Second Intifada against Israel's occupation has now reached 6,000.

"The International Day for the Protection of Children is on June 1," said a spokesman, "but Palestinian children are still subject to attacks by the Israelis and Jewish settlers on an almost daily basis."

Noting that 2012 saw an unprecedented rise in the number of children arrested by Israeli forces, the report pointed out that 9,000 Palestinians under 18 years old have been arrested since the end of September 2000. Almost half of the Palestinian population is under 18. Almost two hundred and fifty Palestinian minors are being held in prison by Israel; 47 of them are children under 16 years of age.

© The Middle East Monitor 2013. All rights reserved.

Israeli-Ukrainian soldier admits on TV she killed Palestinian Children

Elena Zakusilo, an Ukrainian young women, decided at her young age to leave Ukraine and go to serve in the Israeli military. On November 4th, she participated in Ukrainian TV game show, “Lie detector” The [URL='http://www.stb.ua/']Ukrainian version
of “The moment of truth”. Contestants (connected to a truth detector) answer a series of personal and embarrassing questions to receive cash prizes. During the show she reveals horrible information on her military service.

Zakusilo admits killing Palestinians including Palestinian children. She answers the question “did you kill people” with “yes”.. she explains “we had to fire, had to kill, because it was either they [get] us, or we – them.”

Host: Did you happen to shoot at children?

Elena: Yes.

Host: How many people did you kill?

Elena: I don’t know.

She answers another question “are you willing to go back to Israel and continue killing enemies?” with “Yes” too.

Zakusilo justifies killing Palestinian children by repeating the same Israeli propagandists’ mantra of “terrorists”, “their mother sends them to die”. and “for them its normal” to lose their children.

Source:Blog at WordPress.com. The Morning After Theme

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