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Making Israelis into Monsters

They had history of genocide in all over the world and they proud of it; still they are doing called Jihad.

Prove it....

do not come with rants and accusations..give us facts and figures

you guys are good at linking political trouble with islam...although the said riot or trouble had nothing to do with islam
so are islamics...... for the genocide of 80 million Hindu ..sikhs... infact, israelis are the only ones who gave you a bloody nose for centuries of plundering of our wealth and division of our lands....

and from where you came up with this number?
Why do you guys love Israel so much? It doesnt matter who is being victimized. Wrong is wrong and the Israelis have been guilty of genocide. We know how the western press can twist the truth and people like you fall for it. Wake up and smell the coffee guys. We dont need to make Israelis into monsters. THEY ALREADY ARE.

Before i answer the question, let me ask u the one. Why do u love the Palestinians so much?neither ae they ur neighbours nor are u guys genetically from the same race?
Before i answer the question, let me ask u the one. Why do u love the Palestinians so much?neither ae they ur neighbours nor are u guys genetically from the same race?

Its not only Muslims...its also non Muslims round the world supporting them..
You know why? because they are being deprived of their right of life by Israel...Blockaders...concrete walls...driving them out of their homes..cutting their water and electricity...not letting food and medicines enter their territory..these are Just a few things Israel been doing to them....
So our support is also humanitarian..not just religious.
and from where you came up with this number?

do some research in history on persecution of hindus and sikhs, by the those retarded arabs and iranians during their invasions of medieval india....muslims were spared ....while other religions were either told to convert or to face death ..... and thousands were enslaved and brought to central asia....

i wont go deep but just a simple short example ..the mountain range Hindu Koh meaning Indian mountain was renamed Hindu Kush (Hindu-killer) when one cold night in the reign of some retarded arab, a hundred thousand Hindu slaves died there ,while on the way of transport to Central Asia.....

and this was just the tip of iceberg ...
do some research in history on persecution of hindus and sikhs, by the those retarded arabs and iranians during their invasions of medieval india....muslims were spared ....while other religions were either told to convert or to face death .....

so you are talking about a thousand year ago?
that depends on whos book you are reading....
Islam was never imposed..it was preached and people converted to islam because they were impressed by the character of arabs and the treatment they got from them,,,which was always way better then their existing rulers...

Put it this way....why Americans went to topple saddam hussain? because they said saddam is mistreating his people and that gives us the right to go over to Iraq and forcibly end his government..

Something similar was done by the Arabs of that time.....If they had reports that certain king is mistreating his people..they would go over and rescue the people from a tyrant and then present Islam to them..Although converting to Islam was an option..
If you agree with America going 10,000 miles away to Iraq and saying that we are here to rescue people of Iraq from a tyrant...you shouldn't frown at Arabs of that era doing the same..
do some research in history on persecution of hindus and sikhs, by the those retarded arabs and iranians during their invasions of medieval india....muslims were spared ....while other religions were either told to convert or to face death ..... and thousands were enslaved and brought to central asia....

i wont go deep but just a simple short example ..the mountain range Hindu Koh meaning Indian mountain was renamed Hindu Kush (Hindu-killer) when one cold night in the reign of some retarded arab, a hundred thousand Hindu slaves died there ,while on the way of transport to Central Asia.....

and this was just the tip of iceberg ...

Dont chicken away mate...if you are claiming this to be a historic fact..post links...simple accusations wont do any good..
and for your info we are in 2011..talking about an existing tyrant called Israel..we are not on about changez khan..that needs another thread....But anyway..if you want to go that way..prove your argument with facts and post authentic links...
While Palestinians were burnt alive by phosphorous bombs...there Israelis were enjoying the scene....

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so you are talking about a thousand year ago?
that depends on whos book you are reading....
Islam was never imposed..it was preached and people converted to islam because they were impressed by the character of arabs and the treatment they got from them,,,which was always way better then their existing rulers...

Put it this way....why Americans went to topple saddam hussain? because they said saddam is mistreating his people and that gives us the right to go over to Iraq and forcibly end his government..

Something similar was done by the Arabs of that time.....If they had reports that certain king is mistreating his people..they would go over and rescue the people from a tyrant and then present Islam to them..Although converting to Islam was an option..
If you agree with America going 10,000 miles away to Iraq and saying that we are here to rescue people of Iraq from a tyrant...you shouldn't frown at Arabs of that era doing the same..

look bro you are muslim.....i respect that fact .....infact you are one of good posters among them,but dont justify those cruelties....infact those arabs have mentioned this in their war journals
Timur conquered Delhi from another Muslim ruler, he recorded in his journal that he made sure his pillaging soldiers spared the Muslim quarter, while in the Hindu areas, they took "twenty slaves each.
.. and there are several other historical reviews are also present

.but here is the thing no one invited those arabs to hindustan...they came because of the enormous wealth our forefathers(that includes yours as well)
..india and china were the economic powerhouse of whole world at that time ......just the way, we want to run to usa nowadays ...at that time everyone wanted to go to india ...
infact columbus who founded america was actually in search of india at that time ....
even after those invasions and plundering our people were rich infact manmohan singh said this few years ago
As the painstaking statistical work of the Cambridge historian Angus Maddison has shown, India's share of world income collapsed from 22.6% in 1700, almost equal to Europe's share of 23.3% at that time, to as low as 3.8% in 1952. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th Century, "the brightest jewel in the British Crown" was the poorest country in the world in terms of per capita income

and as far as iraq war is concerned, i never supported it .....
Dont chicken away mate...if you are claiming this to be a historic fact..post links...simple accusations wont do any good..
and for your info we are in 2011..talking about an existing tyrant called Israel..we are not on about changez khan..that needs another thread....But anyway..if you want to go that way..prove your argument with facts and post authentic links...
no one is running away ....and..i fully support israeli and americans......arabs only understand the language of guns.....thank god we have someone like israel to teach them a lesson ...
Yes india was a treasure trove at that time..But muslims who came initially were mainly sufis and prechers who had nothing to do with wealth of this world..
since you are talking historical facts i guess you have knowledge of islamic history..
Didnt you read about the original four Caliphs of islam? they lived on wages from the state and lived the lives the poorest of their subjects..
Omar was always found resting under a tree when foreign deligates came to meet him..although they thought that the king of arabia and half of africa must be living in a palace..but Omar lived in a mud house and wore old torn clothes..
Would you disagree if i say that Moghuls made india ONE from MANY and united india...saving people from bloody wars between dozens of small states that existed before the Moghuls...and moghuls were muslims...
So it was not all evil...

Oh well..i should go now...its been a long day of fasting..18 hours for us in UK..One more hour and i will be stuffing my face :)

And you may suport or reject whoever you want..thats your personal choice ;)
Yes india was a treasure trove at that time..But muslims who came initially were mainly sufis and prechers who had nothing to do with wealth of this world..
since you are talking historical facts i guess you have knowledge of islamic history..
Didnt you read about the original four Caliphs of islam? they lived on wages from the state and lived the lives the poorest of their subjects..
Omar was always found resting under a tree when foreign deligates came to meet him..although they thought that the king of arabia and half of africa must be living in a palace..but Omar lived in a mud house and wore old torn clothes..
Would you disagree if i say that Moghuls made india ONE from MANY and united india...saving people from bloody wars between dozens of small states that existed before the Moghuls...and moghuls were muslims...
So it was not all evil...

Oh well..i should go now...its been a long day of fasting..18 hours for us in UK..One more hour and i will be stuffing my face :)

And you may suport or reject whoever you want..thats your personal choice ;)
some mughals like akbar and some other were really secular and we admire them ....and sikhs ands sufis used to get along well ...
infact the foundation stone of golden temple was laid by sai mia mir.....but i really dont like other invaders from iran and arab nations...but guess what everyone is entitled to their own opinion ...and i respect that fact ..byye take care
Its not only Muslims...its also non Muslims round the world supporting them..
You know why? because they are being deprived of their right of life by Israel...Blockaders...concrete walls...driving them out of their homes..cutting their water and electricity...not letting food and medicines enter their territory..these are Just a few things Israel been doing to them....
So our support is also humanitarian..not just religious.

What do you think of your Pakistan army being a part of Black September, the single biggest mass murdering of Palestenians? Pakistanis have no moral right to talk about Palestine when your army was involved in massacring more Palestinians than Israelis. That's why Palestinians hate Pakistanis.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
comparing kitusha fire crackers which barely scar the road......
Ask Germans about useless Katyusha rockets.

to a full fledged army attack
Israel spends hundreds of millions and risks soldier lives to reduce palestinian civilian casualties.

throwing phosphorous bombs on civilians ....?

Oh, not again phosphorus crap.
These threads are the best, people arguing their people are less barbaric than others...There is no scale for being barbaric, either you are, or youre not. Pakistanis, Israelis, Indians, Palestinians, Americans and just about every other nation on earth has been involved in multiple cases of completely senseless barbaric acts that resulted in a great loss of life.
The only way humanity can prevail in the end is if we are all willing to at least acknowledge that the world is not black and white. The Israelis have suffered greatly due to the Arabs, it is not a one way street. So what if more Arabs have died, would the number be relevant to the mother of a dead soldier, or would her feelings be different than a mother of a dead Palestinian simply because there are more dead Palestinians? War and killing, in general, is a terrible deed, when we start justifying any one's acts in this regard, we are trying to toe that extremely thin line of morality and conveniently picking which act of killing is justified and which one isnt...which means we have already failed, since the whole concept is terrible.
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