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Make Pakistan Bleed: Ex Indian Military official

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Religion was already mentioned in the thread before my post by your fellow Indians. So where is the post where I insulted Hinduism, or any other religion?

i believe i already replied to this question your posts about partition, conversion etc is insulting to Hinduism you even claimed that i was insulting Islam on that thread :rofl: though you may have not insulted Hinduism directly you sure as hell did indirectly

and it was not I who started bashing Madrassas or talking about cow piss etc Pakistani and Indian members did that some directly and indirectly
i believe i already replied to this question your posts about partition, conversion etc is insulting to Hinduism you even claimed that i was insulting Islam on that thread :rofl: though you may have not insulted Hinduism directly you sure as hell did indirectly

Partition of India & conversion were historical events that transpired in the region, & have nothing to do with insulting any religion. I did not insult Sikhism when I mentioned the fate of thousands of your people at the hands of the Indian government in 1984. Insulting a religion means insulting its deities/god(s), tenets, or anything else. I didn't do anything like that, just quoted historical facts that transpired in the region. You have some serious problem comprehending simple English.
apparently me defending my nation and its religions is trolling yet posts like this isn't trolling?

The problem is that most Indians are pissed off about the fact that the Muslim rulers came in the region, converted millions & millions of their people to Islam, & ruled them for about a thousand years; but they couldn't do the same. It is too bad because their inferiority complex stems from here.

The ones who were ruled for 1000 years shouldn't talk about surrender Its your hobby to lose land to S.Asian countries First North Western India and Bengal and now Aksai China and 2/5 of Kashmir

funny thing is that many of them believe in that 1,000 years crap
Intesristing to see pak punjabis boasting of punjabi culture and heritage. Till date I thought that pakistani punjabis are direct descendents of Arabs and turkiks and came to india along with muhammad bin kasim. Till date I thought they are not related to evil yindian punjabi culture. So much for the punjabi culture, that still you pray in arabic language in your masjids. Trooo punjbai ambassadors I must say. You read your holy book in arabi onlee and your people like to portray themselves as arabic with accent, philosophy, culture and dressing.

Tell me how many of you "proud" pakistani punjabis celebrate punjabi festival of Basant? Most of you consider Basant as an Indian punjabi festival and no one celebrates it.
apparently me defending my nation and its religion is trolling yet posts like this isn't trolling?

Your nation has no religion, it is (or claims to be) a secular nation.

Secondly, there is nothing wrong with defending your nation. Hell, even your trolling was fine. But you crossed a red line when you posted a video link of a rape of a 2 year old Pakistani Christian, that showed your mentality. You frankly disgraced yourself to a point beyond redemption with that. There is plenty of explicit material about India on the internet, far more than that of Pakistan, but we didn't post any of it like you did. You should be ashamed of yourself.
no Indian would bash Hinduism or Sikhism in a single sentence like that

There have been many Indian members that pose as Pakistani members. There have been Indian members in the past who created multiple IDs, & put up explicit/pornographic images. And were subsequently banned. Ask Divya, she'd remember a specific thread in the past.
check his IP address and we will see

So what if he is a Pakistani. He might have visited any Indian forum or web site and might be frustrated over Pakistan and Islam bashing there. :)

At least we condemn his posts and don't agree with them.
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