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Make marriage compulsory by 18, says Sindh MPA’s bill


Apr 7, 2010
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Sindh's Provincial Assembly has introduced a new draught law that will make marriage compulsory for 18-year-olds as soon as feasible.

The Act specifies that in the event of a delayed marriage, parents must notify the Deputy Commissioner in writing and provide a detailed explanation. If the explanation supports a fine, the bill directs the parents to deposit a set amount (which will be revealed once the Act is passed) into the Deputy Commissioner's Office official bank account.

Wow! I thought the idea was to make 'minimum age' of marriage 18 (hopefully more). The first time I'm hearing maximum age is 18.
This is brilliant! Pakistanis never fail to disappoint....or fail.

ps: This is yet to be tabled. Doubt it will pass. Unsurprisingly, it was submitted by a moron belonging to the MMA.

Wow! I thought the idea was to make 'minimum age' of marriage 18 (hopefully more). The first time I'm hearing maximum age is 18.

18 is the minimum age of marriage in the province that this was proposed in.
Where was this law when I was 18? or when my crushes were 18? Once again, legislature is too late :angry:

On the serious note, this is not going to be passed.
But something like this must exist though. Cao should be raised to 22
Where was this law when I was 18? or when my crushes were 18? Once again, legislature is too late :angry:

On the serious note, this is not going to be passed.
It is proposed by an MPA of MMA party, I doubt if it will get the nod.
It is proposed by an MPA of MMA party, I doubt if it will get the nod.

No it will not. But it shouldn't be allowed to be tabled to begin with.
Sindh's Provincial Assembly has introduced a new draught law that will make marriage compulsory for 18-year-olds as soon as feasible.

The Act specifies that in the event of a delayed marriage, parents must notify the Deputy Commissioner in writing and provide a detailed explanation. If the explanation supports a fine, the bill directs the parents to deposit a set amount (which will be revealed once the Act is passed) into the Deputy Commissioner's Office official bank account.

View attachment 747739View attachment 747740

Correction: The law is not being introduced by the Sindh Government but an opposition member from the MMA.
Didn't Hazrat Muhammad himself marry when he was 25, not 18 ? So what is the "Islamic" explanation given by the political leader ?
@Blacklight Am i supposed to pay fines now ?

for every tax year since you turned 18.

but what if 2 14 year old marry. will they get 4 years of tax free living.

will 14 year old lawyers and 13 year old witnesses to marriage and 15 year old qazi work?

why pay DC? why not the local mosque?
But it shouldn't be allowed to be tabled to begin with.
Whose job is that? 6 year old speaker or 9 year old chief minister?

average age of politician is 55
An MPA from MMA has submitted a resolution not Sindh assembly. The morons of MMA are only about marriage...
Forced marriages are quite an issue in Sindh.

Its just you cannot discuss it since its not good for the image of the country but constantly propagating Pakistan as corrupt is good for image.

Forced marriages are quite an issue in Sindh.

Not as much as not being married off is.
Didn't Hazrat Muhammad himself marry when he was 25, not 18 ? So what is the "Islamic" explanation given by the political leader ?

Peace Be Upon Him and blessings upon His (PBUH) Aal (Rz). This legislature has nothing to do with religion. Its the social conservatism.
MMA claims to be Islamic party and is trying to pass resolution which is un Islamic. This is true bidah. What is wrong with people. I am guessing his argument will be people are committing zina, and have children and then dump them after birth, or have abortion which is killing the child. The best answer to that is education not forced marriage. Improve education in schools, train parents so they know how to speak with children.

PTI passed a resolution saying you can't marry if your under 18, which is also unIslamic and bidah. Their argument is child marriage etc, but what about zina if your under 18? Is that fine but marriage is not allowed. What about abortion? What about dumping children on the side streets? Is that not cruelty?

Both party lawmakers are from the same coin. Jahil people who we voted to be our lawmakers. One is forcing 18 years old to marry and one is forcing them not to marry

Pakistan lawmakers should pass resolution if your under 18 and want to marry then you need to speak with women/men protection agency. The agency will speak with bride and groom, speak to their parents, speak to molvi saab and explain Islam position on forced marriage and 10 years punishment for parents and molvi if found guilty. If bride and groom are happy then mubarakan. The bride and groom should also be suitable for each other, like 18 years old marrying 80 years old is unsuitable, this is most likely because of money. Chuck all of them in jail. If 13 year old wants to marry 14 years old because they can't control their bodies then who is the state to stop them. In Western world under 18 years old have loads of sexual relationships, teenage pregnancy is a big issue.

Pakistan government needs to use its own brain cells rather than viewing west as role model. .
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