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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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OK OK. Please calm down dear.

It is not personal. Is it? or Isn't?

Your approach is called many names where the "justice" system is based on primitive ideas such as: Vigilantism, Tribalism, adhocism, etc. etc.

These approaches are applicable when a civilized society is no longer possible, there is no government, no justice system, no police, no rangers, no army. No roads, no formal cities, and no water supply system, no schools, and obviously no colleges.

Perhaps like Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, Somalia, or Yemen, or perhaps UN-Islamic Emirates like Congo, or Sierra Leon to name a few.

In such primitive places, people are doing what you want to do in Pakistan.

So you must realize your model is not so-called Islamic, but instead just a primitive stone age set of rules and traditions.

And you may be a popular guy for advocating stone age rules and traditions in all those places that want to be like stone age tribals, or want to look like stone age tribals, or want to live like stone age tribals.

But I urge you not to bring this vigilantism discussion in civilized societies or intellectual groups.

People will laugh out loud at you. OK they may not LOL on you because they may be too gracious to give you a break.

But please mend your ways, and quit advocating primitive tribal vigilante life style.

Thank you.

So are you suggesting rapists should not be killed? Why? Do you have sympathies for rapists?

Are you a rapist sympathizer ?

Kill all rapists simple as that no question about it.

I would also want robbers to be killed on the streets too for everyone to see, but chopping their hands of would suffice too.

Are you robber sympathizer too? Do you feel for them for stealing, looting and plundering people?

Also kidnappers need to be shoot dead too. Are you gonna sympathize with them too?

OK OK. Please calm down dear.

It is not personal. Is it? or Isn't

Not a funny joke.

PS: these laws need to be executed by the law enforcement authorities, e.g the police.
For all those who are bragging about chopping hands or stoning to death a rapist, a question..
What is the crime ratio of Saudi Arabia as compared to West?

Secondly, many posters put a very illogical excuse of corrupt judiciary? So, is the judiciary in current western style fair? Aren't there people wrongly convicted? Forget about countries like Pakistan or India, where a common person cant even approach law, what about USA? Aren't there people whose life has been fucked up by a corrupt system, just because they can't hire a good lawyer?

Sir, under Islamic law, 4 witnesses are required for a decision to be make. Islam has even given the conditions for witnesses also. Defending lawyer could questions those witnesses similarly as in the current judicial system. So, whats wrong here? Anyone, tell me how can this law be wrong? just because its islamic?

Severe punishment set an example, where a criminal mind thinks a 100 times before committing a crime. That prevent the crime in very first place. Ask a smuggler to transport heroine for you to Saudia Arabia, then get back to me.

Look at the figures in Pakistan, in last 8 years or so, not a single death sentenced is carried out.
Result of that, 40,000 murders in Punjab only in last 5 years. More then 10,000 or so in Karachi. 35,000 Pakistanis killed by terrorists. So, are you satisfy with this system? At least i am not.

Another poster, compare Hijab with a trash cane. Shame on you, you have no right to talk about our values. Our women wear Hijab because they themselves want. If you dont know a **** about anything better to keep you mouth shut.
Chopping hands off, and forcing women to wear garbage bags is the answer, way to go....
Sir covering themselves is the order of ALLAH and that has to be enforced and those who would steal their hands will be chopped off
For all those who are bragging about chopping hands or stoning to death a rapist, a question..
What is the crime ratio of Saudi Arabia as compared to West?

Secondly, many posters put a very illogical excuse of corrupt judiciary? So, is the judiciary in current western style fair? Aren't there people wrongly convicted? Forget about countries like Pakistan or India, where a common person cant even approach law, what about USA? Aren't there people whose life has been fucked up by a corrupt system, just because they can't hire a good lawyer?

Sir, under Islamic law, 4 witnesses are required for a decision to be make. Islam has even given the conditions for witnesses also. Defending lawyer could questions those witnesses similarly as in the current judicial system. So, whats wrong here? Anyone, tell me how can this law be wrong? just because its islamic?

Severe punishment set an example, where a criminal mind thinks a 100 times before committing a crime. That prevent the crime in very first place. Ask a smuggler to transport heroine for you to Saudia Arabia, then get back to me.

Look at the figures in Pakistan, in last 8 years or so, not a single death sentenced is carried out.
Result of that, 40,000 murders in Punjab only in last 5 years. More then 10,000 or so in Karachi. 35,000 Pakistanis killed by terrorists. So, are you satisfy with this system? At least i am not.

Another poster, compare Hijab with a trash cane. Shame on you, you have no right to talk about our values. Our women wear Hijab because they themselves want. If you dont know a **** about anything better to keep you mouth shut.
plenty of "death sentences" have been carried out, just not by the state. As far as an extra heavy tax on those that practice foreign religion....all for it, the proceeds should go towards cluster-bombs.
plenty of "death sentences" have been carried out, just not by the state. As far as an extra heavy tax on those that practice foreign religion....all for it, the proceeds should go towards cluster-bombs.

And US too is involved in so called extra judicial killings all over the world? Who has given right to anyone including USA to be the accuser, judge and executioner all by itself.

Don't be sarcastic please..
Sir covering themselves is the order of ALLAH and that has to be enforced and those who would steal their hands will be chopped off

I think its ok to chop of the hands of a thief and a robber, but forcing women how to dress is just wrong, I don't even care if Nagiz dances all year old in those wet cloths....

But if anyone tries to rob me, his hands need to chop off.

Anyone who rapes, should be killed.
And US too is involved in so called extra judicial killings all over the world? Who has given right to anyone including USA to be the accuser, judge and executioner all by itself.

Don't be sarcastic please..
We gave ourselves the right. Don't like it? Take it from us.
I think its ok to chop of the hands of a thief and a robber

Slightly of topic but only a little, considering software piracy is theft how may here would be typing one handed under Sharia law?
I think its ok to chop of the hands of a thief and a robber, but forcing women how to dress is just wrong, I don't even care if Nagiz dances all year old in those wet cloths....

But if anyone tries to rob me, his hands need to chop off.

Anyone who rapes, should be killed.
Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and state has to enforce it Sir
We gave ourselves the right. Don't like it? Take it from us.

It is this attitude of yours which is the root cause of all violence in the world. Any how time will be the best judge. Mark my word, the day is nearer when your own people will be killing themselves. You are responsible for the death of millions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and that blood will not get waste.

You will reap what you are sowing.
According to you.
According to Islam not me if you have problem with Islam that is your problem but Islam will be implemented and those who stand against it will be taken out and made part of history
Slightly of topic but only a little, considering software piracy is theft how may here would be typing one handed under Sharia law?

I'm not talking about software piracy or something technical like that.

I'm talking about typical robbery.


Hands of these robbers need to be chopped off, so they can never rob again.

According to Islam not me if you have problem with Islam that is your problem but Islam will be implemented and those who stand against it will be taken out and made part of history

According to you.
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