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Major Umar is my Name and this is my kingdom

Thuggery at its best, im major blah blah, so this is his way of saying im an untouchable. This kind of culture needs to be taken down no one should be above the law.

Police attack on PTI rally || General (R) Qamar Javed Bajwa's court martial || Imran Khan speech​

The people are very angry in Pakistan. I am just realising now how much Pakistan has actually changed. The Pakistani army and other elites need to tread very carefully. You don't want to be at the receiving end of people's wrath.
This stuff happened before as well..
I am an Airline Pilot by profession. I remember that (long back) when I got my Commercial Pilot License I wrote my name as Capt. XXX everywhere on social media. Email id/Google+/Yahoo messenger/Orkut, even savings account form in bank; everything was Capt. ZXCVBNM

I realized within a few months that such acts were below the dignity of a gentleman and corrected myself. This man is a serving officer with presumably multiple years of experience. This behavior is completely unacceptable even by the lowest of standards.
Hand over this traffic sergeant to dirty Harry. If dirty Harry is busy in making plans to kill IK, then he can be hand over to Maj Umar himself.

This traffic sergeant deserves atleast one pornographic video of himself which would also be shown to his family.
and we lost half of our country....

Yeah, and we ended up losing half the country.

The clueless boomers sitting in the GHQ have no idea about the younger generation's discernment of the situation, those dotards are still stuck in the pre-digital era mindset
That's a very layman understanding of events around 71.
Pakistan had no other way but to let east pakistan go..the idiots running affairs judged it too late.. what mattered was how it should have happened..had the separation happened peacefully we would have been better off...Instead the regime tried to fix law and order situation there. There was no need to do it...you don't step in a mined area and try to clean it if you don't plan to own it.

So your example of east pakistan doesn't sit well here.
Notice @1:24 how his left hand shook uncontrollably. Amongst all that ego, the arrogant sh1t was trembling inside. One uppercut would have been enough to send him crawling back into his car.
It's citizens like this that need to be taken away in a punjab police van and have the ego beaten out of them. Unfortunately, it's only the law abiding that get shafted as witnessed in today's rally.
This stuff happened before as well..
We don't know what lies ahead but we can say this current governance model has not worked its made the country extremely poor and left power in the hands of feudal families who are used as pawns on a chessboard by the military establishment.
I am an Airline Pilot by profession. I remember that (long back) when I got my Commercial Pilot License I wrote my name as Capt. XXX everywhere on social media. Email id/Google+/Yahoo messenger/Orkut, even savings account form in bank; everything was Capt. ZXCVBNM

I realized within a few months that such acts were below the dignity of a gentleman and corrected myself. This man is a serving officer with presumably multiple years of experience. This behavior is completely unacceptable even by the lowest of standards.
The reason he is still a major is because he is dumb. Look at his age

Bro, everyday is a new low for Pak Army. What's going on ? Why is this attitude ?

I think only solution is Army must relocate their bases away from civilian population centers. Army must make their bases in the regions between cities & border. Where they will feel their real duty that is to shield civilians from enemy attack. But when they live in cities (cantonments) they feel like owners of the place, the cantonments have all the security. Ironically, The chaukidaars are defending themselves and using civil population as human shield.

The current cantonments structure was used by british as a colonial force. The whole purpose was to occupy & control the cities. That's exactly what's happening now under Pak Army.

When Army resides in vicinity of cities, their all interests belong in the cities, in politics, in real estate, in other businesses etc. They also don't recognize the law, they can kidnap anyone, even a police sergeant but police cannot dare to do raid in the cantonment to free their men. You cannot share space with citizens if same laws do not apply on you. That's why the only solution which can bring back Army's lost repute is army leaving the cities for good and doing their main job.
very fitting this bastard is wearing a t-shirt and jeans. He represents army high command perfectly. He will one day be 4 star General no doubt.
Laad Saab has spoken - but anyone with this “sariya” in their neck is going to be humbled eventually - usually in this world but for sure in the hereafter.

I have not seen anyone who thought of themselves arrogant and mighty and were not humbled eventually - maybe not everyone sees it but it does happen.
Happens to Majors and Generals as much as Zardaris..

I would wager a bet that this Major sb will get a talking to done by his superiors, once the local ISI kay Maj sahab sends in a daily report.

INCORRECT - this was Always the case.

There were assholes in the military just as there are assholes in a lot of Pakistanis. The only difference is that now we are recording everything.

What has happened is the “fallen” nature of Pakistanis is now coming to full light, yet they don’t seem to make any effort in general to change

I was actually about to write this in my original post, has this always been the case? Perhaps, but surely not with this impunity and arrogance. Or perhaps it is as you said, the power of social media bringing everything into the limelight.
I would wager a bet that this Major sb will get a talking to done by his superiors, once the local ISI kay Maj sahab sends in a daily report.

I was actually about to write this in my original post, has this always been the case? Perhaps, but surely not with this impunity and arrogance. Or perhaps it is as you said, the power of social media bringing everything into the limelight.
Im my 20 or so years of “hosh” existence in Pakistan, Ive this throughout and from Karachi to Murree to Peshawar.
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