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Major proportion of Arjun tanks in service not operational

bwahaha kid this is our forum we rule not u, yr nobody to tell us what to do and what not to. Go elsewhere if u have a problem, if not then answer my questions like a good boy.

Stop polluting this thread with your ranting,you ignorant troll.
LOL who told u that?

If you ask your moderators like @Chak Bamu you will know for sure. First 40 Jf17 were not bvr capable. Things must have changed till now. PAF inducted JF-17 when it was capable only.to carry PL-5EII WVR air to air missiles and fuel tanks over the time BVR missiles and
other weapons were added to the aircraft; it took two years for PAF and Pakistani.Aeronautical establishment to bring it to IOC

T 34? F 16? Ring any bells?

But Mr Donatello is unaware of this fact.

And yet he is Think Tank.

Its just plain ignorance on his part. As an member on Pakistani forums he is pretty knowledgeble. But when he posts in Indian Defence section he certainly changes his character into a Troll Tank Analyst :sarcastic:
Which other product,other than the Arjun is 60 % foreign ?

Consultancy is essential especially when you are doing it for the first time.MBB was consulted for developing the Dhruv.Mikoyan for JF 17.There is nothing wrong with it.

Which Indian weapon system was designed by a foreign firm ? Don't talk non sense


You are an ignorant of the umpteenth level, and a sheer troll. Not only you included what not in the thread but are making little sence by each post.

LCA was consulted by dassault

Arjun and krauss maffei

Though lca is offtopic here, keep it to arjun, a tank growing in weight and what not but lethality and capability. I have exposed the arjun saga perhaps more than any on this forum. If you could read between the lines, you wouldn't have argued. Bring an argument with facts and no offtopic rants. Though sounds difficult for you.
If you ask your moderators like @Chak Bamu you will know for sure. First 40 Jf17 were not bvr capable. Things must have changed till now. PAF inducted JF-17 when it was capable only.to carry PL-5EII WVR air to air missiles and fuel tanks over the time BVR missiles and
other weapons were added to the aircraft; it took two years for PAF and Pakistani.Aeronautical establishment to bring it to IOC

Its just plain ignorance on his part. As an member on Pakistani forums he is pretty knowledgeble. But when he posts in Indian Defence section he certainly changes his character into a Troll Tank Analyst :sarcastic:
Somebody has been wrongly guiding u. Its radar was BVR capable (KLJ-7). There is a video of it firing a BVR while in testing in China from mid 2000s. That BVR is SD10A, in the english airshow that it participated in 2010 had shown its entire armory and SD10s were part of it.

We however had been facing budget issues in zardari times, so this could be the reason why of initial batches would not have armed with it, if even that claim is true in the first place.
Keep this to arjun related folks
LCA was consulted by dassault

Arjun and krauss maffei

Dassault was consulted for reviewing the project definition.So was many foreign firms for many Pakistani projects

You are an ignorant of the umpteenth level, and a sheer troll.

The only one trolling here is you & your compatriots.Don't come up with generalized statements like 'India is a country where s called indigenous proucs are being consulted and designed by foreign firms, have 60-70% foreign components, repeatedly fail in user acceptance and performance trials ' 'every single Indian weapon system is a failure'
Somebody has been wrongly guiding u. Its radar was BVR capable (KLJ-7). There is a video of it firing a BVR while in testing in China from mid 2000s. That BVR is SD10A, in the english airshow that it participated in 2010 had shown its entire armory and SD10s were part of it.

We however had been facing budget issues in zardari times, so this could be the reason why of initial batches would not have armed with it, if even that claim is true in the first place.

Maybe your right. As I have no independent source to confirm both of our claims so I will remain skeptical. :)
Directorate of Naval Design (DND (SSG)) : Naval Commands : Indian Navy

Warship building was ushered into the country with the licence production of Leander class frigates in the 1960s.

Beginning modestly with design of small craft and other auxiliary vessels, the Directorate of Naval Design (DND) made its mark by designing the 1800 tonnes survey vessel of the Sandhayak class in the early 70s. Eight ships built to this design are still in service.


The Godavari class was the first major warship design undertaken by DND. Three Vessels of the class built at the Mazagon Dock Ltd (MDL), Mumbai are in service for the last over 20 Years. The highlight of this design was the use of the propulsion plant of the smaller Leanders to drive a larger hull with 1000 tonne


The hallmark of DND’s creative design expertise has been the design of the Delhi class destroyers. The lead ship of the class – INS Delhi successfully sailed through one the most severe cyclonic storms in the South China Sea in 2001, an apt testimony to the remarkable structural

These majestic ships are the proud ambassadors of the combat might of the Indian Navy. Their sleek hulls with aggressive bows, carrying a formidable array of weapons and sensors, won considerable international acclaim during deployments abroad.

Till date, 17 different designs ranging from small craft to destroyers have been designed by the Navy’s Design Organisation, to which more than 80 of warship have been built.


The beginning of the 21st century has marked a new chapter in the history of indigenous warship design and construction. Modern concepts of ‘stealth’ and enhanced survivability are being incorporated from the very early stages of the design

P-17: Project 17 consists of three ships of Shivalik class stealth frigates designed by the Indian Navy’s Design Organisation - Directorate of Naval Design (DND) and built by Mazagon Dock Limited. The ships are named after mountain ranges of the Indian sub-continent, “Shivalik”, “Satpura” and “Sahyadri”. The construction of first ship “Shivalik” commenced in Dec 2000. The ship was delivered on 30 Mar 10 and commissioned on 29 Apr 10. The second ship “Satpura” was delivered on 09 Jul 11 and commissioned on 20 Aug 11. The third ship “Sahyadri” is also in advanced stage of construction.


The design, construction and equipment development of “Shivalik” is a watershed in DND's 50 years of indigenous warship design and building efforts and is a hall mark of the technological strides made by the country in this field. Designed as multi-purpose frigates, each ship is 143 meter long, displacing about 6000 T, incorporates several new design features giving the ship enhanced operational capabilities in terms of survivability, stealth, sea keeping, ship handling and weapons.

P-17A:P17A ships are follow-on of Project 17 Shivalik class stealth frigates and are being designed with much more advanced stealth features and indigenous weapon & sensors fit. The Ship would have a design deep displacement of about 6400 tonnes and shall be capable of achieving a maximum speed of approximately 28 knots. Seven ships of this class are planned to be constructed at MDL & GRSE. The ships are planned to be built using modern technology of ‘Integrated Construction’, with extensive pre-outfitting to reduce build periods.

P-15A: Three ships of the Kolkata class (P 15A), follow-on of the highly successful Delhi class destroyers, are currently under construction at MDL. The P15A destroyer possesses enhanced stealth features and land-attack capabilities and adds a new dimension in naval warfare for the Indian Navy. The indigenously designed ship will have modern weapons and sensors, advanced action information system, total atmospheric control system and a host of other advanced features. These ships with updated weapon package and new look exteriors for improved stealth will be delivered beginning with this decade.


P-28:Four ASW Corvette (P 28) are being built at M/s GRSE, Kolkata and will have sophisticated arrangement for mounting ship’s machinery. Stealth has been a major thrust area for evolving P-28 design. These ships will have an all-indigenous weapon sensor suite.


P 71:The design and construction of the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier was sanctioned in 2003. This is the most prestigious project that the Indian Navy has taken-up so far. The design and construction of this ship is a technical complexity whose dimensions far outstrip any challenge faced hitherto by the Indian Naval Designers. With this project, India has become the fourth nation to join the select club of 40,000 tonnes-plus aircraft carrier designers and builders. The Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, designed by Navy’s Design Organisation and being built at M/s Cochin Shipyard Limited, would be capable of operating an aircraft mix of Russian MiG-29K, Ka31, and the indigenous LCA.


The ship is being constructed using high strength steel developed in-house with the help of DRDO and SAIL. The production of Indigenous Aircraft Carrier commenced in Nov 06 and large numbers of blocks have already been erected and equipment installation and onboard outfitting are in progress. The ship’s keel was laid on 28 Feb 09 by the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri.

Yup,I know you wouldn't rate a post from your compatriot negative .You all are so biased

@Dazzler how do you expect me to reply to this gentleman from your country ?

Tejas is not Mirage III & Arihant is neither an Akula.At least compare the dimensions before making such weird claims

Mirage IV is a strategic bomber,genius !

For many trolls in this forum,every delta wing aircraft is a copy of Mirage.Was Convair F 102 delta dagger a copy of Mirage ?


Continue to live in denial

Here comes an idiot. Cannot fathom why Arjunk failed.....posts Naval vessels in this thread.

@Oscar @Jungibaaz @Irfan Baloch

How long do we have to tolerate this level of stupid trolling?
Here comes an idiot. Cannot fathom why Arjunk failed.....posts Naval vessels in this thread.

I posted pics of naval vessels because your compatriot were claiming that all Indian weapon systems are failures.

Learn to behave like a TTA,troll.

Arjunk failed

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response

Fits you perfectly
If Arjun tank was a success then it would have been a suprise. Who is responsible for the tank manufacturing cvrde avadi, chennai? Check whether the wheels are fine before using in the field...

Almost most of the mechanical engineer who done internship in avadi tank factory know how cvrde avadi functions. Come to office at the time u like, simply took the bearing for test and broke, waste huge amount of oil for nothing. Maintain affair with ladies working in contract, inside the office. And you expect the tank to be world class, designed by these low life creatures? Check how many wheels arjun tank has:D

Arjun mk2 being manufactured by avadi tank factory, then it will also be a great success like arjun mk1.
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